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Tài liệu Oxford read and discover sunny and rainy level 2


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Sq n n y AndBqiny LouiseSpitsbury Readand discoveratl aboutweather... . What makesEarthwarm? . What fa[[s from clouds? R e a da n dd i sco vemo r rea b o u tth e wor ld!Thisser iesof providesinteresting andeducationtl readers non-fiction content,with activitiesandprojectwork. SeriesEditor:HazetGeatches ? nudioCDPackavaitable S |o".1:1,,5',,,,,. @ hilf-:olo,o, S i'"'",""iJ*o,0, O i:yfl,fr*,,,,r, O |i.",.t"1*uo,o, @ ^!"r",."":iuo,o, h : r b is( Wo m e nwith u m b r e [[a /' Vijay Mathur/R euters) C o v c rp h o t r : gr a pCo IS B N978 0 l ') 4rr40i l l ilililltlffil[[ An dR q i n y Louise 5pi[sburg Introduction 4 I Sunng 6 2 Roing 8 3 Cloudg 1,0 4 Snowg L2 5 Wi n d g L4 6 Worm ond Wet L6 7 CoLdond Drg 8 Peopleond Weother ].8 20 Activities 36 Projects 38 PictureDictionorg , About Readand DisCover 40 OXFORD u N rv l 1 | (s l ' l Y l'ltliss OXTORD UNIVERSIl'Y PIIISS Creat Clarendon Strecl, Oxlorll, ox2 6Dp, United Kingdom Oxford University l\'ess is il deprrtncnt ofthe University ofOxford. It ftrrthcs thc LlnivcNity's objective ofexcellence in reseilch, scholship, and educRtion by publishing worldwide, Oxford is a registercd trade mark ofoxford University Press in the UK md in certain other countries @ Oxford University Prcss 2012 The moral rights ofthe author have been asscrtcd First published in 2012 2076 2015 2014 2073 2Or2 10987654321 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reservc'd. No pafi ofthis publication may be rc.prcducc'd, stored in a rctrieval systeln, or tmnsmitted, in any fornr or by any means, without the prior pemrission in writing ofOxfold University Press, or as cxprcssly pcmrittcd by law. by licence or undcr temrs agrced with the appropriate reprogral)hics right5 orgilnizatiorr. Inquirics concerning reproduction outside the scopc of thc rbovc should be setrt lntroduction Con Uou seethe sun in the skg? Cqn Uou seerqin? Is it sunnu outside, or is it roing?\Whqt is gour fovorite tupe of weqther? to the ljlil Rights DepilrtmeDt, Oxford Univcrrity Press, al the rddrcss rbovc You ruust lrot circulate this work in any othcr four and you rrrusl inrpos(. I his silnle c()n(litiut on rny rcquircr Links to thild pafiy wcbsites are providcd by Oxford in good Iaith an(l fbr infomration only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for thc materials contained in any thild palty websitc rcfcrenced in this work rsBN:978o 194646802 An Audio CD Pack containing this book an(l a CD is also available, rsBN 978o 1946469p l The CD has a choicc ofAncrican recordings ofthe completc text. An accompanying Activity rsBN 978o 194646703 and British English Book is also available, Printed in China This book is printed on paper from certified wcll-managed sources. and A(]KNOWLIDC IM ENTS lilrslrdtions lly: Kclly Kernedy pp.4,7,9, 12. 74, I 5, 16, 23, 28: Alin Rowe pp.20, 2 l, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33. 35, 38, 39. 'llrr Jlrhlishrrs worll slso lilic lo lhoak thr'follltwingfor thdr kind l,rnilissir)n lo rdlrro.iricc ltol(Erdphj dnd othcr coryight mutcriol. Ahnly pp.3 (rainy day/Spice Const Collcction/Brl.rn Madhavrn), 6 (zebras/McPHoTo/vario imiges CnblI & Co KC), l:l (flrgs/PictoI Intcnr.rtional/lmagcstxtc), l9 (umbrcllas/ Fraser Band); Corbis pp.6 (rain/Miclucl S. yanashita): cerry Inrages pp.8 (Ryrn/lleyer), 9 (Scth ResDick/Science lraction), l0 (picturcgn(lcnflhc Imagc Rauk), I I (skiing/AshleyJouhar/ 'Ihe Imagc Bank, slow in rtr('el/Stephcn St..lohn/Natidral Gcogr?phic), l8 (bench/l)on Snrilh/lilickr). l9(rain on rooli Christophcr Pillitzflhc Inrige llank); Nillurcpl.com p. l7 (l)oug Allan): Oxfbrd Univc$ity l'rcss Pp.3 (surny day), 4, I 5, 16, I 8 (shutlers): Photolibrrry pp. I 4 (l.uiz (: MrriUo/l,cter Arnold Inlrges): Science I)ll(no l,il)rnry pp.5 (lirry I :l (hurricine/linr li(l(ls). l:rnclolli), Whqt do gou do when it's sunng? Do gou like roing weqther? $[hot tgpes of weqther do Uou know? Nowreodonddiscover more oboutthe weother! Some ploces ctrewqrm ond sunng oll geor, ond theg hove no seosons. Some ploceshqve seqsons.In summer, there's more light from the sun, so it's worm. In winter, there's lesslight from the sun, so it's cold. Is it worm ond sunnu where Uou live? The sun is o stor. It's veru, veru hot! The sun hqs lots of heot ond light. Heqt ond light from the sun come to Eqrth. The heqt ond light moke Eqrth worm so we cctnlive here. Lightfromthe suncomes to Eorthin eightminutes! ) Goto pogesz0-zLforoctivities. When roin folls, woter goes into rivers.Wqter in rivers goes into oceons.\il7henit's sunnu, woter ot the top of the oceqn gets worm. Some of the wqter goes up into the sku.\ilfqterin the skg mokes clouds. Then rqin fqlls ogoin! This is cqlled the wqter cgcle. Roin fqlls from clouds in the sku. There ore mong roindrops in q cloud.\fhen smoll roindrops meet, theg moke one big roindrop. $(/hen there qre lots of big rqindrops, roin fqlls to Eorth. GO ,^ plonts,ondonimoLs People, usewoterto liveondto grow. I Goto poges22-23for octivities. tl-,!}il,,,* ,. Do Uou seeclouds in the skg where Uou live?Some clouds ore grog ond some clouds ore white. Grog clouds hqve mong roindrops.SThiteclouds don't hqve mcrnu roindrops. $7hen it's cloudg, big clouds stop some light from the sun coming to Eqrth. Cumulonimbuscloudsore veru,veru big.When Uou seethis tupe of cloud, get Uour umbrellq! Cumulonimbus cloudshqve lots ond lots of rqindrops, ond theg moke verg big storms. Cu m u l o n i m b ucsl o u d sc o n moke Lightning.Lightning isverg,veruhot! I Goto p0ges24-25for octivities. ,1,,l.l' -3'-\+:* - h;,.}j -'o'* i----""'. Snowy When it's verg cold in the sku, woter in clouds is ice. Some ice fqlls to Eorth. $7hen it folls, the ice is snow. When snow folls on worm ground, the snow melts.Then the snow is wqter ogoin. Somewqter goesinto the ground ond it helps plonts to grow. Some woter goes into rivers. =Fc i \''h jr e 'ilt) t 1;-l i Jt1 J t,, $7hensnow folls on cold ground, it's lots of snow white everuwhere!tWhen folls on mountoins,peoplecon go skiing.When lots of snow folls on housesond streets,peoplecqn't drive their cors.Then theg con't go to schoolor work. ) -ll Goto poges26-27for octivities. J I Windy Do gou know the sun mokes wind? til7ind is qir thot moves. In the skg there's qir. The sun mqkes the qir wqrm. Wqrm oir goes up into the skg. In the skg it's veru cold, so the oir gets cold.When the qir is cold, it goes down ogoin. ,r-- I : \(rind blows.A breezeis wind thot blows slowlg.A breezeccrnblow flogs in the skg. Somewinds blow fqst. A hurricqne is wind thot blows veru fqst.\il(rhenthere'sq hurricqne, people qre sccrred.A hurricqne cqn blow down treesqnd houses! ItfqrrnqndWet In someroinforests there's3 centimeters of roin evergdog ! F. In the Tropics, it's worm ond wet oll geor. Mong rqinforests grow in the Tropics. In q rqinforest, trees get lots of light qnd roin, qnd theg grow veru tqll. Mong qnimols live in wqrm, wet roinforests.Monkegs live in trees qnd theg eqt nuts ond fruit. Birds flg from tree to tree. Birds eqt minibeqsts.Theg eot nuts qnd fruit, too. Smqll frogs drink rqindrops on the big leovesof rqinforest trees. Goto poges30-3Lfor octivities. There oren't mcrng onimols in the Arctic ond the Antqrctic. There ore no leqves,fruit, or nuts for onimols to eot. In the Arctic qnd the Antorctic it's verg cold ond drg. A lot of the wqter is ice or snow. There ore no trees plonts cqn't grow in thes. ploces.There's white ice qnd snow evergwhere! Seols swim in the oceon to find fish. Theg eot lots of fish ond theg g et verg fqt. This helps them to be worm. i;j ,,;igtr-,iffii; rlil' rffii'.:' . . .. '--.: ":<--+!h t'l ') ,l'.1., , :. 1...1 .il:r,,.'l { V(rhenit's sunnu, people con get hot. Mong buildings hove windows with shutters.\U(rhen it's sunnu, the shutters stop the heqt qnd light going in the buildings.Then people in the buildings don't get hot. \Whenit's sunng, mqnu people weqr o hot. Then their heod doesn't get hot. \Whenit's rqinUrpeople cqn get wet. Buildings hove roofs.The rqin fqlls off the roofs qnd it doesn't go in the buildings.Then people in the buildings don't get wet. tWhen it's roing, mqnu people use qn umbrello. Then theg don't get wet. \Whqt do gou do when it's rqing ond when it's sunnu? ) Goto poges34-35for octivities. lll sunny 3 Completethe sentences. seosons worm cold svn'n"U $ Recdpoges4-5. L Somep[ocesore wo rm Qpi 1 Findondwrite the words. o U r e S i t I b t n U d bt s u n tLl q h t u t s r t W e k q c h e o t e a r t h z p z u L n h e a r n 5 =i.:i=.-:-i=:=r o[Lgeor. 2 Someploceshove r& 3 I n s um m e rt,h e r e 'sm o r eL i g h ft r o mt h e s u n , so it's 4 In winter,there'sLessLightfrom the sun, so it's 2 4 Writethe words. winter cotd wsfitl summer 4 2 Writetrueorfalse. L T hesunis o sto r. 3 ,l' 1"1'l" 2 T hesunis ve rg,ve rgco [d. 3 H eotond L igh fro t mth e sunc om e to Eorth. 4 Theheotond LightmokeEorthcol-d. 4 2 ":' .l d -TThenwrite 3 Completethe sentences. th e n u mbers. Rqiny $ Reodpoges6-7. sku oceons clouds roin rivers s u n n 9 I Circlethe correctwords. 1 Whenroinfo[Ls, wotergoesinto oca 2 Woterin riversgoesinto ,,,, cloud/ river roin/cloud riverf oceon 3 Whenit's oceongetsworm. , woter of the top of the 4 Someof the wotergoesup intothe 5 Woterin the skgmokes @ 6 Then oceonI skg plontsI onimols plonts/ onimo[s 2 Writetrueorfalse. 1 R oinf o[Lsfro m th e su nin the s k g. 2 W henbig ro ind ropmee s t,t heg mokeon esmoLro [ ind rop . 3 Whenthereore lots of big roindrops, roinfo[[sto Eorth. 4 People, p[onts,ond onimo[suse woter to liveond to grow. ii-ii i':.:::;ii:t.il:.!:rr:.1:j:irf ., i r: foLl,s ogoin! Complete the puzzLe. Thenwritethe secretword. €Xsudy $ Reodpoges8-9. o@J I Motch.Thenwrite the sentences. Someclouds-\ q:-^t 5- -> \-> mong roindrops. Somecloudsore \ Grogcloudshove Whitecloudsdon't hovemong roindrops. \- oreg ro4. Thesecretword is: white. I It 1 t)ffif-flrefff#ufls fire qrflv, 2 3 4 Circlethe correctwords. 4 2 Findondwritethe words. uwhitesunhortiq ffi,ubto ht 1 2 @ m#qy 3 5 4 6 L Cumulo n i mb culso u d so r ev e r u , verubig'/smo[[. 2 Cumulo n i mb culso u d sm o k e bigI smo[tstorms. CumuLo n i m bcul os u d s stop/mokeLightning. isverg,verghot/ cold. Lightning .1 .: .-i; .: '/[I i )$nouwy 3 Writethe words. mountoin snow house cloud skiing cor $' Reodpoges10-L1. X Motch. r--------*-- -\ 's2' (*II'-:l"j'^t% 'm W h o ti ss n o w when it melts? #J G:r*;\S flro*' '''."th.-) fA [-r:"llt'o:'"*';,"!Y Fl*r l.I-t*rrl GA Y t*'1111ll":IYr- Numberthe sentences in order. [_J Thenthe snowis woterogoin. [ _JWhenicefoltsto Eorth,the iceis snow. Ij Whensn owfo[[so n worm gr ound, the snowmelts. [*_1Whenit'svergcoldin the skU,woter in cloudsis ice . 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 Writetrueorfalse. 1 W hens n o wf o l t so n c o l dg r o u n d , the snowmelts. W hens n o wf o L [ so n m o u n t o i n s , peopt ec o n 'tg o s k i i n g . Whensnowfo[Lson streets,PeoPLe c on' tdr i v et h e i rc o r s . B Windy 3 Writethe words. breeze house tree sku hurricone flog $ ReodpogesL2-L3. 1 Circlethe correctwords. &w 1 W o r mo i rgoesup/d own. 2 Airgetshot lco[d. 3 CoLdoir goes up / down. Complete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 skg cold sun down oir 1 In the skgthere's 2 The mokesthe oir wor m . 2 Whichwind blowsfost? 3 Wormoir g oe sup in toth e 4 I n t h e s kU,th oir e gets 5 Whenthe oir is co [d,it g oe s 3 Whot con 0 hurricone do? ogotn. i" @ 3 Motch.Thenwritethe sentences. Wqrrn e&?d Wet M ongonim o L s live in nutsondfruit,too. Monkegseot nuts on bigleoves. roindrops L In the Tropics, it'sco[dond drg. Birdseot m inibeos tosn d worm,wet roinforests. 2 Mong roinforests grow in the Tropics. Sm o[ [f r og sd r i n k $ ReodpogesL4-L5. 1 Writetrueorfalse. ondfruit. 3 In o roinforest, treesgrow vergsmo|"[. L 2 Findondwrite the words. f r U t h X q f t I o U I h u L e z r u q p c m o n k e 9 m i n i b e b i r d P n z o t t o V e 5 X n t X k V f r o I o 5 t 5 S @ 1 2 3 4 4 Answerthe questions. t 1 W heni s i t w o r m o n dw e t i n t h e T r o p i c s ? 2 Wheredo monkegstivein a roinforest? 3 2l 5 6 tr 3 W hot d o b i r d sd o i n o r o i n f o r e s t ? Coldqnd Dry 2 Findondwritethe words. oce0 n rluts Iceseolfishtree $ ReodpogesL6-L7. I Completethe sentences. L In the 5 3 L onimo[s snow woter Arctic ice Antorctic ptonts ffie 6 ondt he it'svergco[dond I dra. A Lotof the l 3 Circtethe correctwords. I L Seolswotk / swimin the oceon. 1 5r ce 2 SeoLs eot fish / fruit. or Snow. 3 Seolsorefot / thin. 3 Thereore no treescon'tgrow in theseploces. 4 SeoLs orefot to helpthem to beworm I coLd. 4 Answerthe questions. 4 There's white ond evergwhere! L Howdo seotsgetvergfot? 5 Thereoren'tmonu 2 W hot h e l p ss e o [ st o b ew o r m ? in the Arcticondthe Antorctic. @'i . :r"i:i'|*rEr'rii'ra;niai:taiiir.ir:iir1r'1::r'if"i:'i' i ir I i I t- rr r! ii, ,_.:!. -jlr:i::1i,rrr11jr:;r1ri.?i ',@ qndWeqther People ( be w Reodpoges18-19. I Motch. L Whenit'ssunng,peopte 2 Whenit'sroing,peopte 3 Whenit'ssunnU, 4 Whenit'sroing, the Puzzle. 3 Comptete conget wet. ccnget hot. peopleuse on umbretto. peopleweor o hot. k= d3{ * 2 Orderthe words. L hovewindowsI Msngbuil.dings / with shutters. ,..lV\UUr i:*=i+il.l].::l:==ui J1,#*rtur,,tn r+ftfl'r rufllrit5g=,. L0 -> 2 the heotondLightlTheshutters I stop/ g o i n gi n . ir, @i 3 p eoplecong et / Wh enit'sroin g,/ wet . {i.' !:' iiil PF i .l :: :'' i i'il !t: :ii_. 4 Roin/ roofs.I foLlsoff ui: !i I I : T.tf F }.I v Diqry @ AWesther 1 Completethe weotherdiarg. Mondog Dog roinyoff doy groy cloudsin the sky WeqtherCqrds @ 1 Completethe weothercords. P[oce Weother Animo[s I Drowthe Writeobout weother. the weother. M o ndog P[oce Tuesdo g ''i t '': i j i : i t j : Weother Animo[s ' : l Wednesdog Th u rsdog 2 Writeo weothercordforwhereUoutive. Fri dog P[oce Weother Animo[s S o t urdog S u ndog @,, @
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