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Tài liệu Phonics pot4 (worksheet)


Mô tả:

Worksheet NEW WORDS 1 train brain May fry leaf sleep soap snow moon jewel cloud clown sausage law jaw boil Worksheet Date: 1-1 . . Name: / L ook and color the correct letter(s). r sk n pl magp Worksheet 1-2 Date: . . Name: / Count and write the number. snail paint gray pail day tray Worksheet 1-3 Date: . . Name:  raw your own picture. /D cry pie tie sky Worksheet Date: 1-4 . . Name: / Find the way and draw a path. Clue: fly g rain g train g tray g magpie Start Finish Worksheet 1-5 Date: . . / L et’s play Treasure Hunt. Name: NEW WORDS 2 train brain May fry leaf sleep soap snow moon jewel cloud clown sausage law jaw boil Worksheet 2-1 Date: . . Name: / Look and match the picture to the word. boat see row seal Worksheet 2-2 Date: . . Name:  raw your own picture. /D leaf feet sleep seal Worksheet Date: 2-3 . . Name: / Color the space with the the right color. blue b ro wn row bowl snow bowl blow soap bowl soap bowl row boat road row coat snow road coat snow blow Worksheet Date: 2-4 . . Name: / F ind, color the words, and write. a y b o w l e r f s a d j c l o f e e t h o j w c a a s m a e f s l o w c t r w Worksheet 2-5 Date: . . / Let’s play the board game. Start! Finish Name: NEW WORDS 3 train brain May fry leaf sleep soap snow moon jewel cloud clown sausage law jaw boil Worksheet 3-1 Date: . . Name: / Look, say, and match. spoon powder flour stew Worksheet 3-2 Date: . . Name: / S olve the maze and write the word. Start Goal! g g g g g Worksheet 3-3 Date: . . Name: / Draw your own picture. down gown towel mouse house Worksheet 3-4 Date: . . Name: / F ind and circle the hidden picture. Worksheet 3-5 Date: / Let’s play bingo. . . Name:
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