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Tài liệu Fly high 2 activity book


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F' (; .O - a> o C \ t.k.sr).\r\ \$NN\\K \ \\\\\.n '\. t$V () D .. /,f o${a \.L,,\c t\ t'.]\ / "" 'i ii,. f\\ €tt -Chgr:lotte Covill \ o/ r ri ,1-. "' \l\ [*):x * ===: i': Perrett Chorlotte Covill Jeonne FlyHlgh2 Contents ==-= / AlphobetColoursNumbers / 4 I Ifs o school! 12 2 Spell octopus. 14 3 Cors ondbolls! t6 4 Thofs robot! o IB The Solly's Story: frogs! 2A I TheflyHigh Review yfl pretty. 5 She's 24 6 Is heyourgrondpo? 26 cowboys. 7 We're 28 8 Arewe pirotes? 30 Story: greyduck The Solly's 32 TheFlyHigh Review 2 34 9 Ifs hiskite. 36 our l0 They're toys. 3B ll I'vegoto pel 40 we 12 Hove gotolltheinsects? 42 Circus Solly's Story: boy! 44 TheflyHigh Review 3 46 o 13 There's town. 4B Chotter? 14 Where's 50 1 5 I consing . 52 16 Conyouskip? 54 phone? Solly's Story: Where's mobile my 56 Theflylfigh Review 4 5B 17 I likebreokfost. 60 l8 Doyoulike fish, Potty? 62 19 Hegetsup of seven o'clock. 64 20 Does go to thezooevery doy? Rob 66 Solly's Story: Superboy 6B TheFlyHigh Review 5 7A 2l I'm ploying gome! o 72 22 They're o hoving shower. 74 23 They oren't swimmingl 76 24 Arethey sleeping? 7B Solly's Story: ondthegiont Jone BO TheFlylligh Review 6 &7 25 These crobs. ore B4 26 There lotsof people ore B6 27 There some ore opples. BB 28 Howmony ore sweets there? 90 Solly's Story: Horry ondGreto 92 TheFlylfighReview 7 94 ,n. l o{ | -.! rrlv -.-.-t llll-, :*--- r - l- r ' t WWWW6W , \_/ (Y coPY' oo b c d e f AA B C D E F ( 2 ) Motch. WW wyw 'ff*,fuW I I complete. (, d o bc C Writeond soy. I d pple lephont nsect GH JK \u coPY' m tll nn M S n o p q r N t o U P V o w R 6 & f f i ('l A Y' ] w [ "] AV ffi -ffi vn ry @ l, otch. T.' )tft-*' )K ffiVx w&_ V ffi A Aq ff i m t l'wl V A [-/ W 6 4d /{t} \:e Complete. rnn p M No r o UV ST W Writeond soy. ctopus rnonkey ueen obbit mbrello noke eng u r n iger ulture 5*Ven copv' A XX XX v Y Z z wribond soy. e I fox compleb. O a o o a o a o o o o o aooo a oaoaooaooaaooo ob o ooooo eight n fr. l q A ooaoa V D HK S ooaaaaooooooaoaoaao W Z o a o o o o o o O o b Findond circle. Thensoy. ko ngoroo q d v y a. ) y elplo x u tl c p j e r n o o | | plplr y i t olllb s b n u b o q u ett 2 s u mr e lep ho nt 3 S. b p i i 4a 6 ml ,t'--\W{ Y r(. 1 t<(*/ Then Motch complete. soy. ond O ffi ffi\1 tu ,t w_GUw ffi beor oot nsect onkey noke mbrello ippo ebro \a / \ @ ffi tu ,a .: '"] I Reodond colour. blue brown pink grey white red block green oronge purple yellow lU Then colour. ond Find circle. 3- 4 t ten A - l . ffi MW Iwo qree) four five J g f.€ f.€ f. € f.€ f.€ *€ tri€ g€ -$e -W -qd --"4@ -q- -tr' W -Y -tr .+{ t<(*/ '-$, l<(*r r y r y r y ryry e six one nine ten two four o ooo to seven eight five seven nine ond Count write. A ,1ff',* ffih ffi r-'ffi Rffiq R h 1 f f f f i ilF? *ff i h N'ffi R R ff ffi A one elephont penguins dogs snokes monkeys It's q schoof! ,. I J Lookond circle. \\ \\ t il lt l\r 1 1 Whot's this? .e::'" '- I I t ' so, , , , ,,./ ' 2 I t ' so, , : '/ 3 I t ' so , , ' ./i t".,,- - j { "2# Findond circle. 4 lt's o 5 It'so Match. /n \ @N rubber D y octopus/ book elephont insect Lookond write. Whofs this? It's o pencil this? Whofs Ifs this? Whofs Ifs this? Whofs Its Whofs this? Ifs this? Whofs It's thirteen octopus. Spell Motch. O I @ pleose. Bequiet, 'dog', pleose. 2 Spell pleose. 3 Write'cot', ond Reod colour. bog= blue = rubber white book= red boord green pefl= pink choir= brown O qt 2 Look Exerciseondwrite. is Whot colour it? I The 2 The 3 Ihe O boond is green. is red. iswhite. 4 The 5 The 6 The ispink. isbrown. isblue. colour. Then Reod drqw. ond this? Whot's Ifs on umbrello. The is umbrello redondblue. LVhot's It'so pencil. this? Ihe pencil pink ondgrey. is Ifs this? o flower. Whot's ond is The flower oronge yellow. this? o snoke. Ifs 4 Whots ond is snoke green block. The qnd bofls! Cors Motchondcolour. ffim 4 block cors blue dolls o o og redbolls yellow stickers purple croyons pinkbogs C Count write. ond ,rfl,^. V* @ w? o nobben two nobbens I *q) -* .--SD ^.v\&V\ \Ml \D -\ S,S -Mt 5 oa qnd Reod mqtch. O I Whot they? ore They're beors. 2 Whot they? ore They're lions. 3 Whot they? ore They're hippos. 4 wrib Whof's orWhot theg. this one O t @@@ ffi Whotonetheg ? They're bolls. -\ lirr? !G|E\ E' s ^, ? 3 ? They're cors. 5 They're stickers. -t 6lB. , r. \g3 Its o doll. ? O -l -- ? It'son elephont. ? 6 Ifs o cord. wrib lt's c, It's onorTheg'ne. # It's o &'th-e ,rfl/, '& €{€ choir. 2 octopus. croyons. seventeen Thqt'so robot! ond the Find presents write. O doll +ebof I coke wotch It's o robotl you! Thonk you! Thonk 3 you! Thonk youl Thonk @ ond Reod colour. pencil. is This o blue pencil. is Thot o yellow eighteen cot. is Thot o block cot. is This on oronge cor. is 3 This o green is Thot o redcor. I I ( 3 ) Write Thisis or Thot is. \-/ This is o book. Thotis o bog. I 2 o coke. o robot. 4 o cor. o doll. v qb t/ /, -4*t \,\ \, 5 I tr + l3 o whole. pengurn. o pengu I I A, ll tl) I \-/ Motch. Ir g whor, x \ fs this? this? \ o They're presents. my \ lt B Y vhor lt & t orethey? rethey? whot they? t ore re fs thot? I r ,€\ whor |" t \ \'-- b Ifs mybirthdoy coke. c Thofso robot. HoPpg BinthdosJ d They're cords. my nineteen
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