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Tài liệu Active grammar 1


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CAMBRIDGE with a n s w H M M {AAJ; L E V E L 1 M CD-Ft0 Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer Series Editor: Penny Ur m Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73251-2 - Active Grammer Level 1 With Answers Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer Frontmatter More information active GRAMMAR LEVEL 1 With answers Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer Series editor: Penny Ur © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73251-2 - Active Grammer Level 1 With Answers Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer Frontmatter More information CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521732512 © Cambridge University Press 2011 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2011 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978-0-521-73251-2 Paperback with answers and CD-ROM ISBN 978-0-521-17368-1 Paperback without answers and CD-ROM Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73251-2 - Active Grammer Level 1 With Answers Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer Frontmatter More information Introduction What is Active Grammar? 7Yj_l[=hWccWh_iW]hWccWhh[\[h[dY[WdZfhWYj_Y[i[h_[i\ehi[YedZWhoijkZ[dji WdZkd_l[hi_joijkZ[dji$?j_iZ_l_Z[Z_djej^h[[b[l[bi"Yehh[ifedZ_d]jej^[b[l[bi e\J^[9ecced;khef[Wd[mWiWfefkbWh^[he$ 9 Past simple 2: regular past forms 26 28 30 32 66 68 70 72 76 D[_j^[hZe?$ 78 9^eYebWj[_iXWZ\ehoek"_idÊj_j5 80 Verbs 82 >Wl[oek]ejW\Wlekh_j[YheYeZ_b[5 84 :eoek][jWd]ho5 86 J^_daWXekj_j 36 Phrasal verbs 46 74 >emYebZ_ij^[9^Wdd[b5 35 Prepositional verbs 44 ?^ef[oekÊbb[d`eooe]W$ 18 Present continuous with future meaning 30 How …? questions 34 Make, do and get 42 The future 17 Will, shall, won’t 29 What? and Which? 33 Have and have got 40 I_Yaf[efb[e\j[dki[Zjeib[[f_dj[cfb[i$ R3 Review: present perfect and used to 28 Be like and look like R6 Review: questions and answers 38 J^[YecfWdo^Wi_dl[dj[Zj^[CWYWdZj^[_FeZ$ 16 Used to 27 Object and subject questions 32 Question tags 36 J^[o^Wl[b_l[Zj^[h[\ehY[djkh_[i$ 15 Present perfect or past simple? 26 Question words: Where? When? Why? How? Whose? 31 So and neither 34 >Wl[oek[l[hjh_[ZckijWhZ_Y[Yh[Wc5 14 Present perfect 3 64 7h[X[[jb[i_cfehjWdj5O[i"j^[oWh[ M^_Y^e\j^[c_ij^[gk[[dX[[5 J^[oÊl[Wbh[WZo_dl[dj[Z_j 13 Present perfect 2 25 Yes / no questions and short answers M^WjZe[iMebl[h_d[beeab_a[5 ;l[hoed[mWijWba_d]WXekjj^[Wbb_]Wjehi$ R2 Review: past simple and past continuous 12 Present perfect 1 Questions and answers M^eijkZ_[ZWj>e]mWhji5 J^[oifea[9[bj_YbWd]kW][i$ 11 Past continuous 62 >emZ_Z^[Z_[5 24 I^[b_l[Z_dWjh[[$ 10 Past simple 3: irregular past forms 60 M[cWod[l[hadem¾ R5 Review: modals 18 58 Oeki^ekbZjWa[eùoekhi^e[i$ 24 Modals of possibility: may, might 16 56 ?^Wl[jeijWo^[h[$ 23 Should, ought to 14 54 9ekbZm[]eedWiW\Wh_5 22 Must, have to and can’t 12 52 >emYWdZe]i^[bfki5 21 Modals for requests: can, could, may 10 CWoX[oekadem^[h$ 4 Present simple 2: negatives and questions 50 Modal verbs Present 2 Be R4 Review: the future 88 7\h_[dZjej_Zokfoekhheec$ I^[ÊiÔo_d]je=bWi]emjecehhem$ Ā © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73251-2 - Active Grammer Level 1 With Answers Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer Frontmatter More information 37 Verbs with two objects 90 J[bboekh\h_[dZij^[jhkj^$ 38 Verb + -ing or verb + to-infinitive; like and would like 92 94 96 Articles, nouns, pronouns, etc. 40 Countable and uncountable nouns 102 :eoekademj^[Wdim[h5 43 Articles 2 104 114 116 118 124 126 128 130 132 134 ;Wj^[Wbj^_bo$ 57 Comparative and superlative adverbs 136 M^_Y^m_bb\Wbb\Wij[h5 58 -ed and -ing adjectives 138 ?i_j[nY_j_d]5 59 Too and enough J^_iY^W_h_ijeeie\j$ 162 164 69 Defining relative clauses 166 7XWbb]Wc[j^Wj_ifbWo[Z_dcWdoYekdjh_[i 168 170 M^Wj_iĆ"ćĀĀacbed]WdZcWZ[e\ijed[5 71 Time and sequence adverbs: first, then, afterwards 172 J^[bem[ijfe_djed;Whj^ 56 Adverbs of manner 160 Relative clauses 70 Linking words: and, but, or, so, because ?jÊid[Wh[hj^Wdoekj^_da$ 55 Superlatives 68 Say and tell Linking words and sentences $$$medZ[h\kb]ebZ[di^e[i$$$ 54 Comparatives 67 Reported speech 122 ?jÊiWmedZ[h\kbfbWY[$ 53 Order of adjectives 158 ?ÊZj^hemWYWa[Wj^_c_\^[Z_ZdÊjijef$ R13 Review: reported speech; say / tell; relative clauses Adjectives and adverbs 52 Adjectives 156 ?\oekijkZoY^[c_ijho"oekÊbbd[l[hijefb[Whd_d]$ 120 ?jÊiWl[hokdkikWbXeea$ R9 Review: pronouns; possessives; quantifiers Conditionals I^[jebZc[jec[[j^[h$ M^ei[XW]_ij^_i5 51 There and it 154 7beje\hkXX_i^_ifheZkY[Z$ I^[iW_Zi^[mekbZd[l[h^Wl[WfWhjoW]W_d$ Co]h[Wj#]hWdZ\Wj^[hÊib[jj[hi 50 Whose?, my, mine 152 Reported speech 112 ?ZedÊjademj^[cWdZj^[oZedÊjademc[$ 49 Possessive ’s 64 Passive: present and past simple R12 Review: the passive; conditionals 7beje\\kd 48 Subject and object pronouns 150 The passive 110 IWodej^_d]$ 47 Much, many, a lot of, a little, a few 148 =[jeùj^[XeWjWdZim_cjej^[_ibWdZ$ 66 Second conditional J^[h[Wh[dejhW_diehXki[i$ 46 Something, everywhere, nobody, anyone 146 ?j^Wff[d[ZWjd_]^j$ 106 108 J^_i_ic[$ 45 Some, any, no, none 62 Prepositions of time: at, in, on 65 Zero and first conditionals FbWocki_YWdZmWjY^j^[X_hZi$ R8 Review: nouns and articles 44 This, that, these, those 144 ?Êl[b[\jcoa[oiWj^ec[$ R11 Review: prepositions 100 >[Wj[ĄćiWdZm_Y^[i_dj[dc_dkj[i$ 42 Articles 1 61 Prepositions of place 63 Prepositions of movement 98 M^[h[Ze[iiWdZYec[\hec5 41 Plural nouns R10 Review: adjectives and adverbs Prepositions ?cW]_d[Wijeho$ R7 Review: verb structures 142 M[WbmWoi^Wl[Zh[Wci$ B[Whdjeif[WaWdobWd]kW][_djmem[[ai 39 State verbs 60 Adverbs of frequency 140 7\j[hbkdY^m[l_i_jj^[F[]kY^[MWj[h\Wbb$ 72 Both, either, neither 174 J^[oXej^b_l[_dW\WdjWiomehbZ$ 73 Word order 176 Ekji_Z[j^[fehjjeZWo R14 Review: linking words and word order 178 Appendices L[hXj[di[i '.& ?hh[]kbWhl[hXi '.' If[bb_d]0l[hXi '.( If[bb_d]0WZ`[Yj_l[i"WZl[hXiWdZdekdi '.) =beiiWho '.* =hWccWh_dZ[n '., Answer key '.- ā © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73251-2 - Active Grammer Level 1 With Answers Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer Excerpt More information 1 Word class and word order In the world today In the world today, people speak around 750 2,700 different languages. million people use the English language. More than But only about million people speak it as a first language. About About 350 885 million people speak Chinese as their first language. 80% of the information on the world’s computers is in English. 26 There are letters in the English alphabet. The sentence The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog uses all 26 letters. KdZ[hb_d[j^[Yehh[Yjefj_ed0 ;d]b_i^_ij^[ÓhijbWd]kW][e\WhekdZăąĀ%ćąĀ%ĈĈąc_bb_edf[efb[_dj^[mehbZ$ 7dim[h0)+& ? Word class and word order ý 7dekdYWdX[i_d]kbWh[$]$mehbZehfbkhWb[$]$ Yecfkj[hi"f[efb[$ ;nWcfb[ie\dekdiWh[0 cWd"]_hbf[efb[ \enWd_cWbi Yecfkj[h"b[jj[h"bWd]kW][j^_d]i mehbZfbWY[i ikYY[iigkWb_j_[i þ 7fhedekdYWdh[fbWY[Wdekd$ ;nWcfb[ie\fhedekdiWh[0 ?"c["oek"i^["^_c"_j"m["j^[c ÿ 7dWZ`[Yj_l[Z[iYh_X[iWdekd$ ;nWcfb[ie\WZ`[Yj_l[iWh[0 gk_Ya"Xhemd"Óhij"Z_ù[h[dj"]eeZ Ā 7Z`[Yj_l[ikikWbboYec[X[\eh[j^[dekd$ WÓhijbWd]kW][DEJWbWd]kW][Óhij 7Z`[Yj_l[i^Wl[defbkhWb\ehc$ Z_ù[h[djbWd]kW][iDEJZ_ù[h[djibWd]kW][i Ă © in this web service Cambridge University Press ā 7l[hXYWdh[\[hjej^[fWij"fh[i[djeh\kjkh[$ ;nWcfb[ie\l[hXiWh[0 if[Wa"`kcfWYj_edi X["b_a["ijWoijWj[i Ă 7dWZl[hXYWdZ[iYh_X[Wl[hX"WdWZ`[Yj_l[ehWm^eb[ i[dj[dY[$;nWcfb[ie\WZl[hXiWh[0 YWh[\kbbo"ibemboWZl[hXij^WjZ[iYh_X[Wl[hX l[ho"[njh[c[boWZl[hXij^WjZ[iYh_X[WZ`[Yj_l[i ^em[l[h"iec[j_c[i"bkYa_boWZl[hXij^WjZ[iYh_X[ i[dj[dY[i ă 7i[dj[dY[kikWbboYedjW_diWikX`[YjIWdZWl[hXL$ >[ImedL$ M_bb_WciImWiLj^[m_dd[h$ Ekhj[WcI_ifbWo_d]L_dj^[X_]ijWZ_kc$ Ą CWdoi[dj[dY[iYedjW_dWdeX`[YjE$?dj^[i[ i[dj[dY[ij^[mehZehZ[h_iILE$ I^[ImedLj^[hWY[E$ ą 7Zl[hXim^_Y^Z[iYh_X[Wl[hXkikWbboYec[Wjj^[[dZ e\Wi[dj[dY[$ CoXhej^[hif[Wai;d]b_i^gk_Yabo$ www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73251-2 - Active Grammer Level 1 With Answers Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer Excerpt More information Practice 7 <_dZ[nWcfb[ie\dekdi"fhedekdi"l[hXi"WZ`[Yj_l[i WdZWZl[hXi_dj^[\ebbem_d]i[dj[dY[iWdZmh_j[j^[c X[bem$ ý þ ÿ Ā ā J^[Wbf^WX[j^Wi(,b[jj[hi$ -+&"&&&"&&&f[efb[ki[j^[bWd]kW][$ ?j^WiÓl[lem[bi0W"["_"eWdZk$ J^[gk_YaXhemd\en`kcfiel[hj^[bWpoZe]$ >[ijkZ_[Zj^[d[mmehZil[hoYWh[\kbbo$ Dekdi0 ALPHABET LETTERS Fhedekdi0 7Z`[Yj_l[i0 L[hXi0 HAS 7Zl[hXi0 THEALPHABET          (EWALKSQUICKLY mWbai%^[%gk_Yabo m[%if[Wa%Hkii_Wd W%mecWd%ijhWd][%_i%i^[ l[hoXWZbo%Zh_l[i%coWkdj j^[o%b_l[%_dj^_iijh[[j ^[%jmeXhej^[hi%^Wi j^[Ze]%coiWdZm_Y^%Wj[ m[%Óbc%j^[%d[m%iWm Ki[j^[mehZi_dj^[XenjeYecfb[j[j^[jWXb[X[bem$   þ Ā 9 9ecfb[j[j^[i[dj[dY[im_j^WdWffhefh_Wj[mehZ$ Ki[j^[fWhje\if[[Y^_dXhWYa[ji$  ý þ ÿ Ā ā Ă ă Ą My turn! 8 M^Wj_ij^[ikX`[Yj_d[WY^e\j^[i[dj[dY[i_d ;n[hY_i[75 ý ÿ ā : CWa[i[dj[dY[iXofkjj_d]j^[mehZi_dj^[Yehh[YjehZ[h$ HAPPY Y^_bZÅ^[ÊiWbmWoiic_b_d]$ ý >[ÊiW WZ`[Yj_l[ þ bel[i^[h$fhedekd ÿ I^[ jej^[feeb[l[hoIWjkhZWo$l[hX Ā 9Wdoekif[Waceh[ 5?YWdÊjkdZ[hijWdZ oek$WZl[hX ā J^[oÊh[Xej^l[ho WdZj^_d$WZ`[Yj_l[ Ă BkYa_bo"j^[m[Wj^[h_i ]eeZ$?j^WiX[[d ikddoWbbm[[a$WZl[hX $dekd ă ?ijkZoWjiY^eeb$?ÊcW Ą Coj[WY^[h h[Wbbo]eeZijeh_[i$l[hX $J^[oÊh[dkhi[i$dekd ą J^[omehaWjj^[ ýü CoYeki_dib_l[_d8hWp_b$ if[Wa Fehjk]k[i[$fhedekd WZ`[Yj_l[i   WZl[hXi   dekdi   fhedekdi   l[hXi ý NOUNS X[[  Yekdjho  ]Wc[  ]_hWõ[ b[Wl[i  cWd  ceed CeheYYe  f_ppW  if_Z[h ijWj_ed  j[dd_icWjY^  mecWd þ ?  j^[o  m[ ÿ X[Wkj_\kb  YhWpo  fkhfb[ icWbb  ijh_fo  jWbb  k]bo medZ[h\kb  oekd] Ā X[  ZWdY[  [Wj  ]e  ^Wl[ mWjY^  m_d ā Wd]h_bo  ^Wff_bo  gk_Yabo gk_[jbo  iWZbo  ibembo Demki[j^[mehZi\hecj^[jWXb[je cWa[j[dehceh[i[dj[dY[iWdZmh_j[ j^[c_doekhdej[Xeea$Ki[j^[l[hX_d WdoWffhefh_Wj[j[di[$Oekhi[dj[dY[i ckijX[Yehh[YjXkjj^[oYWdX[YhWpo ;nWcfb[04HETALLMANATEHISPIZZASLOWLY My test! 9_hYb[j^[Yehh[Yjefj_ed$ ý þ ÿ Ā ā Coi_ij[hWdZ?bel[Yecfkj[h]Wc[i$ Wbbj^[j_c[$   W M[fbWoj^[c   X J^[cfbWom[   Y FbWom[j^[c CokdYb[if[Wai\ekh $   W Z_õ[h[djbWd]kW][i   X bWd]kW][iZ_õ[h[dji   Y Z_õ[h[djibWd]kW][i Xej^if[Wa;d]b_i^m_j^c[$   W m[   X j^[c   Y j^[o Cocej^[h_iIfWd_i^WdZco\Wj^[h_i@WfWd[i["Xkj ?b_a[j^[XeeaWdZco\h_[dZb_a[i jee$   W Xeea   X ^_c   Y _j 9Wj"hWXX_j"Ze]WdZidWa[Wh[ $   W WZl[hXi   X dekdi   Y fhedekdi CoJ[ijWdim[hi0'W(W)Y*Y+X MehZYbWiiWdZmehZehZ[hă © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73251-2 - Active Grammer Level 1 With Answers Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer Excerpt More information 2 Be Are you my son? J^[A_d]l_i_jij^[ fh_dY[eh_i^[j^ King: I don’t unders tand! Are you my so n? Tom: No, I’m not a prince, I’m poor. King: Are you sure? Your clothes are not very old! Tom: They’re not m y clothes. They’re Edward’s clothes. H e’s poor now. King: Oh no! This is terrible! Is it true? Tom: Yes, it is. I’m re al You aren’t my father ly sorry, King Henry. , you’re my King. J^[Fh_dY[WdZj^ [FWkf[h '..'_iWXeea XoCWha JmW_d$J^[Xee a_iWXekj jmeXeoi"JecW dZ;ZmWhZ$ J^[oWh['+o[ WhiebZXkj j^[_hb_l[iWh[l[ hoZ_õ[h[dj$ Jec_iWfeehX eoXkj ;ZmWhZ_iWfh_d Y[$J^[o Y^Wd][fbWY[iX oc_ijWa[ ie;ZmWhZ_iWf eehXeo WdZJec_iWfh_d Y[$J^[ebZ A_d]">[dhoL??? "_idejm[bb Xkj^[_i;ZmWh ZÊi\Wj^[h WdZ^[mWdjije adem j^[jhkj^¾ KdZ[hb_d[j^[Yehh[Yjefj_ed0;ZmWhZ_i>[dhoÊi\Wj^[h%Xhej^[h%ied$ 7dim[h0ied ? 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Wj^ec[$ >_ijehoXeeai _dj[h[ij_d]$ CoX[Z d[njjej^[Zeeh$ My test! 9_hYb[j^[Yehh[Yjefj_ed$ : CWa[JecÊigk[ij_edi"ki_d]j^[mehZi]_l[dWdZX[$ J^[dcWa[;ZmWhZÊih[fb_[im_j^i^ehjWdim[hiki_d]X[$ oek%fh_dY[5 !REYOUAPRINCE Jec0 9ES )AM ;ZmWhZ0 A_d]>[dho%oekh\Wj^[h5 Jec0 ;ZmWhZ0 5 $ My turn! 9 9ecfb[j[j^_iXeeah[l_[me\J^[Fh_dY[WdZj^[FWkf[h m_j^j^[fh[i[dji_cfb[e\X[$ ý   þ   oekhcej^[h%j^[Gk[[d5 Jec0 ;ZmWhZ0 m[%Xhej^[hi5 Jec0 ;ZmWhZ0 Xhej^[h$ oekhi_ij[hi%^[h[5 Jec0 ;ZmWhZ0 oek%l[hoh_Y^5 Jec0 ;ZmWhZ0 _j%YebZ%_doekh^eki[5 Jec0 ;ZmWhZ0 ?%oekh\h_[dZ5 Jec0 ;ZmWhZ0  5 $ ý JecWdZ;ZmWhZ $  W ^Wl['+o[Whi  X _i'+o[WhiebZ  Y Wh['+o[WhiebZ þ FWkb ZeYjeh$  W _idÊjW  X Wh[dÊj  Y _idÊj ''eÊYbeYa$ ÿ 70M^WjÊij^[j_c[5  80  W ?i  X ?j  Y ?jÊi Ā 707h[oekcoied5  80De" $  W ?Êcdej  X ?WcdÊj  Y ?Wc ā 70 jeZWo5  80De"_j_idÊj$?jÊimWhc$  W ?iYebZ  X ?i_jYebZ  Y ?jYebZ CoJ[ijWdim[hi0'Y(W)Y*W+X  ý  þ  ÿ  Ā  ā  Ă  ă  Ą  ą  ýü ÿ   Ā   8[ą © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73251-2 - Active Grammer Level 1 With Answers Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer Excerpt More information 3 Present simple 1: statements Maybe you know her. There’s a new girl at sch ool. Maybe you know her. She has beautiful black hair down to her waist . Her big, brown eyes are pools of chocolate. Jhk[eh[%I^[%?j j^_dai ÿ If[bb_d]e\j^[ÓdWb#i0 M_j^ceijl[hXi"`kijWZZ#iW\j[hj^[l[hX$ j^_da©^[j^_dai 7\j[hl[hXim^_Y^[dZ#e"#Y^"#i^"#ii"#n"WZZ#[i$ ]e©i^[]e[i YWjY^©^[YWjY^[i fki^©i^[fki^[i c_ii©_jc_ii[i Ón©i^[Ón[i M^[dj^[l[hX[dZi_dYediedWdj!#o"Zhefj^[#oWdZ WZZ#_[i$ Ôo©j^[X_hZÔ_[i 8kjWZZ#im^[dj^[l[hX[dZi_dlem[b!#o$ fbWo©^[fbWoi [d`eo©i^[[d`eoi ?hh[]kbWh\ehci0 ^Wl[©^[^Wi ?dj^[fh[i[dji_cfb["j^[l[hX edboY^Wd][im_j^^["i^[eh_j$ Ieh[c[cX[h¾ 7iiiiiiidWa[d[l[hib[[fiiiiiiiii$ X I[[fW][ýĄþ\ehceh[if[bb_d]hkb[i$ ýü © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Practice A Change the infinitive without to of these verbs into the correct present simple form with it. 1 4 7 10 play it ptoijS fix teach wash 2 do 5 miss 8 think C Complete Layla's letter using the correct present simple forms of the verbs in brackets. 3 enjoy 6 say 9 try Every morning 1 1 Wiki breakfast for my brother and me. I (walk) to school with my 2 3 brother. We girls. They always 1 B Complete these facts about Egypt. Use the correct present simple forms of the verbs in the box. 4 5 buy come have have live show study visit (see) the same two (say) 'hello'. (feel) lonely sometimes, but I really like my new school. The school (have) a very good library. My brother ' (go) to primary school. He always (wear) his 6 1 Egypt fi&5 a population of around 80 million. 2 17 million people in Cairo. 3 The name 'Egypt' from the Greek word 4 5 6 7 8 (make) 8 Egyptos. 9 old red coat. My mother work early in the morning. She (work) very hard. Around 6,000,000 tourists Egypt every year. Every tourist presents from a night market. Egypt about 100 pyramids. Tourist guides people the pyramids of Giza. An egyptologist is a person who Egyptian history from a long time ago. Thank you for the card. You (write) very good letters. Write again soon! Love, Layla (go) to 1 0 1 1 about your school morning. 1 Every morning I 2 3 4 5 6 7 (vave breakfast with ituj famitij. I always You never My teacher The school My friends sometimes We | Circle the correct option. I 1 to the shops. a They walks b She walk c He walks 2 Layla's mum by bus. a go b gos c goes 3 in Cairo. a It never rains b It never rain c It's never rain 4 big brown eyes. a Layla have b Layla haves c Layla has 5 Her mum English. a study b studys c studies 3C 3fc Bf 37 :T : S J B M S U E iisai Aw Present simple 1 11 Present simple 2: negatives and questions 4 n Do you like zoos? o n cv Do you (ike zoos? Do you think zoos are a good idea? Welcome t o A n i m a l The in park danger. animals World i s different Park from i n California, other zoos. When i t i s p o s s i b l e , we r e t u r n to their USA. We h e l p animals young homes. We h a v e m o r e t h a n in t h e park. 30 gorillas A mother gorilla doesn't h a v e many b a b i e s . gorilla stays three You with often find They colobus have b e a u t i f u l white atotot money. monkeys i n a r e i n danger c o l o b u s monkeys and for years. zoos. they A baby- i t s mother because f u r . Young don't fur - their have black fur i s white. Find t h e n a m e s o f t h e a n i m a l s in t h e p h o t o s . m Xa>|uoui snqo]03 e pile B||uo8 Present simple 2: negatives and questions 1 To m a k e n e g a t i v e f o r m s in t h e p r e s e n t s i m p l e , use a n d doesn't 2 + t h e i n f i n i t i v e f o r m w i t h o u t to o f t h e v e r b . They don't A mother don't have gorilla black and white doesn't have Does the park cost 3 U s e do or does or doesn't 1/ You / W e / T h e y d o n o t ( d o n ' t ) believe He/She/It d o e s n o t (doesn't) believe T h e r e is no -s o n t h e m a i n v e r b a f t e r does o r think... Does she know? a lot of money? babies. negative X She doesn't To m a k e a q u e s t i o n , use do or does in f r o n t o f t h e subject. Do you like zoos ? fur. many E :J9MSUV N O T She doesn't N O T Does she knows ? thinks... doesn't. in t h e a f f i r m a t i v e s h o r t a n s w e r a n d don't in t h e negative short answer. Yes, I do. No, he doesn't. question ? s h o r t answer / X Do Yes, (1) d o . 1 / y o u / w e / t h e y like...? No, (1) d o n ' t . Does he / she / i t like...? Yes, (he) does. N o , (he) d o e s n ' t . 12 Practice A Underline t h e correct o p t i o n . B D 1 I don't know /doesn't 2 M o s t trees don't grow/doesn't 3 Do/Does Sara u n d e r s t a n d this? 4 Do/Does y o u w a n t t o t a l k a b o u t it? 5 The price don't include/doesn't 6 I don't think/doesn't 7 We don't see/doesn't 8 They don't live/doesn't know the answer. grow very quickly. n o t eat have include service. think he's very nice. see o u r g r a n d p a r e n t s very o f t e n . live very near. present s i m p l e f o r m s o f t h e v e r b s in b r a c k e t s . WW 1 living here. Black r h i n o s groups. T h e y Yes, I Yes, b u t t h e y tyt U.p n o t go h o m e at 6.30 every m o r n i n g . bananas all t h e t i m e . They 3 The gorillas in t h e park are all f r i e n d s . They Yes, it does. The park 5 Yes, t h e y d o . W e m o r e t h a n 5 0 gorillas. a baby g o r i l l a in t h e park Yes, b u t s o m e t i m e s a m o t h e r her baby. T h e n w e help t h e baby. (prefer) t o live alone. Yes, I give t h e baby m i l k every f o u r hours, day and night. I 8 (use) t h e I in t h e evening. I sleep at t h e park. m y j o b ! N o day is t h e same! mum horns as medicine. A mother black r h i n o (not have) 5 many babies. A baby (stay) w i t h 6 its mother f o r t h r e e t o f o u r years. The m o t h e r r h i n o (not stay) w i t h t h e father. 7 Rhinos (not f i g h t ) w i t h o t h e r animals in 8 the park. In fact, t h e y are f r i e n d l y animals. C Make p r e s e n t s i m p l e q u e s t i o n s f r o m t h e w o r d s , t h e n answer t h e q u e s t i o n s in y o u r n o t e b o o k u s i n g s h o r t answers. 1 a mechanic / f i x cars Dees a mechanic {i£ cars? 2 y o u / w o r k at t h e w e e k e n d Oojoa worfc. J W h a t d i d t h e i n t e r v i e w e r ask? M a k e p r e s e n t s i m p l e q u e s t i o n s u s i n g t h e w o r d s in b r a c k e t s a n d w r i t e t h e m in y o u r n o t e b o o k . 1 P o j S M f c t ap earUjf* (early) 2 ? (bananas) 3 ? (fight) 4 ?(a l o t o f gorillas) 5 ?(have babies) ? (stay w i t h its m o t h e r ] 6 ? (drink milk) 7 '(like) 8 N o w t h i n k o f a t least t h r e e m o r e p r e s e n t s i m p l e q u e s t i o n s f o r t h e g o r i l l a k e e p e r a n d w r i t e t h e m in y o u r n o t e b o o k . attkt, wukudL 3 a vet / l o o k a f t e r animals 4 zoo k e e p e r s / w o r k in shops 5 a young colobus m o n k e y / have w h i t e f u r 6 w e / g o t o school o n Sundays 7 nurses / w o r k in a h o s p i t a l 8 have love 4 7 Black rhinos are in danger because o f t h e i r horns. People 4 1 2 6 ( n o t live) in 3 g o t up at t h e m o m e n t . (have) a large n u m b e r o f rhinos 2 not fight not look after like a l o t o f o t h e r f r u i t , t o o . Complete t h e t e x t a b o u t black rhinos using t h e correct We R e a d p a r t o f an i n t e r v i e w w i t h a g o r i l l a k e e p e r . C o m p l e t e h e r a n s w e r s , u s i n g t h e v e r b s in t h e b o x . y o u / d o sport in t h e evening Circle t h e correct option. 1 A: 2 We b W a n t you M y sister a doesn't like 4 b don't visit c doesn't visit zoos. b doesn't likes She says t h e animals a n o t have 5 c Do you want zoos very o f t e n , a aren't v i s i t 3 B: No, I d o n ' t , t o go t o t h e zoo? a You w a n t s c d o n ' t like a v e r y happy life, b doesn't have c d o n ' t have A: D o t h e rhinos f i g h t w i t h o t h e r animals? B:No, a doesn't t h e y '.VSOTWSVVVWWW b it doesn't DCJ Of E£ c they don't (\l 0\ :SJ9AASUE j;S3J_ A"\AJ Present simple 2 1 3 Mark: Hi, Monica. Are youlookingfor Nicole' „ i f Y« ,ve'rewairingforherartheparry. iar k: No, she isn't. She's lying on the » Monica: Are you serious Everyone's arriving now. Mark: She isn't feeling well. M o ^ ^ a s ^ e ^ ^ X O W h o is ill? a Mark b M o n i c a c Nicole plavinghis new gmtar and some peop 'strange g ^ B i a ^ i . ^ ^ ^ ^ yellow dress and a green hat. She s... a y Mark: Wait a minute... Nicole is coming now .J See you there, Monica. :j3Msuy Present continuous 1 statement The present continuous describes a t e m p o r a r y activity in progress at o r around now. She is lying on the sofa now. future present I'm reading this book at the moment. Mark is speaking Are you 2 on the phone. Monica You / W e / They a r e n o t (aren't / 're n o t ) w o r k i n g He / She / It is fs) w o r k i n g He / She / It is n o t (isn't /'s n o t ) w o r k i n g question ? s h o r t answer / X A m 1 working? Yes, 1 a m . is washing Is he / she / i t w o r k i n g ? N o , (he) is n o t (isn't /'s n o t ) . coffee. / am not watching TV. Is Monica her hair? washing A: Are they drinking are. Yes, (he) is. her hair. M a k e negatives, questions and B: Yes, they Yes, (you) a r e . N o , (you) a r e n o t ( a r e n ' t / 're n o t ) . TV. short f o r m s like this: 14 You / W e / They a r e ('re) w o r k i n g Are you / we / they working? o f the verb. We are drinking 3 1 a m n o t f m not) w o r k i n g No, 1 a m n o t f m not). s t a t e m e n t s w i t h am / is / are + / am watching negative X 1 a m ('m) w o r k i n g listening? M a k e present continuous -ing form / coffee? I f a v e r b e n d s i n -e, d r o p t h e -e. dance -* People are dancing. NOT... danccing I f a verb ends in o n e v o w e l and o n e consonant, d o u b l e t h e consonant. stop The train is stopping. NOT... stoping • See page 182 f o r more spelling rules. • See Units 6 and 18 f o r more i n f o r m a t i o n on t h e present continuous. Practice A Underline t h e c o r r e c t o p t i o n . 1 She is walking/are 2 People is singing/are D C o m p l e t e t h e sentences using t h e present continuous o f t h e verbs in t h e box. Some are negatives or questions. walking d o w n t h e s t r e e t . singing t o o l o u d l y . 3 We isn't waiting/aren't waiting 4 I am running/is 5 Hello? Are I speaking/Am carry in t h e r i g h t place. talk running because I'm late. I speaking t o Lucy? much. A t the m o m e n t I am living/are 8 /s that boy smiling/Are living w i t h m y f r i e n d . is not crijituj 4 The cat I 8 He 9 She A: Be q u i e t ! W e 6 A: W h e r e ' s R o b e r t ? or questions. 'Hello, Dad. Yes, I'm s t i l l at t h e party. W h a t ' s happening? (sit) on the sofa. G e o f f 2 (tell) some f r i e n d s about his holiday and he pictures. Diego and B i a n c a Everyone Economics at university? A: Can I p h o n e y o u at t h e h o t e l ? B: N o , I / answers. very loudly. I'm glad she (sing) - she is a 7 terrible singer! W a i t . . . N i c o l e (come) in t h e 8 door. She looks O K now. Everyone Anyway, w h a t a b o u t y o u , Dad? (smile). 9 (do) 1 0 anything interesting? I see. Great, t h e y 1 Is i t raining? 2 3 A r e y o u w e a r i n g jeans? 4 A r e any o f y o u r f r i e n d s s i t t i n g near you? 5 A r e y o u f e e l i n g hungry? Yes, i t is. (shout), she j u s t speaks 6 there. A n s w e r t h e questions in y o u r n o t e book using short pictures because t h e y t h i n k t h e y are b o r i n g . W h a t ? O h , that's Helen. S h e a b o u t her purple hair. Alice 10 (look) at t h e 5 you 9 (show) t h e m t h e 4 a letter. B: N o , there's n o t h i n g dangerous in m y suitcase. hard today, ( n o t w o r k ) continuous o f t h e v e r b s i n b r a c k e t s . S o m e a r e n e g a t i v e s m y red dress? A: 8 a c o m p u t e r upstairs, (carry) C Complete t h e t e l e p h o n e c o n v e r s a t i o n u s i n g t h e p r e s e n t very w e l l t h i s season. a n y t h i n g dangerous w i t h y o u , Sir? some m i l k , (drink) (dance) b u t I very w e l l . Sarah, 7 a g o o d t i m e , ( n o t have) i ddhdh^ this film? B: H e very fast, ( n o t run) 1 write B: T h e y t o school, (walk) Well, everyone wear t o listen t o t h e radio! 5 now. ( n o t cry) 5 They 7 I 3 o u r holiday, (plan) I 6 2 (rain) 3 We study B: Sorry. o f t h e verbs i n b r a c k e t s . 2 The baby watch stay A: M y t e a m are l o s i n g again! B Complete t h e s e n t e n c e s u s i n g t h e p r e s e n t c o n t i n u o u s It's raining. play flrejjoa watcfvuuj that boy smiling a t me? 1 try 1 6 The guests is not enjoying /are not enjoying t h e p a r t y 7 feel A r e y o u w a t c h i n g TV? Klo, I'm. w t . 6 Is y o u r m o b i l e p h o n e r i n g i n g ? 7 A r e y o u w r i t i n g t h i s w i t h a black pen? 8 Is y o u r w a t c h / t h e clock s h o w i n g t h e r i g h t t i m e ? 9 A r e y o u l i s t e n i n g t o any music? 1 1 (bring) the f o o d . I'm h u n g r y ! I'll p h o n e later. Bye.' | Circle t h e c o r r e c t o p t i o n . 1 w e l l , so I w a n t t o stay in b e d . 2 A: t h e guitar? B:Yes, he is. 3 Everyone at t h e p a r t y a aredanceing 4 A: Is Bianca w e a r i n g a y e l l o w dress? 5 Mark t o Monica. a I amn't feeling a Is D i e g o p l a y i n g B:Yes, a isn't l i s t e n i n g b I aren't f e e l i n g c I'm n o t f e e l i n g b D i e g o is p l a y i n g b dancing a she wears b not listening c Is p l a y i n g D i e g o c is dancing b she are c she is c d o n ' t listen eg ~>y ->i E£ ox : s j 9 M 5 u e \\<&\_ X Present continuous 1 5 Present continuous and present simple 6 I'm walking -1 don't have a car. Good. I never d r i v e in Paris. The traffic is terrible. ine t h e correct o p t i o n : Paris is a bad / good " ' place f o r cars. pEq IJ9MSUV Present continuous and present simple 1 Use t h e p r e s e n t s i m p l e t o t a l k o r ask a b o u t t h i n g s t h a t are a l w a y s o r u s u a l l y t r u e . Do you speak We don't 2 English ? have a car. Use t h e p r e s e n t s i m p l e t o t a l k o r ask a b o u t regular or repeated events and habits. Sandra phones Do you drink 3 her mother coffee in the day. morning? He's w a l k i n g t o w o r k t o d a y . It d o e s n ' t r a i n on t h e m o o n . It i s n ' t r a i n i n g at t h e m o m e n t . D o y o u ever r e a d c o m i c s ? She's r e a d i n g a comic now. 1 have t w o brothers. I'm h a v i n g a shower. Charles plays t h e piano. Charles i s n ' t at h o m e . He's p l a y i n g in a concert. A: W h a t are y o u d o i n g ? o f f r e q u e n c y [always, B: I'm a t a x i driver. B: I'm d r i v i n g t o t h e a i r p o r t . never, sometimes, here in dream etc.). summer. about you. T h e p r e s e n t s i m p l e is m u c h m o r e c o m m o n t h a n t h e Use t h e p r e s e n t c o n t i n u o u s t o d e s c r i b e a n p r e s e n t c o n t i n u o u s , a n d in m o s t cases y o u s h o u l d use a c t i v i t y in p r o g r e s s n o w / a r o u n d n o w , o r a n the present simple. unfinished activity. Are you reading They are building / think this page. (= n o w ) a shopping W e r a r e l y use t h e p r e s e n t c o n t i n u o u s f o r v e r b s w h i c h are a b o u t s t a t e s , n o t a c t i o n s , e.g. believe, know, like, love, need, understand, want. / know English. N O T I'm Do you need seem, See U n i t 3 9 . a pen?NOT knowing... Are you needing... ? it's nice. N O T I'm She is Turkish centre. (= i t is N O T . . . she's n o t f i n i s h e d yet) 16 He usually w a l k s t o w o r k . A: W h a t d o y o u do? I sometimes 5 present c o n t i n u o u s W e o f t e n use t h e p r e s e n t s i m p l e w i t h a d v e r b s It never snows 4 every present s i m p l e • thinking... and she comes from Istanbul. coming... See Units 3 and 5 f o r more i n f o r m a t i o n on the present simple and present continuous. Practice A Underline t h e c o r r e c t o p t i o n . B playing D present simple or present continuous 1 They play/are 2 Are you having / Do you have breakfast every m o r n i n g ? rugby t w i c e a w e e k . 3 It snows/is 4 Your guide speaks/is 5 We don't know/aren't 6 The DJ plays/is 7 Do you like /Are you liking t h e f o o d ? 8 \'mnot laughing /don't o f t h e v e r b s in b r a c k e t s . snowing so w e can't go skiing. speaking Hi, Rita, t h r e e languages. knowing t h e way. playing "the sun laugh, I'm crying / cry. is great. He It's raining a l o t b and I'm w e t . She always has lunch a - please p h o n e later, She's having lunch b at school. A: Do you buy c o m p u t e r a games? ( s t u d y ) t h r e e hours in t h e morning and a cafe on King S t r e e t . 1 How are y o u ? B: No, I d o w n l o a d t h e m I don't w o r k . a It's Sunday, I'm not w o r k i n g . b I'm a s t u d e n t . 11 A: W h a t is she d o i n g ? a B: She's reading, 12 A: W h a t does she do? b B: She's a s t u d e n t . 1 A: I - Xem thêm -

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