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Tài liệu Basic grammar in use with answers 3rd ed


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*III’ Basic mm if THI RD EDITION with answers Raymond Murphy with William R. Smalzer " ' r'' . ^ Self-study reference and practice for students of North American English THI RD EDITION with answers Raymond Murphy with William R. Smalzer gig C a m b r id g e U N IV E R SIT Y PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo Cambridge University Press 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York. NY 10013-2473, USA www.cambridge.org © Cambridge University Press 2011 First published 1989 Third Edition 2011 Printed in Hong Kong, China, by Golden Cup Printing Company Limited A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library. isb n isb n isb n isb n 978-0-521-13334-0 Student’s Book with answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-13353-1 Student’s Book with answers 978-0-521-13337-1 Student’s Book with CD-ROM 978-0-521-13330-2 Workbook with answers Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Web sites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such Web sites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Book design and layout: Adventure House, NYC Audio production: Richard LePage & Associates Illustration credits: Carlos Castellanos, Richard Deverell, Travis Foster, Peter Hoey, Randy Jones, Gillian Martin, Sandy Nichols, Roger Penwill, Lisa Smith, Ian West, Simon Williams, and Tracy Wood Contents To the Student To the Teacher viii x Present 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a m /is /a r e a m /is /a r e (questions) I am d o in g (present continuous) are y ou doin g? (present continuous questions) I d o /w o r k /lik e , etc. (simple present) I d o n ’t . . . (simple present negative) D o y ou . . . ? (simple present questions) I am d o in g (present continuous) and I do (simple present) I have . . . and I’ve g o t . . . Past 10 11 12 13 14 15 w a s/w er e w o r k e d /g o t/w e n t, etc. (simple past) I d id n ’t . . . D id you . . . ? (simple past negative and questions) I was d o in g (past continuous) I was d o in g (past continuous) and I d id (simple past) I used to . . . Present perfect 16 17 18 19 20 21 H ave you ever . . . ? H o w lo n g have you . . . ? for sin ce ago I have d on e and I d id (present perfect and simple past 1) ju st, already, and yet (present perfect and simple past 2) I’ve lo st m y key. I lo st m y key last w eek , (present perfect and simple past 3) Passive 22 is d o n e was d on e (passive l) 23 is b ein g d on e has b een d on e (passive 2) Verb forms 24 b e /h a v e /d o in present and past tenses 25 R egular and irregular verbs > Future 26 27 28 29 If W hat are you d o in g tom orrow ? I’m g o in g to . . . w ill 1 w ill 2 you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 263. i Modals, im peratives, etc. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 m ig h t can and co u ld m u st sh o u ld I have to . . . W ou ld you lik e . . . ? Fd lik e . . . Fd rather . . . D o this! D o n ’t do that! L e t’s do this! There and it 38 th ere is th ere are 39 th ere w a s/w e r e there h a s/h a v e b een 40 I t . . . th ere w ill be A uxiliary verbs 41 42 43 44 I am , I d o n ’t, etc. Y ou have? / H ave you? / Y ou are? / A re you?, etc. to o /e ith e r so am I / n eith er do I, etc. isn ’t, h aven ’t, d o n ’t, etc. (negatives) Questions 45 46 47 48 49 50 is i t . . . ? have you . . . ? do th ey . . . ?, etc. (questions 1) W h o saw you? W h o d id you see? (questions 2) W h o is she ta lk in g to? W hat is it like? (questions 3) W h a t . . . ? W h ich . . . ? H o w . . . ? (questions 4) H o w lo n g d oes it take . . . ? D o you k n o w w h ere . . . ? I d o n ’t k n o w w h a t . . . , etc. Reported speech 51 She said t h a t . . . H e to ld m e t h a t . . . -ing and to . . . 52 53 54 55 V w o r k /w o r k in g g o /g o in g d o /d o in g to . . . (I w an t to do) and -in g (I enjoy d oin g) I w a n t you to . . . I to ld you to . . . I w e n t to th e store to . . . Go, get, do, make, and have 56 57 58 59 go to . . . go on . . . get do and m ak e have go for . . . go -in g Pronouns and possessives 60 61 62 63 iv I /m e h e /h im th ey /th em , etc. m y /h is /th e ir , etc. W h o se is this? It’s m in e /y o u r s/h e r s, etc. I /m e /m y /m in e If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 263. 64 m y s e lf/y o u r se lf/th e m se lv e s, etc. 65 -’s (K ate’s camera / m y b ro th er’s car, etc.) A and the 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 a /a n . . . train(s) bus(es) (singular and plural) a b o ttle / som e w ater (countable/uncountable 1) a cake / so m e cake / som e cakes (countable/uncountable 2) a /a n and the th e . . . go to w ork go h o m e go to th e m o v ies I lik e m u sic I hate exam s th e . . . (names of places) Determ iners and pronouns 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 th is /th a t/th e s e /th o s e o n e /o n e s so m e and any n o t + any no n on e n o t + a n y b o d y /a n y o n e/a n y th in g n o b o d y /n o o n e /n o th in g so m e b o d y /a n y th in g /n o w h e r e , etc. every and all a ll m o st som e any n o /n o n e b o th eith er n eith er a lo t m u ch m an y (a) little (a) few Adjectives and adverbs 86 o ld /n ic e /in te r e s tin g , etc. (adjectives) 87 q u ick ly /b a d ly /su d d en ly , etc. (adverbs) 88 o ld /o ld e r exp en sive / m o re exp en sive 89 old er than . . . m ore ex p en siv e th an . . . 90 n o t as . . . as 91 th e o ld est th e m o st exp en sive 92 en o u g h 93 to o Word order 94 95 96 97 He speaks E n g lish very well, (word order 1) a lw a y s/u su a lly /o ften , etc. (word order 2) s till yet already G ive m e that b ook! G ive it to m e! Conjunctions and clauses 98 99 100 101 102 103 and b ut or so b ecau se W h en . . . I f w e go . . . I f you see . . . , etc. I f I had . . . I f w e w e n t . . . , etc. a person w h o . . . a thing th a t/w h ic h . . . (relative clauses l) the people w e m et the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses 2) If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 263. v __ Prepositions 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 at 8:00 on M onday in A p ril f r o m . . . to u n til sin ce for b efo re after d u rin g w h ile in at on (places 1) in at on (places 2) to in at (places 3) n ex t to, b etw een , under, etc. up, over, th rou gh , etc. on at by w ith about afraid o f . . . , g o o d a t . . . , etc. o f/a t/fo r , etc. (prepositions + -ing) listen to . . . , lo o k a t . . . , etc. (verb + preposition) Phrasal verbs 115 go in, fa ll off, run away, etc. (phrasal verbs 1) 116 p ut on your shoes p ut your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2) A ppendix A ppendix A ppendix A ppendix A ppendix A ppendix A ppendix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Active and passive 235 List of irregular verbs 236 Irregular verbs in groups 237 Short forms (he’s / I’d / d o n ’t, etc.) 238 Spelling 240 Phrasal verbs (take o f f / g iv e up, etc.) 242 Phrasal verbs + object (put ou t a fire / try on clothes, etc.) A dditional Exercises Study Guide 244 263 Answer Key to Exercises 276 Answer Key to A dditional Exercises Answer Key to Study Guide 306 Index vi 243 303 308 If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 263. To the Student This is a gram m ar book for beginning to low -interm ediate students o f English. T here are 116 units in the book, and each unit is about a different point o f English gram m ar. T here is a list of units at the beginning o f the book (Contents). Do not study all the units in order from beginning to end. It is b etter to choose the units that you need to do. For example, if you have a problem w ith the present perfect (I have been, he has done, etc.), study U nits 16-21. Contents To the Student To the Teacher Present 1 a m /is/a re 2 a m /is /a re (questions) 3 I am d o in g (present continuous) 4 are you doing? (present continuous questions) 5 I d o /w o rk /lik e , etc. (simple present) 6 I d o n ’t . . . (simple present negative) 7 D o you . . . ? (simple present questions) 8 I am d oing (present continuous) and I do (simple present) 9 I have — and I ’ve g o t . . . Past 10 w as/w ere 11 w o rk e d /g o t/w e n t, etc. (simple past) 12 I d id n ’t . . . D id you . . . ? (simple past negative and questions) 13 I was d o in g (past continuous) 14 I was d oing (past continuous) and I d id (simple past) Use the Contents or the Index (at the back o f the book) to find the unit (or units) that you need. If you are not sure w hich units you need to study, use the Study Guide at the back o f the book. Study Guide (pages 263-275) V III viii x m Each un it is tw o pages. T he inform ation is on the left-hand page and the exercises are on the right: m Exercises 3.1 Whatarethese peopledoing?Usetheseverfcstt>completethesentences: 1 am doing (present continuous) u n i t j Z He______________ for*(ms- 5. . _____________ hieMm ^^^B B B She'srating Sheisn't reading iB ■■H S ||§ B B | I hT she n (nor) U't raining. Theson shining They’r*numing Theyarea'' walking. i Jw w .jt!r Mm. Me----------------------* J. “You_____________ onmy6m* •OM'imwcy.’ they * Mamk readinga • Sheisn't eating. {*She'snot eating.) « Thf phene1*ringing. « W.-'r*having * Theduhta-naredoingthenhomework. ■ ■ F I A»/iva» +ring■»somethinghhappeningsw I’mworking she'swearing2bat tfwv'ieplayingbaseball « Look,there'sSarah. She'swearingahwwncoat. shei«wearing now) *Wherearethechildrenr “They’replayingmthepark“ ^ B B ■ ■ hotspethng. seeAppends*S. li«- S. I -------- .oose&wMrje. 3.J Lookat the picture. Writesentences about lane. UseShe's ing orShe isn’t -ing. g /f y K S ti m em , ssE S I s. <«b■ *•»«*>-----------------5. (p yAc __________________ 3.4 WhetShappeningnow?Writetruesentences. 1 0/ ■ wash/ myhair) 5. h ft ft 1ft --------------- (it/ram) ---------------------- .---- -------------- —_ (i t «w<*y/ fcnghsh) «. . . (them«/»h«w) __ ___ . , — 0/we«/shoes) ---- — (1/ «Mdf aptmpajwr) Exercises Information Study the left-hand page (information), and do the exercises on the right-hand page. Use the Answer Key to check your answers. T he Answer Key is on pages 2 7 6 -3 0 2 . Study the left-hand page again if necessary. D on’t forget the seven Appendixes at the back o f the book (pages 235-243). These w ill give you inform ation about active and passive forms, irregular verbs, short forms, spelling, and phrasal verbs. APPENDIX 2 APPENDIX 3 List of irregular verbs (see Unit 25) Irregular verbs in groups_______________ ThutimpfipastaWpastpatriiipkmfgemit! There are also Additional Exercises at the back o f the book (pages 2 4 4-262). There is a list o f these exercises on page 244. C D -R O M This book is sold w ith or w ithout a C D -R O M . O n the C D -R O M , there are m ore exercises on all the units, and these are different from the exercises in the book. T here are also m ore than 600 test questions. ix To the Teacher T he m ost im portant features o f this book are: ■ It is a gram m ar book. It does not deal w ith other aspects of the language. ■ It is for beginning to low -interm ediate students of English. It does not cover areas of gram m ar w hich are not norm ally taught at the beginning to low -interm ediate level. ■ It is a reference book w ith exercises. It is not a course book and is not organized progressively. M It is addressed to learners and intended for self-study. O rgan ization o f the b o o k _____________________________________________________ T here are 116 units in the book, each one focusing on a particular area of gram m ar. T he m aterial is organized in gram m atical categories, such as tenses, questions, and articles. U nits are not ordered according to difficulty, and should therefore be selected and used in the order appropriate for the learner(s). T he book should not be w orked th rough from beginning to end. T he units are listed in the Contents, and there is a com prehensive Index at the end of the book. Each un it has the same form at consisting of two facing pages. T he gram m ar point is presented and explained on the left-hand page and the corresponding exercises are on the right. T here are seven Appendixes (pages 235-243) dealing w ith active and passive forms, irregular verbs, short forms (contractions), spelling, and phrasal verbs. It m ight be useful for teachers to draw students’ attention to these. At the back o f the book there is a set o f Additional Exercises (pages 244-262). These exercises provide “m ixed” practice bringing together gram m ar points from a num ber o f different units (especially those concerning verb forms). T here are 35 exercises in this section, and there is a full list on page 244. Also at the back of the book there is a Study Guide to help students decide w hich units to study - see page 263. Finally, there is an Answer Key (pages 276-302) for students to check their answers to all the exercises in the book. An edition w ithout the Study Guide and Answer Key is available for teachers who w ould prefer it for their students. L e v e l________________________________________________________________________ T he book is for beginning learners, i.e., learners w ith very little English, but not for com plete beginners. It is intended m ainly for beginning students who are beyond the early stages of a beginners’ course. It could also be used by low -interm ediate learners whose gram m ar is w eaker than other aspects o f their English or w ho have problem s w ith particular areas o f basic gram m ar. T he explanations are addressed to the beginning learner and are therefore as simple and as short as possible. T he vocabulary used in the examples and exercises has also been restricted so that the book can be used at this level. x U sin g the b o o k _________________________________________________________________ T he book can be used by students w orking alone (see To the Student) or as supplem entary course m aterial. In either case the book can serve as a beginning gram m ar book. W h en used as course m aterial, the book can be used for im m ediate consolidation or for later revision or rem edial work. It m ight be used by the whole class or by individual students needing extra help and practice. In some cases it may be desirable to use the left-hand pages (presentation and explanation) in class, but it should be noted that these have been w ritten for individual study and reference. In m ost cases, it w ould probably be better for teachers to present the gram m ar point in their preferred way w ith the exercises being done for hom ew ork. T he left-hand page is then available for later reference by the student. Some teachers may prefer to keep the book for revision and rem edial work. In this case, individual students or groups of students can be directed to the appropriate units for self-study and practice. C D -R O M ______________________________________________________________________ T he book is sold w ith or w ithout a C D -R O M . T he C D -R O M contains further exercises on all the units in the book, as well as a bank of m ore than 600 test questions from w hich users can select to compile their ow n tests. Basic Grammar in Usef Third Edition This is a new edition of Basic Grammar in Use. The differences between this edition and the second edition are: ■ T he book has been redesigned w ith new color illustrations. ■ T here is reorganization, so some units have different num bers from the previous edition. ■ T here are m any (usually m inor) revisions to the explanations, examples, and exercises. ■ T here are tw o new pages of Additional Exercises (pages 244-262). ■ T here is a new C D -R O M w ith fu rth er exercises to accom pany the book. Basic Gram U N I T am/is/are I'm 22. My name is Lisa. I'm not married. My favorite color is blue. I'm Am erican. I'm from Chicago. My favorite sports are tennis and swim m ing. I'm a student. My father is a doctor, and my mother is a journalist. Negative Positive am (I’m ) he she it is (he’s) (she’s) (it’s) we you they are I I'm interested in art. (we’re) (you’re) (they’re) I am n o t (P m not) he she it is n o t (he’s n o t (she’s n o t (it’s n o t or or or he is n ’t) she is n ’t) it is n ’t) we you they are n o t (we’re n o t (you’re n o t (they’re n o t or or or we a r e n ’t) you a r e n ’t) they a r e n ’t) shortforms shortforms I'm afraid of P m cold. Can you close the window, please? P m 32 years old. My sister is 29. Steve is sick. H e’s in bed. My brother is afraid of dogs. It’s 10:00. You’re late again. Ann and I are good friends. Your keys are on the table. P m tired, but P m n o t hungry. Tom is n ’t interested in politics. H e ’s interested in music. Jane is n ’t a teacher. She’s a student. Those people aren’t Canadian. They’re Australian. It’s sunny today, but it is n ’t warm. th at’s = that is there’s — there is here’s = here is ■ Thank you. T hat’s very nice of you. ■ Look! T here’s Chris. ■ “H ere’s your key.” “Thank you.” 2 am/is/are (questions) —►Unit 2 there is/are —►Unit 38 a/an —►Unit 66 short forms —►Appendix 4 Exercises u n i t | 1.1 Write the short form (she's / we aren't, etc.) 1. she is 2. they a r e 3. it is n o t _____________ 4. that is _____________ she's 5. I am not ______________ 6. you are not ______________ 1.2 Write am, is, or are. 1. 2. 3. 4. The w eather /s nice today. I _______not rich. This b a g heavy. These b a g s_______heavy. 5. 6. 7. 8. Look! T h e r e Carol. My brother and I good tennis players. Amy at home. H er c h ild re n at school. I a taxi driver. My siste r_______ a nurse. 1.3 Complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Steve is sick. He's in bed. I’m not hungry, b u t _______________thirsty. Mr. Thom as is a very old m a n ._______________ 98. These chairs aren’t beautiful, b u t _______________ comfortable. The w eather is nice today. warm and sunny. “_______________late.” “No, I’m not. I’m early!” C atherine isn’t at h o m e ._______________ at work. “_______________your coat.” “Oh, thank you very m uch.” 1.4 Look at Lisa's sentences in 1A.Now 1. 2. 3. 4. write sentences about yourself. (name?) My (from?) I I (age?) I (j° b?) 5. (favorite color or colors?) M y. 6. (interested in . . . ?) I ___________________ 1.5 Write sentences for the pictures. Use: afraid an gry cold 1. She's thirsty. _________ 2. T h e y __________________ h ot h u n g ry t h i rsty 3. H e 4. 5. _________ 6. _ 1.6 Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use is/isn't or are/aren't. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (it / hot today) (it / windy today) (my hands / cold) (Brazil / a very big country) (diamonds / cheap) (Toronto / in the U nited States) It isn 't hot today. OR It's h ot today. I t ______________________________________ My . ___ ___ ___ Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use I'm / I'm not. 7. 8. 9. 10. (tired) I'm_tired.__________ OR I'm n o t tired. (hungry) I _______________________________________ (a good swimmer) ________________________________________ (interested in politics)__________ ________________________________________ — Additional exercise 1 (page 244) 3 U N I T am/is/are (questions) Question Positive I am am he she it is is we you they are are What's your name? I? David. he? she? it? Are you m arried? 4 No, I'm single. we? you? they? How old are you? 25. Are you a student? Yes, I am. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ “A m I late?” “No, y o u ’re on tim e.” “Is your m o th er at hom e?” “No, she’s out.” “Are your parents at hom e?” “N o, th ey ’re out.” “Is it cold in your room ?” “Yes, a little.” Your shoes are nice. Are th ey new? W e say: ■ Is she at home? / Is your m o th er at home? (not Is at hom e your mother?) ■ Are they new? / Are your shoes new? (not Are new your shoes?) W here . . . ? / W h a t. . . ? / W ho . . . ? / H o w . . . ? / W hy . . . ? ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ W here is your m other? Is she at home? “W here are you from?” “Canada.” “W hat co lo r is your car?” “It’s red.” “H o w old is Joe?” “H e’s 24.” “H o w are your parents?” “They’re fine.” These postcards are nice. H o w m u ch are they? This hotel isn’t very good. W hy is it so expensive? w hat’s = w hat is w ho’s = who is how ’s = how is w here’s = where is W h o’s that man? H o w ’s your father? W hat’s your phone num ber? W here’s Lucy? Short answers Yes, I am. I’m he she it is. h e’s she’s it’s we you they are. No, That's my seat. not. or No, w e’re you’re they’re “Are you tired?” “Yes, I a m .” “Are you hungry?” “N o , I’m not, but I’m thirsty.” “Is your friend Japanese?” “Yes, he is.” “Are these your keys?” “Yes, th ey are.” “T hat’s my seat.” “N o , it isn ’t.” 4 am/is/are —►Unit 1 questions —►Unit 45 what/which/how —►Unit 48 he she it isn ’t. we you they aren’t. 2 Exercises 2.1 Find the right answers for the questions. . 1 W h ere’s the camera? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Is your car blue? Is Linda from London? Am I late? W h ere’s Ann from? W hat color is your bag? Are you hungry? H ow is George? W h o ’s that woman? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Toronto. No, I’m not. Yes, you are. My sister. Black. N o, it’s black. In your bag. No, she’s American. Fine. . 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2.2 Make questions with these words. 1. (is / at hom e / your m other) /s y o u r m oth er a t hom e (your parents / are / how) H o w a re y o u r p a re n ts (interesting / is / your job) (the stores / are / open today) (from / w here / you / are) (interested in sports / you / are) (is / near here / the post office) _ (at school / are / your children) . (you / are / late / w h y )______ _ 2.3 Complete the questions. Use W hat. .. / Who . . . I Where . . . I How . ----------------------------Ho w a re 1. 2 . your children? _ the bus stop? . your children? . these oranges? ________ your favorite sport? the m an in this photograph? ___________ your new shoes? . 3. 4. 5. They’re fine. At the end of the block. Five, six, and ten. $1.50 a pound. Skiing. That’s my father. Black. 2.4 Write the questions. Paul 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. name?) What's y o u r nam e? Australian?) how old?) _ a teacher?) m arried?) wife a lawyer?) fro m ?)_______ her n am e?)___ how old ?)_____ Paul. No, I’m Canadian. I’m 30. No, I’m a lawyer. Yes, I am. No, she’s a teacher. She’s from Mexico. Ana. She’s 27. 2 5 Write short answers (Yes, / am. / No, he isn't., etc.). 1. 2. 3. Are you married? No, I'm not. Are you th irsty ?______________________ Is it cold to day?______________________ - - - - :ional exercises 1-2 (pages 244-245) 4. Are your hands cold? . 5. Is it dark n o w ? ______ 6. Are you a teach er?__ 5 I am doing (present continuous) The present continuous is: a m /is /a r e + d o in g /e a tin g /ru n n in g /w ritin g , etc. I he she it we you they am (not) ■ Pm w orkin g. Pm n ot w atch in g TV. is (not) ■ M aria is reading a newspaper. H She isn ’t eating, (or She’s n o t eating.) ■ The phone is rin ging. -in g are (not) ■ W e’re h aving dinner. ■ You’re n ot listen in g to me. (or You aren’t listen in g ■ The children are d o in g their hom ework. A m /is /a r e + -in g = som ething is happening now: I5m w o rk in g she’s w earing a hat they’re playin g baseball P m n o t w atch in g television past now ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ future Please be quiet. P m w orkin g. (= Pm working now) Look, there’s Sarah. She’s w earing a brow n coat. (= she is wearing it now) The w eather is nice. It’s n ot raining. “W here are the children?” “T hey’re playin g in the park.” (on the phone) W e’re h aving dinner now. Can I call you later? You can turn off the television. P m n o t w atch in g it. For spelling, see Appendix 5. com e —►com ing w rite —►w ritin g dance —►dancing ru n —►running sit —►sitting sw im —►sw im m ing lie —►lying am/is/are —►Unit 1 are you doing? (questions) —►Unit 4 What are you doing tomorrow? —►Unit 26 I am doing and I do —►Unit 8 Exercises 3.1 What are these people doing? Use these verbs to complete the sentences: eat have lie play sit 1. Sh e's ea tin g an apple. 2. H e ___________ 3. T h e y _______________________ w ait 4. for a bus. soccer. . on the floor. breakfast. on the table. 5. 3.2 Complete the sentences. Use these verbs: b u ild co o k leave stand stay sw im take w o rk . 1. Please be quiet. I 'm w orking “W h ere’s John?” “H e’s in the kitchen. H e _ 3. “Y o u _________________________ on my foot.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” 4. Look! S om ebody__________ in the river. 5. W e’re here on vacation. We __________at a hotel on the beach. 6 . “W h ere’s Sue?” “S h e ____ a shower.” 7. T h e y ____________________ a new hotel downtown. I ____________________________ now. Good-bye. 2 . 3.3 Look at the picture. Write sentences about Jane. Use She's -ing or She isn't -ing. 1. (have dinner) J a n e isn 't having dinner._____ She's w a tch in g television. (sit on the floor) S h e ________________________ (read a b o o k )_______________________________ (play the p ia n o )_____________________________ (lau g h )-------------------------------------------------------(wear a h a t) ________________________________ (write a le tte r)______________________________ 2 . (watch television) 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8. 3 4 What's happening now? Write 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ~ S. 9.. 10. true sentences. (I / wash / my hair) I'nn n o t w ashing m y hair.______________ (it / snow) It's snow ing. OR It isn 't sn o w in g . (I / sit / on a chair)_______ ________________________________________ (I eat)__________________ ________________________________________ (it / rain)_________________________________________________________ (I / study / English)_______ ________________________________________ (I / listen / to music)______________________________________________ (the sun / shine)__________ ________________________________________ (I / wear / shoes)_________ ________________________________________ (I / read / a newspaper) ________________________________________ U N I T are you doing? (present continuous questions) Positive I Question he she it d o in g w o rk in g g o in g staying, etc. is we you they W hat are you doing? am am are I he she it is are we you they doing? w orking? going? staying?, etc. “Are you fe elin g O K ?” “Yes, I’m fine, thanks.” “Is it raining?” “Yes, take an um brella.” W hy are you w earing a coat? It’s not cold. “W h at’s Paul doin g?” “H e’s reading the newspaper.” “W hat are the children d oing?” “They’re w atch in g television.” Look, there’s Emily! W h ere’s she going? W ho are you w a itin g for? Are you w a itin g for Sue? Study the word order: is/are + subject 4- -ing Is he w o rk in g today? Is Paul w o rk in g today? (not Is working Paul today?) W here are they going? W here are those people going? (not W here are going those people?) Short answers I Yes, am. I’m he she it is. h e’s she’s it’s we you they are. No, “Are you leavin g “Is Paul w o rk in g “Is it raining?” “Are your friends 8 I am doing —►Unit 3 not. or w e’re you’re they’re No, he she it isn ’t. we you they aren’t. now?” “Yes, I a m .” today?” “Yes, he is .” “N o , it isn ’t.” staying at a hotel?” “N o , th ey aren’t. They’re staying w ith m e.’! W hat are you doing tom orrow ? —►Unit 26 questions —►Units 45-48
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