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Tài liệu Family and friends 1 (testing book)


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i',li;, :' :.:..ill.:ii..,',.,: . tt.:l'a:l:,,]l: ij:,,,it.:' ,. irr,':,rll'r.l:li:l:ij:::l:: t, ,::aa.:.a. .aa...). l. li.:i'1.:rltilal .,1:il.]t'irtl:tr.i::lll Unit9 test 23 E v o [ u o t i osnh e e t Sum m otive test3 24 Stortertest SkiLLs test 3 26 U n i tL t e s t UnitL0test 28 U n i t2 t e s t Unit11test 29 U n i t3 t e s t UnitL2test 30 S u m m o t i v tee st L Sum m otive test4 31 test L 5kil"l.s SkiLl.s test 4 33 U n i t4 t e s t UnitL3test 35 Introduction : i.i'.4 ...]ll:]l:l.:i]ll]:ililil::l:l]l.:rt],ri:,tir.:.r. 'taii:::illiiiii:1.:rllrlr:r,:r',, . ::,rr,:]::i:trlt:t.tltl.i:i]:ti:ti:u.:tir.:ri, . U n i t5 t e s t Unit L4test 36 U n i t6 t e s t Unit15test 37 ..i S u m m o t i v teest 2 Summ otive test 5 ir::ii:lil:li:llitrlilil:r:lllirrl :l':rll.ill:lar: ..,.,.,:' 38 . i :lll,lll:lt:ili:r:.1:.::r:r:::llrl::',:. :,1,,:lillrlli::rrr::li:i:ri:i:,rr: , ,r.:,, Skiil.stest 2 SkiLLs test 5 U n i t7 t e s t Answerkegond U n i t8 t e s t oudioscr ipts 40 42 lr.lr:,iil:lll;::ll.liit:i:r:,:: . t..,-r,,r,,r:rtrr:irrrtiirrir..i:i:r:.r : Tesfing ond evofuofion TheFamilgandFriends Testingond Evotuotion Bookprovides differentwogsof evo|.uoting progress, chi[dren's throughongoingossessment, chitdren'ssef-ossessment ondformoI testing. I Cfossroomevoluotion Ongoing clossroom evoLuotion is kegto ossessing progress. children's Thisconbeochieved in o numberof wogs. Monitoring Whenchildrenoreengoged in productive octivities suchosspeoking or writing,wo[koroundthe clossroom ondchecktheir progress, ondofferheLp whereoppropriote. Regulor reviewr in fhe Closs Book ond Workbook Thepurposeof the double-poge Review section in the ClossBookondWorkbook is to revisethe moinleorningpointsof the units,givingUouon opportunitgto evoluotehow muchchildrenhove understood. . Alwogsstortthe tessonbg revising the Longuoge of the units,usingfloshcords to focus on vocobu[org. It's olsousefuIto singthe songs ogointo helpchitdrenmemorise the kegwords. Youmogwishto mokenoteson whichchildren oresti[[ hovingdifficul.tgin recognizing or producing words.Thesenotesconbe recorded loteron the teocher's evoluotionsheet(see beLow). . Gothroughthe ClossBookreviewoctivities. Exploin firstwhot childrenhoveto doto completeeochexercise. Givechitdrentime to checktheironswers. Observe howindividuoI childrenrespond to the exercise. . Gothroughthe onswers to eochoctivitgwith the wholeclossoso group. Fonlly ondFdendst The evoluclion sheef A teocher's evotuotionsheetis provided on poge3.Thisis to hetpgou keepongoingrecords of progress chitdren's in skillsondottitudestowords leorning. Thisevoluotion sheetconbecompleted evergsemester. Fromthis informotiongoucon ptonfurtheroctivitiesto developthe [onguoge of thosechitdrenwho hovemostered the skiLLs workeosilgondto reinforce the [onguogeof those chi[dren whoorehovingdifficutties. Adminirrering fhe Speoking recfion of the Skillr rerr EochoJthefve Skillstestsofferson opportunitg skillsthrougho short to evoluotespeoking individuolspeoking octivitg.Youmogwishto corrgthisout whitethe restof the pupilsore comp[eting the writtenportsof the Ski[[stests. AskeochindividuoIpupitto cometo thefront of theclossor to o quietcorneronebg onewith their copgof the test.SomepupiLs mogfeel onxious soencouroge themto reloxondfeel of eose.The octivitiesinvolverecognizing pictures speoking ondsogingthe corresponding wordsor onswering Youcongiveeochpupil.o coupte simptequestions. oJsimplequestions thot thegolreodgknowto get themstorted,suchos Whot'sgournomeTHoware gou?beforefocusingon the test octivitg. Speoking otloinment forgefr Foreochitemin the Speoking test,chitdrencon receive hoLfo pointforcommunicoting their meoning- this is on opportunitg to reword communicotion ski[[s.Thegconreceive onother hoLfpointif the sentence is occurote ondcontoins noerrors. FuntlyonaFriends1 Sforf.er.: Te.,sf,l]', I Howmong?Countondcircle. ps$w8 €e% so L eight/@ 2 five/ four 3 seven/six 4 two / three "'"''{t4 td, g & kg trq\ \t ,6- ^v /&\ S f&l v 5 n i n e/ t e n l4 2 Complete. l7 ls Friends? Farnilnsnd @!@!fl @oxforduniversityPress Unit ' 'T*,,' I Choose ondwrite. pen b+d* door opple bog t btrd ,,,,/'.14 4 5 2 Completethe words. lq %% @ Lb o 2p o t 3r 4r r 5w 3 Write. w ',1.3 Whot'sthis? ft's a rul,er. % 3 Whot'sthis? 2 Whot'sthis? 4 Whot'sthis? l4 4 Motch. E 2 It is mg bog. D 3 It is mg pencil.D 4 It is red. D 5 It is o ruler. D L W h o ti st h i s ? E@ W @ oxforduniversitypress o It's red. b Whot'sthis? c lt's mg pencit. d It's mg bog. e It's o ruler. lw FotnilyandFriendsl Unir 2 Tesf I Circlethe correctword. L dou"/@ F%@ 2 bike/ kite 3 cor/ hot 4 dou./ boLt, 2 Writeond motch. l ntrio tra ln 2 ol,dL 3 zz I u p e 4dtedU 5 ikeb Orderthe words. L This bike. is mU This is mq btke. 2 it Yes, is. 3 mU.,:..T.hii.sli ::rkite.is , ..ffinl::,, 4 gA:*it i$$ill:l:ithiil, 5 isn't. it No, 4 Comptetethe qnswers. t I s t h i sg o u rt e d d g ? Yes,it ts 2 I s t h i sU o u d r oLL? No,it 3 I s t h i sU o u rh o t ? No, 4 I s t h i sg o u rt r o i n ? Yes, FornilyondFrlendr1 Unir R <'i U Test lv I Motch. L foce 5 legs :': :.tl:::.:.i,.i:ii:ii:,i.i. :r -.r_...i.rir::li,:,1:i:ll,l.. 2 eges 6 orms t,l i',..,,.ill. l l,i.r.il,,ril ir,rrl 3 eors 7 honds r::.:.: .r'-..irr.. .. .. , 4 nose 8 fingers ,:,1;;,,;,;,.. I S word. Circlethe correct L onehands /6@ 2 threelion/ lions 4 four kite/ kites 5 onefaces/ foce 3 two eAe/ eges 5 five trg / Iegs 3 Tick(.2)the correctsentence. t Thisis mg nose. Theseoremg noses. ffi w T h i si s m g e g e . Theseoremg eges. Thisis mgfinger. Theseoremg fingers. 4 Theseoremgfoces. Thisis mgfoce. @@$!| @oxforduniversityPress l.l @ L-J o o o o o o Irc FcrnllyondFriends1 1 Motch. 1 rubber 2 troin 3 bike 4 window 5 doLt @ o D o D Lookof the pictures.Comptete. '@ f i $ [,J ffi J:q) ta ( *r Ltl W), E^.^ -e EB s\ d"s c =-k+ 6fl It I n s I e 5 a r s 3 Choosethe onswer.Write. o lt's red. b No,I'm not. 1 Howoregou? 2 Is this gourpen? 3 Whotcolouristhe cor? 4 Aregoufive? 5 Whot'sthis? FornllyondFriendtl c I:fifffi. d It's o ruler. e Yes,it is. E o o D o fl@s!!@ffl @oxforduniversity tunnofive ?ert I 4 Write. IJI is Jh€.sd This gour 1 Theseore 3 Thisis mgeues. bog. 2 This is mg teddg. mg bike. ',-,1:1 5 Circtethe correctfirst letter. 1fb6 2o e i 3b 4c i d f sib j k 6e J i O @ @ 5 Listenond tick (,2)the soundgou heqr.@ rn 1d@ bD 2aO jo 3io 4Lo eD sho JO PD 6 sD @@!@!fl bo @oxforduniversitypress ';ZI ko fD oO gD rD 'D lzs farnilyomdFriendsI I ltr 1 Listenondwritethe numbers. @rt 12 5 2 6 2 Listenondtick(tl.@,'o loWD b 2o%,O b ,"@o o'&o u"mD b b b @g Ko @o w l{ffi.o D go o o @o / € D 3 Reodond number. Mg nome'sLeo.Thisis mg boLL. It's blockondwhite. 2 Thisis mg schoolbog.It'sbtue. 3 Thisis mg bike.It's red. 4 Thisis mg troin.It's ge[[ow. Mg fovouritecolouris gellow. Reodogoinondwrite T (true)or F (fotse). F 2 Mg bikeis red. bogisblock. 1 MUschool 3 Mg boL[is green. 5 Mg fovouritecolouris ge[[ow. FornilyondFriends1 4 Mg troinis b[ue. ]@s@@ @oxforduniversity 14. 5 Countthe wordsin eochsentence. Circle. LHoworegou? L Z6+ 2 Is this gour dotL? L 2 3 4 3I'mfine. L 2 3 4 4 Theseore mg eors. L 2 3 4 5 No, it isn't. L 2 3 4 l:;fi',. 6 Comptetethe sentences. '@@ Iheseare m g h o n d s . mg pencits. munose. mg kite. mgbog. 7 Askond onswer. l6 3 Howold oregou? 2 Whot'sUour fovouritecolour? 4 Whot'sgourfovouritetog? 5 Aregou8? 6 Whotcolouroregoureges? L Howoregou? 7 Whotcolouris gourschoolbog? @@$fl @oxforduniversityPress lso FamtlyondFriendsl Unir tj Fl r*Lr Test I Findondwrite. 4her mer mon t teocher 2 police 3 house 4 for 5 fire 6pu mon wtje pit I 2 Lookondwrite. 'ffi'@ffi E" @ % pl .up i d c otor ehosuewif nusre n- l" o t p i housewfe 3 Orderthe words. $* $fiffi la",r ls he a pilot? 1: 2 *w; 3,$il r ffi*fiffi.. 4 Gr.,3& 4 Lookond completethe sentences. tr Is she o pitot? Is No, she isn't. Yes, Is Is Yes, o teocher? is. ofiremon? is. po[icemo n? Yes, _ is. I FcnllyondFriendrl @@$fl @oxforduniversity Unit | .,, lff- &l Tesi 53 t'g lM o rk the correctonswer.Yes(.2)or No (r). tr /4. t4 LIA ft.lc e.- tree! swing@ E frisbee ! ltr-t -Wr w @ @ v toJoO rcecreom 2 Complete. 4. ,," .,1 //Fq@ FSffi @@ ing Ls zs--i_ e 3p__t W 4n 5 s__s__ , 14 3 Completethe text with in, on or under. .1" ..,. ...., .r . . " ..,., ...' ,. 1\^ -\ L Thebol.tis in the net. 2 Theumbrellois the seesow. Theteddgis the poo[. T h eg i r ti s the s[ide. Thecoris the seesow. 4 Lookof the pictureogoinond completethe sentences. L Where'sthefrisbee? It's in the net. 2 the book? inthebog. 3 the dol.l.? in the pool. 4 t h eo p p [ e ? inthebog. @!@$fl @oxforduniversityPress l! lrc FornilycndFriends1 Tert L Circtethe correctword. m u m/@b @ ffi A1 3 mum/ sister 2 o u n t/ u n c l e 4 g r o n d m /o g r o n d p o ! Write. ther po -trr ter t u n c Le 2 grond 3 cou 4 sis 5 bro 6 ou i Tick(.2)the correctsentence. r-t-ra (-J L\d & &g' tfi' It's Mum'sbook. It's Dod'sbook. ; o @ o o Thisis mg sister's bike. Thisis mg brother's bike. It'sGrondmo's umbre[[o. Thisis mg ount'shot. It'sGrondpo'sumbre[[o. Thisis mg uncle's hot. o o D D Motch ond write. L It's So[[U'sbog. 2 lt's Ienng Jrisbee Tom 3 bo1.1,. SoLl.g 4 pen. Fronk 5 kite. Bob FornilyondFriendsI @ Oxford University Summofive |est 2 i4 I Circlethe correctword. r@ /dod 2 stide/ swing 3 uncleI ount 4 net / pool, [?i Writeond mctch. l therbro b rother 2beefirs 3 eert 4 dngroma 5 merf or 3 Lookond circ[e. EE L Is sheo pitot? Yes,shetr. lqlqffi) 2 Is heo former? Yes,he is./ No,he isn't. 3 Is heo poticemon? Yes,he is./ No,he isn't. 4 I s s h eo n u r s e ? 5 I s s h eo p u p i l ? Yes,sheis./ No,sheisn't. Yes,sheis./ No,sheisn't. 5 Is heo firemon? Yes,he is./ No,he isn't. Efi@s!!f, @oxforduniversitypress FornilyondFriends1 Surnmotive fesl 2 ), |, with in,on or under. 4 Completethe sentences Mg sisteris o n the swing. thestide. T h eb o L its tr ,.(u the poot. Theoppleis Mu brotheris the book. T h er u l e ri s 5 Motch. to 2s 3z 4p 5u 5g 6 Listenond circlethe soundgou heor.@ ss H-:I E E >< 1r z p G) 2z s tp 3e o u v 4m r tn 5w u v r ForrJriv cnriFriendsT thehot. l t:l 1 Listenond circlethe soundgou heor.@ ro o b@d e f s h ; ,Jk(h .n op g rstuvv{xgz 2 Listen.Tick(vl or cross(xl.@'tt tr :Jri 3 Reodondwritethe nome. l-l:j grandma L Thisis mg grondmo. She's o housewife. 2 Thisis mg brother. He'so pupil,. 3 Thisis mg uncle.He'so firemon. 4 Thisis mg dod.He'so poticemon. ln Reodogoin ond write T (true)or F (fo[se). 1 Mio'suncteiso firemon. T 2 Mio'sdodiso former. 3 Somiso pupit. 4 Mio'smum is o housewfe. ]@s!!![ffl @oxforduniversitypress FonilyondSrtands? '''"' t ""' l:'l't Skillr tert 2 . . rri,.. ,t.t.. ffi in gourbesthondwriting. 5 Copgthe sentences 1 He'so doctor. 1 /4 He'sn doctor. 2 Where's the bol.L? 3 It's in the net. 4 T h i si s m g d o d . 5 Yes,he is. 6 Lookond write. -ffi r-f ffi eE (H) mogrdon otpil. pllot ru merJor tr@ wsrgn -tr$ F-tffi sisert ffi codrot ffiffiffi 7 Whot'sthis?5ogthe words. 'm tr tr tr -,--- Friends? $omilyond @@fl | @oxforduniversity l4 T-s h at i o t s tr s ts 2 Circlethe oddoneout.Write. tr &@ tr ' M % ' /Elm & wtu\a{ (U,, tt-l - €H %e wffi hct /:ll &ffi with hisor her. 3 Completethe sentences 2 T h i si s 1 Theseore her shoes. 4 These ore coot. 3 Thisis l5 4 Orderthe words. r..'r' ffi€* ffi Are thesehis shoes? 2 theg, @,, cre. 3,,,, ,tffi l 4w$ ffi rr l 5 or€n'L No, tf-+eg 6 ]@@ - i,,.ffi @ oxforduniversityPress FornilyondFrlcnds1
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