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Tài liệu Oxford read and discover wheels level 1


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Wheels Rob Sved Read and discover all about wheels ... • What can wheels do? • How many wheels does a unicycle have? Read and discover more about the world! This ser ie'> 01 non-fiction readers provides interesting and educatloll .d content, with activities and project work. Series Editor: Hazel Geatches ~ Audio CD Pack available Word count for this reader: 675 Level 1 300 headwords tJt'\ Level 2 ~ 450 headwords f.1't\ Level 3 '& 600 headwords t!Jl\ Level 4 '<::iJJ 750 headwords 6"!\ Level 5 I:::iY 900 headw & Level 6 ' 1" • • • 9 780 1 9 4 (i 1 I , , ~~ . . . ", r _ _~......_ _ _ __ e~ Wheels Rob Sved Contents' Introduction 3 1 What Are Wheels? 4 2 Carts and Chairs 6 3 Bicycles 8 4 Cars, Planes, Trains 10 5 Wheels for Fun 12 6 Wheels to Cut 14 7 Wheels at Home 16 8 Water and Wind 18 Activities 20 Project 28 Pictu re Dictiona ry 30 About Read and Discover 32 OXFORD UN IV ERSITY PRESS OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great C1arendon Street, Oxford, OX2 60F United Kingdom t Oxford University Press is a department afthe University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research. scholarship. and education by publishing wo rldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in th e UK .1I1c! in certain other couno"ies ® Ox rord Un iversity Press 201 2 The moral righ ts o f the author have been asserted First pu b lished in 2 0 "12 20 1620 1520 14 20 -13 20 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I No unauthol"ized photocopying All rig hl s rcsclvcd. No part of this publica ti on may be reproduced. slored in a retrieval system. or transmined, in any form or by any m eans. without the prior permi ssion in writing of Oxford University Press. or as expressly permitted by law, by lice nce or under terms agreed with the approp riate reprographi cs rights organization. Enquiries co ncern ing reprod uction outside the scope of the above shou ld be se nt to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press. at the add ress above Introduction We use \vheels every day. All wheels are round, but some wheels are big and some wheels are little. Wheels can do many things. You must not circulate t hi s work in a ny othe r form and you mllst impose this sa me condition o n a ny acquirer Links to third pa rty we bsites a re provided by Oxford in good fait h and for information only. Oxford d isclaims any res ponsibility for the materials co nta ined in any third party webs ite re ferenced in this work I SBN: 9780 19464631 4 An Audio CD Pac k containing this book and a CD is a lso avai lablc. I SHN 9780194646413 I Thc CD has a choice of American and British English reco rdings of the complete text. IQ I An acco mpanying Activity Book is also available, ISBN 9780194646529 Printed in China This book is printed o n paper from certiJiecl and well·managecl sources. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Illustrations by: Kelly Kennedy pp.9, 13, 19; Alan Rowe pp. 20, 21,22,23,24,26,27,30,3 1. The Publishers would also like to thank the follm,ongfor their kind pennis~io" to reproduce photographs and other copylight matelia/: Aiamy 1'1'.3 (bike w heels/Carlos Voss), 5 (bus/MO Peerbaeus, roll e rska ters/MARKA). 15 (comb ine halvestcr/Joh n McKenna); Co rbi s 1'1'.6 (stro ll er/Co rey Rich/Aurora Pholos); CellY Images p.3 (tra in whee ls/Panoram ic Im ~l ges. ca r w hcels/Mau hew Ward/Dorling Kinders lcy), 4 (Bob I" ngrish/Dorling Kinde rsley), 7 (wheelchair ra ce/Jan Kru ge r/Ce ll Y Images 51'01'1), 8 (cycle ra ce/Sajjad Hllssain/S t rin ge r) , 10 (Ma t I hew Wa rdfDor li ng Kinderslcy). 11 (planc/train/pan or,lmic Images), 13 (chi ld 011 loy/ Run e ./o han se n/l' holo library), 14 (C hri s Chead le/S tone), 15 (p izza cu i (('r/Lew Rob(, l"t so n/ph olograph e r's Choice). 17 (rO il ing pin/O leksly Maksy menko/AII Canada Photos , paint rolkrlSll'vl'1l l)lIt'l zt'l"/Riser), 19 (O li ver Cleve/p hotographe r' s Choi ce); Oxlonl llll ivc rsilY Press 1'1'.3 (yo-yos), 6 (s hopping lro ll"y), ~(W() Ill ; "ltycl i s l), 9, 12, 13 (meny-go-round), 16 (alarm clot·k and x·ray 0 1 clock), 18: Rex Features p.7 (m an in Whl'l'lch;lirIS ip:l Press). Where are these wheels? Where can you see other wh eels? Now read and discover more about wheels! I I I I I L---.....I-.I 'What Are Wheels? Wheels are machines. Wheels are round and the-y turn. People use wheels to do man-y things. People use wheels to carr-y things. This wheelbarrow has one wheel at the front. The girl walks and the wheel turns. People use wheels to move. This school bus has four big wheels. It carries lots of people. Wheels are fun, too. Look at these roller skates. A roller skate has four little wheels. With roller skates, people can move fast . .. Go to page 20 for activities. Carts and Chairs In a store, people use a shopping cart to carry man!;) things. The cart has little wheels. People can push and pull the cart. A stroller has wheels, too. People push the strollers and babies can sleep in them. Some people can't walk. The!;) use wheelchairs to move. The!;) push the big wheels with their hands. People use wheelchairs in sports. These people are in a long race. They can go 42 kilometers in two hours! .. Go to page 21 for activities. • Do 1Jou have a bic1Jcle? Bic1Jcles have two wheels. You use 1Jour legs to turn the wheels. You wear a helmet to protect 1Jour head. Some bic1Jcles can go ver1J fast. These people are in a race. Look at this bic1Jcle wheel. It's a metal wheel with a rubber tire. The tire helps the wheel to turn on bump1J roads. You use a pump to put air into the tire. A unicycle has one wheel. It's fun to ride! + Go to page 22 for activities. • A PLane ·Cars, Planes, Train Cars, planes, and trains all have wheels. The-y have an engine, too. The engine makes the wheels turn fast. A plane uses wheels to move ver-y fast, and then it flies into the sk-y. How man-y wheels can -you see? How man-y wheels does a car have? It has four wheels. It has a steering wheel, too. You turn the steering wheel and the car moves left or right. Trains have metal wheels. The wheels turn on a metal track. ACar 4 : -~ .. .: ' ~. f ;~-:~: . :... :~ :~/! ',"'- , -_,";-. . ~ .. _ r .." _ " ~ J,.. ' p . ... • + Go to page 23 for activities. _ _ '" ', '_ Wheels for fun People use wheels for fun, too! You can see man1:) wheels at the fairground. This big wheel turns, and people go round and round. .. BI9 WheeL This wheel is a merr1:)-go-round. Children stand on the wheel. Other people push it round and round. Man1:) t01:)s have wheels. This t01:) has little wheels. Children sit on it and the1:) use their legs to move . A yo-yo is a wheel. It turns fast a nd goes up a nd down . + Go to page 24 for activities. CD Wheels to Cut People use wheels to cut things. A round, metal saw is very sharp. The saw uses electricity to turn very fast. It can cut many things. This round saw can cut wood. Wheels can cut food, too. You can push this cutter on a pizza. The metal wheel turns and it cuts the pizza. This combine harvester has wheels to move and wheels to cut. The metal wheels are very sharp and they turn fast. The combine harvester moves and the metal wheels cut the wheat. i4II'I'1 , Wheels at Home People use wheels to do man-y things at home. Look in -your home. How man-y wheels can -you find? This clock has man-y wheels inside. The wheels turn together, and the-y make the hands move. This rolling pin is a long wheel. People use a rolling pin to make bread and cookies. Do -you know people can paint with wheels? People use a roller to paint walls. \ Go to page 26 for activities. Water and Wind People use rivers and the wind to turn wheels. This is an old water mill. The water in the river turns a big wheel. The big wheel turns other wheels in the water mill. The wheels make flour from wheat. A wind turbine has wheels inside. The wind turns the wheels. This makes electricit!:). We use wheels ever!:) day, and they help us do man!:) different thing s. Which is !:)our favorite wheel? .. Go to page 27 for activities. CD What Are Wheels? .. Read pages 4-5. .. Read pages 6-7. 1 Write the words. roLLer skates Carts and Chairs , • • Find and write the words. ~.'-!to '-'" I vv nee- ~~III" P.; . AJ.r DU I I...,VV people otepushWh (i};;IiL bus ~troLlerspo{tss\; eelchair tn~ 1 wheelbarrow 2 _ _ _ __ 3 4 _ _ __ _ - -- -- little i--atTn& big front 1 Wheels are round and they turn. 2 CompLete the sentences. 2 A wheelbarrow has a wheel at the 1 2 4 _ _ __ 5 - - -- - - - - 3 _ _ __ 6 2 Write true or false. 1 Babies can sleep in stroLLers. 2 A shopping cart has big wheels. 3 People push a shopping cart. 3 A bus has _ _ __ wheels. 4 A roLLer skate has _ __ _ wheels. pull 4 People in wheelchairs push the wheels with their hands. true Cars, Planes, Trains Bicycles ... Read pages 8-9. ... Read pages 10-11. 1 Find and write the words. r t 0 m e I(r 0 a p a p h e l 0 3 P I t CD u m r a u m e e l d p 1 t 4 1 Write the words. Be' S fi road m car train bicycle 2 ----=--=-h - -- 5 1 - 3 - -- - - - - -- 2 ----- -----'t"'-------_ __ 2 Match. Then write the sentences. You use your legs ~ to protect your head. You use a pump to put air into a tire. You wear a helmet to turn bicycle wheels. 1 You use your legs to turn bicycle wheels. 2 - 3 plane - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 4 _ _ _ __ 2 Write true or false. 1 A ca r has six wheels. 2 You turn a steering wheel and the car moves left or right. 3 Trains don't have wheels. 4 Trains move on a metal track. Wheels for Fun + Read pages 12-13. + Read pages 14-15. 1 Write the words. down left round 1 _ _ __ 1 Match. Then write the sentences. up right o 2 _ _ __ Wheels to Cut A combine harvester cuts wood. A pizza cutter cuts wheat. Asaw cuts pizza. 3 _ _ __ 4 _ _ __ 1 5 _ _ __ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 2 Corn plete the sentences. sit push yo-yo fairground 2 Circle the correct words. 1 A metal saw is very sharp / wood. 2 A saw turns very fast / food. 1 There are many wheels at the _ _ __ 2 People can 3 You can 4 A _ _ __ a merry-go-round. on a toy. goes up and down. 3 A pizza cutter has a meta l wheel/pizza. 4 A combine harvester has wheels to move a nd wheels to cutter / cut. 5 A combine harvester sits / moves and the wheels cut the wheat. Water and Wind Wheels at Home + Read pages 16-17. + Read pages 18-19. 1 Write the words. Then match. 1 Write the words. electricit!::! wi nd tu rbi ne river water mill 1 kccol clock - 2 CompLete the sentences. long make turn paint 1 2 3 _ _ __ _ 4 2 Write true or false. 1 The wind turns a wheel in a water mill. _ __ 1 People use a rolling pin to - - - - bread a nd cookies. 2 Wheels in a water mill can make flour from wheat. 2 A clock has man!::! wheels that - - - together. 3 People use a roller to _ _ __ walls. 3 The wind turns a wind turbine and this makes electricit!::!. 4 A rolling pin is a _ _ __ wheel. 4 You can't use wheels to make electricit!::!. ~L 2 How many wheels does it have? My Wheels Write words. 1 wheel 1 Find 0 r draw pictu res of wheeLs. Then write. "" 2 or 3 wheels Where is it? yo-yo Is it big or little? Is it fast? ~ '" lil Where is it? ' 11 Is it big or little? Is it fast? "" 4 wheels many wheels Where is it? Is it big or little? II! 1'1 Is it fast? ~ " Where is it? Is it big or little? Is it fast? ~ ""'I, ~~ ~ Picture Dictionary air down flour bumpy children eLectricity fairground food front cut paint people protect pull fast push race right road hour sharp sleep sports store water wheel ~ o ~ ~ inside left machine metal I I turn up Metric measurement Page 7 Series Editor: Hazel Geatches • CLlL Adviser: John Clegg Oxford Read and Discover graded readers are at six levels, for students from age 6 and older. They cover many topics within three subject areas, and support English across the curriculum, or Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLlL). Available for each reader: • Audio CD Pack (book & audio CD) • Activity Book Teaching notes & CLlL guidance: www.oup.com / elt/teacher/ readanddiscover ~ Area The World of Science The Natural The World of Arts & Technology World & Social Studies Level @ 300 headwords @ 450 headwords • • • • Eyes Fruit Trees Wheels • • • • At the Beach Camouflage In the Sky Young Anima ls • Art • Schools • • • • Electricity Plastic Sunny and Rainy Your Body • • • • Earth Farms In the Mountains Wild Cats • Cities • Jobs How We Make Products Sound and Music Super Structures Your Five Senses Amazing Minibeasts • An imals in t he Air Life in Rainforests Wonderful Water All About Plants How to Stay Healthy Machines Then and Now Why We Recycle • • • • All About Desert Life All About Ocean Life Animals at Night Incredible Earth • Animals in Art • Wonders of the Past • Materials to Prod ucts • Medicine Then and Now • Transportation Then and Now • Wild Weather • • • • All About Islands Animal Life Cycles Exploring Our World Great Migrations • Homes Around the World • Our World in Art • • • • • • • • All About Space Caring for Our Planet Earth Then and Now Wonderful Ecosystems • Food Around the World • Helping Around the World ~ 600 headwords @ 750 headwords @) 900 headwords ~ 1,500 headwords • • • • Cells and Microbes Clothes Then and Now Incredible Energy Your Amazing Body Readers in GRAY available 2013 Festivals Around the World Free Time Around the World ./ 42 kilometers Customary measurement 26 miles
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