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Tài liệu First friends 2 class book


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!, ll i -J 4:f"li#n' i ti i *#ear€i Ia :. t.$ F"- :, : ;t i. I ! F i I! 9--+ i ; t i ii **""=.*l**; ! i : ;F : : '' ---**J ! d I ,{'i i F $ I *Ji =.":.i ='' ,f, F= i fl'*l fl'" ; i -*l ,-: i .€{ 11-u i=u a'... r- , , j' '-.. 1-. -. ,-= i-'.i =. A- /h fJ '-.) ^'^! ^1l.t1n. J'": I.'./ g+ 7)J ,W t*|Q.,;t \,1/,. F,ilh {t4: 4le*sBmls Susanlonnuzzi OXTORD \JNIVERSITY PRESS *li" I Hello Revision Revision l'm (name). Dcysof the week Revision: 1-2 Alphobet revision , Lesson2: j Doysof the week I Number .W. -O_f_OrS-:. Commonds one. two Lesson 5: L e t t e rs o n g Lesson 4: i - I Letier song : 2 Our school clcssroom friend Whots thisT Its Alphobet revision Revision: 3 U5 C rOO- Who's'his7 Hes 5^es ^ t^ -.^ Number words: lhree,foul five ^) 5 0 . cD cx sa ' a a) >-s 5 e e 5c " ie cclei : ,. -.-r..-,-.-.- 3 My friends a.^ lc> digroph'sh' co lc hcppy hot I r. ro1 hungry sod fhIrsty trred : sneep ; shoes """:*--*--" : Revision: 6-8 Number words: six.seven, eight i TrS n l Lesson3: lallpr <^nd Lesson4: lf you'rehoppy. . 1 I l il '"1--* 4 | con... I con r cctch , climb : j Or Ow ,jump ! kick '. - --'-"*"*---'i' Revision: digroph'th' orn lnrow thumb Number words: both Lesson3: Lettersong Lerson4: I ccn.;ump, nrne,len i run : ; Sln q r throw '*_1 5 My home i Thereis.../ Thereore I diningroom kitchen livingroom romP plcni so{a TV chocolote beoch kitchen t t -t L l-) l : eleven. : twelve ! : : : i l ,i l'l Lesson3: Lettersong Lerson 4: Becnplont,beonplont, Crow,grow,grow l .. :....., ' Sonosand chonlr Topic -- 1..-,-:aia;::::: --:.*,,-,....-; :-.i--.. 6 My room Where is it? bed It'sin / on / under blonkel shelf pillow wordrobe CVC wirh'o': 13*14 ccl thrrteen, {ourteen hot mof i lesson 3: Letlersong Lesson4: Putyour hcnd on your hecd tn on under 7 On holiday .i..*""..,. i I beoch crob I ' How monyore there? Thereore... sond sondcostle CVC with'e': 15,16 iei fifteen, sixteen neI Lesson3: Lettersong Lesson4: Tenumbrellos in the sun weT l , 5eo shell umbrellc i bioc k ' Dr own purple : white i : 1 -*-*.'1.-..-,-"**-*...-.- 8 Meoltime , 5he/ Hei got... : cheese chicken fish juice potdto I7 -18 CVC with'i': Lesson3: r Lettersong Sevenleen. : ' Lesson4: erchteen . r r ' I roveTooc.teTs bis dig fig eot, pieose rice solod souP 9 Circus fun 5he / He I II can I ocrobot ; bicycle i clown r drum ,Juggler CVC with'o': - ," i 19-20 i: hoP moP jL,, nlneleen' ; twentY . 3: I Lesson r Lettersong ' Larron 4, Lei'scll go to fhe circus IOP i tent l l0 Jobs lsshe/ he ..7 Yes,she/ he is. / No. she/ he isn't , builder ' ooclor former fireman CVC with'u': 5U n POilCe mOn ; shopo;sisiont i (toxi)driver I Lesson3: Lettersong revisron Lesson4: How ore you today? Lesson5: ; Twentyhorseson , the form 11-24 bun run ) : Secret3fy Numbers riii iI , LessenI Revision:n:,,::;'Listenond soy.r) t 5oy ond do. fv i| Flund*g t@ tI tI F l* Sunday lr I lvlonoa" ruesaay rFl , Wednesd ay ' T h ur sdoy .:: Friday S r::irl Lesson3 Revision: Ao-Mn 5ing. r1)s Ac G@Flh il1e"; Nn PP Vfl ffi Lesson4 Revision: Nn-Zz 5in9. r) z Find. Dff EryFf l%k Ltu Hm SYtt Yg,m re lt: li l' .)8 one two a _a!..., i' a. '"''"'--;11!,' [essem6 Look ond soy. It's $cturday! tisten. r) r Listenond oct. r)e It's Scturdag ! Let's plag. Give me the ball. Kick, Adom. Kick! : = aw-nil [V) 7 musi croom 1-clossroom --/?. friend , '--ir!-r?qftev{+ ,4 '1, d.q *-znu-a*t- i'ii L .)) tt schoolbus \v/ rP Seesow '1 -r\-t-kz Y ;).tJ.z-/ . . , - sondbox -sV'r' . l-.--:-i]3:_:s \*\\l cc - Xem thêm -