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Tài liệu English adventure 3 student book


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a :!@ ,ffi ffi ::,: .. -tr .:l .a .a,. =; na ' :.= i: 'i%_--' ,,:.: *€Ei*@*6 a**^' ; ' !::: ffi . '+i._". J :l: a lzab,elüa Heaea . ,-:.:: _ \ j¡.,, .o..: .::.:,,$f-- :,,+ii:Lii;:._s aa-a:: 1 : " ;; i+'" '*;€4- "*:Y "'' :-*s;;::- % Pupil's Book * Á Helto! *fu$ what are you good at? @ I ffi*ue*ula *ffi rts body was ten netres tz ff $f rhere is e towrl ffi*wÉ*gw #¡rír* ffi .,* J 18 W" ffi*vg*w-s il*írs T **# # # W. heve Maths on Monday zo Birthday # t'm benertodayl Christmas g ffi*as**aw Ll*írs * *¡:* ¡t 5e Maoic or illusions? w¿ ffi nrrimels and monsters *;+* 6 stories and heroes é ¿+¡"r# rs 32 Our World longl 48 ffiry$ffi*€ ".,%- * Listen ond chont. Back úo School School on Monday HÍp, híp, hurray! Where's my bag? Where are my books? It's Englkh today. No class on Saturday. No school on Sunday. School on weekdays Híp, híp, hurray! iS'u*f # ...9J''e Listen ond chqnge the gettow words" Lj e s Listen ond reod. Thonks! Heg, how old ore goul Are gou in closs 6? Yes, thot's right. I'm ten.l'm in closs 6A. Greqt, I'm in closs 6A, too! Hove gou got o brother or q sister?. ond q big brother. e ''"r-t Look ond sog. I've got o new friend. 3 I .,*.*.!"* Listen ond reod. Sorrg, thonks or Pleose? (a\ \ZI o . "- vl ''. ! @ ta : i_:*.{ } i .'\'! i -r ".- :::: '", a.,. .1,: &d tw' '.¿S$ 7\, lil ¡ .t. r'l i / : . .'"'', - tl t": ...-, .: . i rr: !! "E-r / / .. .. Ji¡ \ ''¡--i3,---"'- "1 'f. Look ot the pictures in Activitg six. Find: something to eot something to drink 4 something smoll something beginning with 's' ü .5'o Listen ond reod. I love animols! I've got o dog, o cot ond o bird, but I hoven't got o fish or 0 mouse. My favourite qnimols ore dogs. Look ond squ. ü ve got o mouse but hoven't got o cot. Reod ond onswer. Who is it? ü ffi-., ffiffi W*ffirffi\ .-- iot ,r,- i ! a' rs:+r*ry" .Gffi;¡ Ricky Mortin #&" i¡t cf*s; ','¡- f6 ./ L0i :-j le&" , ' _p .t* 11 i---* e'eL*#{Ür} '^'F -r t4 Lluv , < r Ue. - *'é '* hig{}'" "' 4u' - t / j! {j,úüe,FtÁ-* Ó 'v'Y ¿ /' tt., rixge* t; ÉJ'nvr*"" Rtck¡; I \ ".*# Closs 6A I 5 I d €ffiS* ww#eeá # re ffi *ff * ,& ÉsffisÉ etrffimrd q&? @ @ €ff# Hffie€ ##@# ffié? Look, listen ond reod. Hi! I'm ptoging tennis with Eddie. We're ot Sportswortd Citg. Nino's here, too. She's swimming. Do gou wont to come? .@L' w Who's speoking? ¿ s I,rn swrmmlng. f á We're ploying tennis. ,@ R-- %-- I'm talking on my mobile. I rl J ;fo Listen ond reod. Hil I like playing bqdminton but I don't like ploying bosketboll. I like doncing, too, but I don't like running. And I like swimming in the seo, but not in the pool. Whst's Sonio soging? 0 139 Whqt do the chitdren like doing? {S ^& e\\' o'.@ .'.S' fub* -\\s* /V{^ EddLe and Nina '{q @ LLke readLng. fusrb 4¿¡u @ &oo f ffi ri tt E(. \*de,!É f i\q ffi 'ffi ,ffi bÑ" ffio K*r\ *. -q *'"S f\a kJ *J \ @ 7 -9".i-* Atlontis,The Lost Empire, Listen ond reod. Look at this. Are gou good at Jtxtng things, Mito? It's Jontastic! But it doesn't work! Lookl lt's J[ging! I - -5o fJ Listen toWittiom's dreom. It's Soturdoy morning. I'm ploying footboll with my brother in the pork. I'm ':! kicking the boll. I con heor o voice ... 'Wow! You're fontostic! You're reolly good of footboll!' '!\* Who is it? Well, it's Dovid Beckhom! He's running * ond he's kicking the boll, too! I'm ploying footboll with my hero! ,i: 'i ir .: ::' I l,*ff tt\é ' .-r,'-Eq; .' l# tW :t'"tF q,g ffi'\l i ,..., iu ,l d Hcrve gou got o drecrm? ü Whot trre gou good ot? Throw the dice, choose ond mime! - , peiieatimg p3*yáeaE t*csaals stF?frlFl# JJ ?ást*xaá?€g t¿: e-saaxsác rcmdixag pSayimg f**€?:*13 *ying * ká€* dcncáxag F1á??¡1it1flE .J tedkieeg *m eyeling sv-tim:rraieaq F?ay ¡:a*?:iá* i, s*eg ffi& w",s I'rn Ringo FPewres, &$xw mwh$&e m$mg" I'm speaking, &'m Rlng, ring, *$mg&xrg* dXs?W-*-&&mW. 9 I F i I ffi iS ¡F Listen ond sing. ffipmr"Émw*#fr"F# Cá*y #*"==g I've got tickets for Sportsworld City, Come wíth me ond Níno qnd Eddie. Iennís, swimming qnd bosketboll, There's runníng, clímbíng ond cycling, too, Runníng, clímbíng ond cycling, too. I'm good of cycling And swimmíng, too, I líke ploying footboll Wíth my friends qnd wíth you. I'm good of running And bqsketbqll, And I líke climbing With my friends and wíth you. I líke climbing With my friends qnd wíth you. l'm good ot running. &e*ru€ffiftkffiÉ* mÉ g €ffi€tr Whot ore you doing? I'M Whqt do you like doing? I like swrmmrng. ploying footboll. cycling. snorkelling. running. climbing. reoding. Whot ore you good ot? t0 I'm good ot pointing. disco doncing. flying o kite. ..t. tI .;,-.- o Listen, reod ond onswer. 6 F$ tr , l'm on ortist, 1 \Vhqt ore these people good ot? 2 \Vhqt do you think they like doing? My hero Picasso. Fred i'm a tennis pLoger. think Venus Witliams f, $-{ is Mg hero is Harrg Potter. l've got atl his books. Jantastic. I ;¿ is Like pLagtng the guLtar. Mg h.eroes are The Beottes. Sue Tim I've got lots oJJriends. Mg Javourlte person is Penátope Cruz. She's got tots oJ Jriends, too. iim -{; hero [s ::= 3'.en Hawktng. -" -eoding his : : ,. < obout the *niverse! Helen I love anlmats. I like watching Anne . Fr*jeg€ Fum f Uke".". f No.ture Jitms. Emmq ¡lot . o poster. I Lovu ... L vw g&ü* ñt """ @ffi 11 Tfu*il Z, ás ffi Éwwsw ; .5a Look, listen ond reod. Hi,Wittiom! Oh deor, poor gou! ls this gour mobile phonel j,:,:-i:::i:..i l"i:-i::: j," ' a.::... t\ | ::a-::,t .:':-'lii;rl ::=l=ii.ii: ;:...: ji= ,r tii::-.::!irÍi rt i: :: ' -¡::=a-: ;;-,!t :rr,'. .'Í: l!:+;.iiiiu!:-:; ;lilüi-¡;:+ililr¡¡' ;:'il::tjaE:!iil-:1rl :i==iri'i i#!.ffi-fu Reod crnd qnswer. Williom lives ot 11, Burton Street, Mill Town. Whot obout Nino ond Eddie? \\¡here do you live? 12 .ig¡ss'rswtrywlste'il€ta{r'-*w}+n<'w'***.* ;i W Yes, thonl - Xem thêm -