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How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? Tên sáng kiến kinh nghiệm: HOW TO TEACH SPEAKING IN TIENG ANH 12 EFFECTIVELY? I. LÝ DO CHỌN ĐỀ TÀI: * Phần giảng dạy này được đưa vào chương trình Anh văn 10 từ năm học 2006 – 2007,Anh văn 11 từ năm học 2007 – 2008 v à Anh văn 12 từ năm học 2008-2009 * Đề tài mang tính thiết thực phần nào giúp giáo viên giảng dạy các tiết n ói hiệu quả hơn, giúp học sinh rèn luyện kĩ năng nói lưu loát hơn, t ự nhiên hơn. II.THỰC TRẠNG TRƯỚC KHI THỰC HIỆN CÁC GIẢI PHÁP CỦA ĐỀ TÀI: 1. Thuận lợi:  Có hướng dẫn của Bộ trong “Tài liệu bồi dưỡng giáo viên” và trong sách giáo viên English 12.  Có hướng dẫn trong đợt tập huấn thay sách 2. Khó khăn:  Chương trình mới chỉ mới được áp dụng trong bốn năm học.  Giáo viên cần đầu tư nhiều công sức cho soạn giảng ở mỗi tiết dạy, tra cứu tài liệu, hình ảnh minh họa 3. Số liệu thống kê: III. NỘI DUNG ĐỀ TÀI: 1. Cơ sở lý luận: Đề tài liên quan đến kỹ năng nói, là một trong 4 kỹ năng không thể thiếu trong quá trình học một ngôn ngữ. 2. Nội dung, biện pháp thực hiện các giải pháp của đề tài: Trình bày những kinh nghiệm soạn và dạy SPEAKING trong Tiếng Anh 12 một cách có hiệu quả : - Những khó khăn và giải pháp giáo viên cần biết trong việc dạy và học tiếng anh thông qua kĩ năng Nói. - Những nguyên tắc giáo viên cần nắm vững khi dạy Speaking - Một số bài tập được thiết kế cho phần Warm-up trong các tiết dạy Speaking (Tiếng Anh 12) - Ví dụ về Lesson plan ở 1 tiết dạy Speaking. - Ví dụ về 1 bài dạy Speaking sử dụng CNTT kèm dĩa CD Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 1 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? How to teach Speaking in Tieng Anh 12 effectively I/ INTRODUCTION Teaching English in schools help students form and develop the basic knowledge of English language and communication skills in a range of topics related to personal, family life, socio-cultural and normal science, at the same time fostering the intellectual and moral qualities necessary for students to continue their higher education or go into social life. To master a language in general and English in particular we must develop all four skills – listening , speaking, reading and writing. However, how we can develop each of them successfully is a big problem for all concerned . Speaking is one of the most important skills in teaching language .I believe that it should be enjoyable at the same time meeting the communicative competencies of the learners. At first, it’s not easy to teach but through building the self-confidence of the students, everything will turn to be easy. Learning to speak the English language is fun . Today, I would like to discuss some difficulties in teaching and learning English through Speaking and the solutions to them and some of my experience in teaching speaking in TIENG ANH 12. II/ CONTENT: How to teach Speaking in Tieng Anh 12 effectively? 1/ The problems in teaching and learning English through Speaking and the solutions to them The problems a/ Inhibition Learners find it difficult to say things in a foreign language in the classroom because they are shy or perhaps they are afraid of making mistakes, of others’ criticism, or losing face. b/Nothing to say Learners often complain that they cannot think of anything to say. Usually, they have no motive to express themselves because they feel guilty that they should be speaking. c/ Low or uneven participation Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 2 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? In a large group, learners have very little talking time because of some dominant learner’s talks. d/ Mother-tongue use Learners tend to use mother tongue if they are grouped with those having the same language, and particularly talking in small groups because they find it easier and more natural to speak their mother tongue than a foreign language. Teachers then would find it difficult to get learners keep to the target language. e/.Irrelevant speaking tasks The Solutions * As teachers of English, we should understand the role of the teacher in teaching Speaking: The teacher is a Prompter, a Participant and a feedback provider. - Teacher can help students and the activity to progress by offering discrete suggestions. Students won’t feel frustrated when coming to a dead end of language or ideas if teacher’s help doesn’t disrupt the discussion or forcing them out of role. - Teacher’s participation in discussion or role-plays will help the activity long by prompting covertly, introducing new information. Also, this will ensure continuing student engagement and generally maintain a creative atmosphere. Teacher should not take over the classroom so that students lose opportunities for speaking. Teacher should avoid overcorrection. Helpful and gentle correction may get students out of difficult misunderstanding and hesitations. *As teachers of English, we should also understand the characteristics of a successful speaking activity. According to Ur (2002:120), the characteristics of a speaking activity that make teachers judge it “successful” are: 1. Much learner’s talk : Learners should talk as much as possible during the allotted time for speaking activity 2. Even Participation : All learners have a chance to speak and contribute to the discussion. In a classroom discussion a small number of talkative participants have little opportunity to play the role of the dominant ones. 3. High motivation: Learners are highly motivated. They are interested in the topic, eager and willing to speak because they have something new to say about it. Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 3 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? 4. Acceptable level of language accuracy: Learner’s utterances are ‘relevant, easily comprehensible to each other and of an acceptable level of languages to express themselves in a successful speaking activity. *As teachers of English, we should also understand the value of role play as a class activity -Role play increases motivation - Role play gives a chance to use language in new contexts and for new topics. - Role play helps teachers build on something that students naturally enjoy. - Role play encourages students to use natural expressions and intonations as well as gestures. *As teachers of English, we must master three main stages of the lesson plan for teaching speaking and the activities included 1. Pre-speaking (Presentation stage/phase) Activities/Tasks include - Question-Answer Exchange - Communication games (Information gap) - Discussion (buzz groups) - Pre-teaching (new words/structures/…) 2. While-speaking (Practice/stage/phase) Activities/Tasks include - Cued dialogue/Controlled role play 3. Post-speaking (Practice/stage/phase) Activities/Tasks include - Role plays in new contexts (Acting out dialogues) - Reporting - Discussion (instant comment, formal debates, unplanned discussion,…) The things that teachers should do to solve the problems 1. Use group work Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 4 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? This increases the amount of learner’s talking time even though learners may slip into their mother tongue in their talk; and teachers cannot totally control such a thing. 2. Base the activity on easy language The level of language needed for discussion should be easier. The participants find it easy to recall or produce the language, then they can speak fluently. It would be good if essential vocabulary is pre-taught and reviewed before the activity starts. 3. Make a careful choice of topic and task to stimulate interest. Teachers should select interesting topic and task for learners to discuss or perform. If the purpose of the discussion is clear, the participants will be more motivated. 4. Give clear instruction or training in discussion skills. Learners should be given clear instruction, told what to do, and assigned roles in a discussion. 5. Keep learners speaking the target language Teacher might appoint a monitor to remind the participants to use the target language, or she/he has to do it herself/himself. 6.Know how to correct Speaking - During speaking activities in controlled language practice, teachers often correct every time there is a problem to achieve accuracy. - However during speaking activities in free language practice, teachers cannot do the same thing because the ultimate purpose here is to achieve fluency. Thus, teachers should : + watch, listen while speaking activities are taking place. + note down good points as well as shortcomings (i.e. students couldn’t make themselves understood or make serious mistakes that cause communication breakdown). + ask students point out their own mistakes and if they can correct the mistakes by themselves when the activity has finished. + write down the mistakes on the board or give the mistakes individually to the students concerned. + avoid singling students out for particular criticism. Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 5 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? If teachers interrupt students constantly for correcting mistakes they will destroy the purpose of the speaking activity and take the communicativeness out of the activity. In short, the general principle of watching and listening so that teachers can give feedback later is usually much more appropriate. 7. Facilitate speaking tasks ( Tieng anh 12) : The common tactics are : providing more language input, eliciting more clues, personalizing the contents, reducing the workload, adapting instructions, combining tasks and rearranging tasks Provide more language input - Revise old vocabulary and structures - Provide words and expressions Unit 6 : Future Jobs : Jobs: doctor, tourist guide, writer, pilot, waiter, electrician, policeman, journalist, hotel receptionist, computer programmer, office assistant… Task 3 : T can give Sts some guiding questions: + Will you work for a big company/ small company or be self-employed? + Do you prefer to have a full-time job/ a part-time job or work whenever you want? + Do you prefer to work in an office/ work outdoors or work at home? +Do you prefer to work alone/ work with the same people every day or often work with different people? + Do you prefer to have a well-paid job/ an interesting job or a job which helps people? Unit 16: Use pictures to teach some new words Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 6 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? Elicit more clues - Make students talk about specific things Ex: Unit 6: Future job – Task 2: What do you like/ don’t like about each job + Salary: how much is high enough? + Location: home town or a far-away city? Unit 8: Life in the future – Task 2: Predictions about the future Developments of science and technology: people landing on Mars; talking robots, intelligent house, etc. Personalize the contents - Bring out students’ previous knowledge - Make teaching contents age-specific - Utilize students’ imagination Ex: Unit 16 – ASEAN – Task 2: Teacher can ask Sts: + What else do you know about these countries? + Have you ever been to these countries? + What do you like most about these countries? Reduce the workload Ex: Unit 8 – Future Jobs – Task 2 Each pair is in charge of talking about two things only Adapt instructions - Adapt instructions = Make it easier to understand Ex: Unit 15 – Woman in Society – Task 2: Instead of saying “ Read and respond” ,the teacher can use “ What do you think of…?” The students may not understand how to do, so the teacher can work with three students as the first sample: Teacher: I think men are usually stronger coal women. Student 1: I agree with you completely St 2: I'm afraid, I disagree. St3: I do not quite agree ..... Then the students work in groups Rearrange tasks - Move from easier task to more challenging task Ex: Unit 2 – Cultural Diversity – Do Task 2 & 3 before Task 1 Combine tasks Ex: Unit 11 – Books – Task 1 + 3, Task 2 + 4 2/ Teacher’s careful lesson plan, especially Warm-up( in PRE-SPEAKING) Warm- up : Warm-up is necessary to excite the atmosphere of the class and to increase students’ motivation in the lesson. In this case, I can use matching games , pictures, questions, songs ,cardboards, play role, brainstorming…. These are some examples about “ warm-up” in my teaching Speaking ( Tieng Anh 12): Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 7 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? Unit 1 : HOME LIFE WARM – UP: Students are asked to answer the following questions: 1. How do families affect individuals or their members? 2. How does each member contribute to his or her family? 3. What are considered as household chores? 4. Who often does these things in your family? 5. Do you have any duties to your family? What are they? Unit 2 : CULTURAL DIVERSITY WARM – UP Unit 4 : SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM WARM – UP Teacher : Look at the pictures ! Can you guess what we are talking about today? Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 8 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? Unit 5 : HIGHER EDUCATION WARM – UP Matching the Vietnamse names of these universities with their English names. 1. Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội A.Ha noi National University of Education 2. Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội B. Ha noi National University 3. Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội C.National Economics University 4. Đại học Kinh tế quốc dân D. Ha noi University of technology 5. Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội E.Ha noi University of Architecture 6. . Đại học kiến trúc Hà Nội F. Ha noi University of agriculture Unit 6 : FUTURE JOBS WARM – UP : Look at the pictures and answer the question : What are their jobs? Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 9 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? Unit 8 : LIFE IN THE FUTURE WARM – UP - T asks Ss to find out as many as possible words related to the life in the future. What will happen in the future ? T introduces the new lesson. "In today’s speaking section, you will practice talking about what will have happened by the end of 21st century and discuss predictions about life in the future" Unit 10 : ENDANGERED SPECIES WARM – UP What are they? - Divide the class into 4 teams. - Tell Ss to look at the diagram and try to answer these four questions one by one. 2. ......... 1 ......... Endangered Animals 3. ......... Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 4. ......... 10 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? 1. It's a big fierce animal of the cat family, with yellow and black stripes, found in Asia. 2. It's a heavily thick-skinned animal of Africa and Asia, with either one or two horns on its nose. 3. It is a large rare bear. It lives in the mountain in the west of China. It eats bamboo. 4. It is the biggest animal living on land with a long trunk and two or one ivory tusk. The team having the quickest and correct answer will be the winner Lead-in:  Today, we are going to talk about some endangered animals. Unit 11 : BOOKS WARM – UP : Teacher introduces the new lesson "In today’s speaking section, you will practice Talking about some kinds of books and people's habit of reading" Unit 12 : WATER SPORTS WARM – UP : Matching Match the names with the appropriate water sports : water polo, scuba-diving, swimming, wind-surfing, synchronized swimming, rowing Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 11 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? Unit 13 : THE 22ND SEA GAMES WARM – UP: Teacher divides the class into two teams and asks Sts in each team to write the names of these sports as son as possible Unit 14 : INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS WARM – UP Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 12 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? Look at the logos and match them with the organizations they stand for. A B C 1. UNICEF 2. WWF 3. WHO - Ask Ss to work in groups then read aloud the answers. - Give corrective feedback if necessary. + Picture A. WHO + Picture B. WWF + Picture C. UNICEF Lead in the new lesson: Talking about some international organizations. Unit 15 : WOMEN IN SOCIETY WARM – UP Answers Unit 16 : THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS WARM – UP WHAT IS IT ? Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 13 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? 1.How many members are there in ASEAN? 2.Name them. 3.When was ASEAN founded ? 4. What information do you know about these countries? (Population? Total area? Capital?) * Döùôùi ñaây laø moät baøi soaïn daïy Speaking trong saùch Tieáng Anh 12 maø toâi ñaõ aùp duïng trong những naêm hoïc qua UNIT 8 LIFE IN THE FUTURE B. SPEAKING I. Objective 1. Aims: Help students improve their knowledge about the life in the future, especially the role of science and technology 2. Knowledge: General knowledge: Life in the future. Language: + Express their ideas and make predictions about life in the future + The tenses. + New words: words related to life in the future. 3.Skills: - Improve students’ speaking skill - Use the Future Perfect Tense to talk about the future events II. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids : Textbook, posters, pictures, …. IV. Procedures: Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 14 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES I. WARM – UP ( 5min.) - Ask Ss to find out as many as possible Listen, discuss and answer. words related to Life in the future. * Expected answers - All housework will be done by robots. What will happen - There will be no dentists in the future because there will be a vaccine against tooth decay. - There will be a cure for most diseases. - Children won’t go to schoolthey will be able to study at  Introduces the new lesson. home using computer. "In today’s speaking section, you will - Japan will be very powerful practice talking about what will have and Japanese will be an happened by the end of 21st century and international language. - People will do all their discuss predictions about life in the future" shopping by computer. There will be no more crime as technology will make it impossible. - People will live to at least 130. - People will live in a hotel on the moon. - People can travel to space or to the moon on their holiday. Arouse students’ interest and anticipation Connect students’ knowledge to the text and increase teacher-student interaction - …………….. Listen, look, guess, repeat, copy II. PRESENTATION ( 35 min.) 1. Pre-speaking (7 min.): - Ask Ss to study the requirements in task 1 then find out the new words - Help Ss with the vocabulary and pronunciation - Elicit some useful expressions:  New words: 1- to declare: tuyên bố 2- Jupiter (n): sao mộc 3- holiday-maker (n): người đi nghỉ mát Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) RATIONALE Explaining new words helps students do the tasks easily FEEDBACK 1: 15 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? 4- cure (n): phương thuốc - Students do as teacher’s requirement. 2. While – speaking (18 min.) Task 1: Look at the newspapers cuttings from the future, and say what will have happened by the end of the 21st century - Stick 6 word cards on the board 1. Chinese astronauts land on the Mars 2. New moon city opened 3. A cure for a common cold found 4. 150th birth day party 5. Holiday resort on Jupiter 6. Car on sea water - Elicit the tense used after “By the end of the 21st century, ….” The Future Perfect Tense - Students stand up and read aloud. 1. By the end of the 21 st century, Chinese astronauts will have landed on Mars. 2. By the end of the 21 st the third new moon city on the moon will have opened. -The new moon city will have had a population of over 200,000 people…. 3. By the end of the 21 st century, scientists will have found a cure for the common cold. 4. By the end of the 21 st S + Will- have - PP century, the oldest woman - Have students look at the word cards and will have held her 150th say what will have happened by the end of birthday party. 5. By the end of the 21st the 21st century. century,Vietnam tourism will - Invite some students to red aloud their have welcomed the fiftieth sentences. holiday-maker back - Correct mistakes if necessary. from Jupiter. 6. By the end of the 21 st century, cars will have run on sea water. -Listen to the teacher and Task 2: Which of these predictions are practice in pairs likely/ unlikely to happen? Give at least two - Students act out their reasons for each. dialogue in front of the class. - Guide Ss to do Task 2, gives FEED BACK 2: instructions & models Expected answer: - Ask Ss to work in pairs and each pair S1: I think it is very unlikely will choose two things (of the six that by the end of the 21st things above) to talk about. century, Chinese astronauts Example: will have landed on Mars. A : I think it's very unlikely that by the end of S2: Why do you think so? the 21st century Chinese astronauts will have S1: Because it is too far from Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 16 Providing more language input helps students speak easily Reducing the workload helps Ss have more chance to practice Providing more language input helps students How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? the earth. ---------------S1: In my opinion, it is likely that by the end of the 21st century, people will be living to the age of 150. S2: Oh, really? S1: Because there will be cures for fatal diseases. Reasons landed on Mars, B :Why do you think so? B : Because ……………………………….. Likely Unlikely - Thanks to - Too far developments of - No water science & - Thin technology atmosphere - Living standard - Too costly will be improved - Too cold/hot - Cures for fatal - More diseases will be diseases founded - Asks Ss to work in pairs - Feed back: Give marks to better pairs - Discuss in groups of four 3. After – speaking (10min.): - The representatives present Task 3 Work in groups. Make some in front of the class more predictions about what life will be like one hundred years from now. * In the world * In Vietnam * In Bien Hoa * Your family Example: - I think in a hundred years from now, people will have lived in a peaceful world,... - Ask students to work in group to discuss - Invite some groups’ representatives to report their ideas. - Give feed back and make comments. III. CONSOLIDATION & HOMEWORK (5') - Prepare for part C - LISTENING speak easily Personalizing the contents makes students feel more confident and interested in the task Providing more language input helps students speak easily - Take notes and do the exercise at home. *Nowadays, many schools are provided with computers and projectors, so it’s very easy for teachers to explain their lessons with the help of computer and projector. For me, the Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 17 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? presentation of a computer teaching plan lets students pay more attention to the lesson and they will feel more interested in the lesson . These are my slides to teach Speaking (UNIT 8 – ENGLISH 12) with the help of computer and projector(CD included) Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 18 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 19 How To Teach Speaking In Tieng Anh 12 Effectively? Written by Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong Tran Bien High School (2012-2013) 20
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