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Tài liệu Let's go 4 work book 4th edition


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OX,FORD IJNIVERSITY PRESS 198 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, ox2 6Dp, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University of Oxford. It furthe$ the UniversiQ/s objective ofexcellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries @ Oxford University Press zorz The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted First published in zorz 2016 2015 2074 2073 70987654 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing ofOxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. 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'i''t':::t'r"' ' ..,,iil: t_ [, { ffiReqd ond circle. 2.' I l. cool foggy worm hot cold humid How's the weother going to be? ,) 2 z y' ?o:errt':; ,,gnrtr,o Unit I The Greot Outdoors 3 ffi&: Look qnd check. Mox Amy Mory Joe o mitt o skoteboord o bucket o bot o tennis rocket o fishing rod o tennis boll o helmet Amy G&. Look qnd write. a rnitt 6. l+ Unit I The Greot Outdoors ffi: Wnile fhe questions ond onswers. ploy ,r nst qffi a F} >< M ffi ;s CffiD tt'-:\ w ,m >-< t[ffi tennis go fishing go skoteboording o bucket tennis rocket o tennis boll boseboll I ploy . She hos o boll ond o mitt. Whot's she going to do? ?l t She's going I r ! rr to play bqseboll. 2. He hos o skoteboord. Whot's he going to do? l-{e's goinq 3. He hos o fishing rod ond Whsf's he ? m ffi fr#, 4. She hos o ond ) 'dWP' H ffi31 Whot Gre you going to do? trdotch ond write. t.\ ,\' \ 'l 2. I'nn going Unit to ga f ishing" I The Greot Outdoors 5 W, Look ond wrile. L' :,artt:tr::::::::t:i::::t::tiiuitl I . k{e meeCs n fent 2. 3. +. 5. 6. 7. 8. m | Reod ond write. I'm going to go I'm going to go to the mountoins. to the beoch. . Yor* nteed m ?ent. I . Yor* need sumqlasses. 2. 2. 3. 3. r+. r+. 6 o tent sunglosses o hot o swimsuit sunscreen o towel o sleeping bog o floshlight Unit I The Greot Outdoors rcLook, reod, qnd check. I. Whot do they need? M ffrey need o tent. ffrey need swimsuits. Whot does she need? She needs o floshlight. She needs sunglosses. tr tr E r+. Whot does he need? He needs o towel. ne needs o floshlight. Whot do they need? ffrey need sleeping bogs. Tl.rey need sunscreen. tr E m E E Look qnd write. Does she need o floshlight? F*lm. ,, she doesn't. Does she need sunscreen? shs does. Does he need o tent? Does he need o towel? 3. Does she need o sleeping bog? ,) V7 signoture: Porent's Unit I The Greot Outdoors 7 ,ffi ffi:.Mqlch. , Tf ,[ f t :a:: l. ,i:l o 3 chocolote o o 2. o & sheep & o & WM & J. & * o x s cheese o $ x rl. '$*--. \, w r 5. ll l' m @ ffi ffi ww {f;b, ffim Wl 6. 6 i shorts o 1 { O ! O a shirt * t I c '$o chicken -' ffi}1Write. rwM 2ffiM sheen I Unil I The Greot Outdoors ffiM W. Reod. rei - %,'*rffi w_F,df f.mv 4,9 :o ,5fi,il,fi,; ,..l'.:,., ,,:ffi Chilg emponodos ryryWffiffi**l cousins ploy soccer l..,,,,''1..'l'.. .,:.',..,,, l:.''&&] i ffi, ...Wryii:ryTryry $ffi j* - 4{.{dh r 5-&r\dttj. t a---$s-r'$'-' ffi., Answer *he questions. I. How's the weother going to be tomorrow? 2. Whot's Chod going to do on the form? ur P*renl's {Y srcn*luaai Unit I The Greot Outdoors 9 Dresrns W, Reqd qnd numben O whot obout you? D Let's sing ond donce together. @ Whot do you wont to be? oI o In hove o greot ideo! @ the school show! Fontostic! I wont to be o singer. oI o wont to be o doncer. Whot is it? ffi, Reqd qnd mqtch. l.omusicion o 2. o news reporter 3. o writer o o 4. o scientist . 5. on ostronout 6. o singer l0 Unit 2 o Hopes ond Dreoms I { ffi$Wrile the questions qnd qnswers. Whot do you wont to be? f wont to be a singer. ffiX':Whqt qbout you? Wrile. Whot do you wont to be? y &l Furenf's sir:ncturt: Unit 2 Hopes ond Dreoms I I ffXl Look ond write. Across I. Down 3. engineer movie stor truck driver orchitect tour guide delivery person ffi., Reqd ond check. l. She wonts to be o movie stor. no tryes tr 12 Unit 2 Hopes ond Dreoms He wonts to be on orchitect. tryes trno ffi$ Wrile the questions qnd qnswers. \4/hm? dses he ffiX.: l. wcnf ?* be? Look qt C. Answer lhe questions. Does he wont to be on engineer? [Sm. hs dm&$m't, 2. Does she wont to be o movie stor? 3. Does she wont to be o tour guide? tt. Does he wont to be o truck driver? / d Pcrent's siqnciure:,, Unit 2 Hopes ond Dreoms l3 ffi,.Unscrqmble, write, ond number. l. bootosoil sexifi m 2. o cor drive b*mf 3. oround world trovel the 4. o mountoin climb 5. o design gome video 6. house build o ltl Unil 2 Hopes ond Dreoms ffi., Connect. Write the questions ond qnswers. Whmt $he shs wmnt fm e**? d,r*ms wvmrtts aror"ind fm ?r.mvc*8 the world. ) 3. dffs!, M K ? +. r& 2 rc Look of B. Reod ond check. . Does she wont to build o house? tr I Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. 2. Does he wont to trovel tr T Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. I oround the world? 3. Does he wont to climb o mountoin? il si{jn.rture Y 'ucnl'; l tr Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. Unit 2 Hopes ond Dreoms l5 WMotch. I . photo . % \ffiw o o 2. whole o o o WM Iffi ffi o o . 3. phone o 4. white o 5. dolphin o 6. whistle o o O a o a WM O 2wk phone l6 Unit 2 Hopes ond Dreoms # "T ffi ffiwrite. ,wM w W. Reqd. ffi.l Answer the questions. I . Whot does Anno wont to do? 2. Whot does Teri wont to be? 3r. Pcrenl's W siarnclurer Unit 2 Hopes ond Dreoms t7 W Unscromble lhe quesfions. Write the qnswers. going to do Whot he is 2. weother How's going to be the they need Whot do L{. she Does drive o cor wont to ffi, Reqd qnd mqlch. o She wonts to be o writer. . He wonts to be o scientist. He wonts to trovel oround the world. She wonts to design o video gome. 18 Units I ond 2 Review
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