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() Hello! poge o Our home poge 4 @ Going to town poge L2 (, Eoting out poge 2O @ At school poge 28 Revision 2 L poge 36 @ n dog out poge 40 @ nreom jobs poge 48 C at the costte poge 56 @ Sports dog poge 64 ! Revision 2 poge72 @ Orr comping odventure poge76 @ n good geor! poge 84 @ Our summer holidogs poge 92 @ Post ond future poge L00 Revision poge L08 3 Word [ist poge LL2 Grommor poge 1.L8 OXTORD UNTVERSITY PRESS sftery I Listen ond reod. Then oct. @ This wog, Kotg. Come on, One, two, three... You didn't count to o thousond! four hundred ond thirtg seven, ... eight hundred ond eightg two, nine hundred ond ninetg nine ... thousond. Coming, reodg or not! I con see gou! ... o 2 Look qt the storg. Write the words for these numbers. 3 Listen to the rhgme ond number the months of the geor.@ @I ,d-...- wt Cil€g.8**l I I @) poseLl2 HeILo!Unit ,- Complete the words for the things in HoLLg ond Horrg's home. +'{r- -k -*k ' Whot ore these things? Order the letters to find the words. eL o .li S*'rpl u, -T. -'P "--;;;-':-= o €b€i'' :' ..t i im "'-!:-^-il--'' iU rl*:-i tr f€-ry"' E.- ten t a l unitt ! getting reodg for school. Where ore their things? Listen ond write the things under eoch ploce. @ Hol.l.g ond Horrg ore SM ->g"w-:_* :l :f ?it & 'a Drow lines to motch the words ond pictures. Complete the sentences. @@.@ @@@ 1 Horrg's bedroom is verg 2 Look! Mum's neckloce is *-"_*____. 3 The fridge wos untds tidg_. *, so Dod went to the shop. 4 Ho[[g's mum isn't hoppu becouse her bedroom is olwogs so 5 pleose! Emmo's sleeping. Be -.**.-*-- 6 I don't Like going into Horrg's room. He's otwous so 7 I con't throw this poper in the bin becouse it's 3 Do the speoking octivitg. €tril It's on the shel"f obove Where's the soop? ffil} pogesi-l2*i.l3 Unit 1 sfiro & Listen ond reod. Then oct. @ This is on I con't find mg diorg ongwhere! importont progromme. Be quiet, pleose! There ore clothes evergwhere! Of course Uou con't find ongthing Let's put evergthinE ! I need to get somethin g Jor dinner. Con ongone see mg kegs? Oh Mum! A Look of the words in oronge in the storg. Comptete the sentences. Things Pl"oces Let's put There ore clothes PeopLe owo g. I need to get I think it's in gour bed room fo, --* the Living room. hos dinner. OJ course gou con't I con'tfind mg diorg ls ln find got mg diorg! Con see mg kegs? /rffi^ for Unit L /e use'ong hos Que stions ond \ \-ne! otives. got gou r diorg. @ pronouns with everg-, some-, no- ond any r;ffing&@ 1 Reod ond write the words in the gops. o nothing noisg popu[or bored everuone so gs Horrg'smg brother ond (o) he looks Like me. Thot's becouse we're twins! But he's difJerentJrom me. He's is not quiet. ! He pLogs his drums He's verg (b) got Lots of Horrg's At school verg LoudLg. , !Todog friends. He's reollg becouse he sogs he's Horrg's (d) 'got (e) to do." " (c)"-*--* e Luckg kind untidg evergwhere evergthing ttEvergone Likes HoLLg becouse she's verg (o) . She pl"ogs gomes with our sister Emmo ond olwogs tolks to her. . She Leoves o[L Hollg's verg (b) her things (c) --- ! But I think I'm (d) becouse I've oot o twin obout sister ond she knows (e) me! It's Junl" \ e , .''*---*"-"* J broken unhoppg tittLe friendLg emptg r'This is our (o) sister, Emmo. She's -- --onLg three. We oL[ Love her becouse she's q nice, (b) ---** girl ond she olwogs plogs with us. But she con be noughtg. Sometimes she throws her togs evergwhere . She's ond some of them get (c) (d) -- -***- now. She's crging becouse her g[oss of miLk is (e)*- -*-*--"**!t, 0 ongthing ctever unfriendtg boring difficu[t r'This is our older brother, WiLLiom. I think he's (o) becquse he shouts of us! His teocher sogs he's verg (b) becouse he does weLL in exoms. We think he's (c) becouse he never does interesting. He olwogs plogs chess with his friend! He soys he con't teoch us becouse we're too goung ond it's o gomel" verg (e) (d) Unit L o UreaB I ffi Motch to moke words. Write the words. I desl< &@ffiffiffi WW.W 4 z 56 2 8 Look qt the pictures. Write the words in the word wheels. @s t** ffi@w@ & Reod Ho[[g's diorg.Order the pictures. gthJcnucrg Dear Dicrg Today wcs c not c good dag! We (l) were- lcte for school on our first dagback after the holidogs! Mum couldn't find her (z) cgcin! We looked for them (3) cnd they were on the fridge cll the time! Then Mum scid Harryhad(4) comb his hoir! We arrived at school very late and the hecdteacher was dngrq with us. Our headteacher(5) cclled Mr Pepper. I don't like him verU much. He's clwcys verg unfriendlg. After lunch I hcd mg music lesson. Mg music teccher wcsn't hoppybecause (6) hcve mg violin with me. I forgot to bring it to schooll Then some of the children in our clcss (7) verg noisg in the clcssroom so our teacher gave us lots of homework. Now I ccn't (8) out cngwhere this weekendbecause of all mg homework. l'm verg unhcppy obout thct! X Reod the dior I g ogoin ond compl.ete the text. @} After ond Beforectcuses poge L18 Unitl o Look ond reod. Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines. There is one exomPle. stomps enveLopes o shel,f hair These ore veru prettg. Women weor them when theg wont to dress up. -1 o blonket 2 You need these to open the house. doorto gour chonneI You put things on this to keep gour room tidg. 3 You use this to moke gour hoir looktidg. You con keep it in the bothroom or bedroom, or put one in gou r bog when gou go out. o cooker 4 This is something gou hove in o kitchen. You to moke hot meots. 5 You con find this in the bothroom ond gou use it use it pro9rommes when gou wosh gourself. 6 o fridge You put letters in these before gou toke them to the post office. Theg ore usuoltg brown or white. necklocer 7 You find this in the kitchen. It's coLd inside. kegs 8 There ore mong different kinds of these on television. Some ore obout sport ond others ore obout the news. I These ore smol.L ond usuollg squore. You putthem on gour letters before gou post them. o comb 10 You put this on o bed so gou con keep worm of night. postcord o shower o toothbrush FLgers proctice test ' Re.oding g Wting.lgtt I ffi#e Where ore the things thot Dovid's mum needs for the trip? Listen ond write q letter in eoch box.There is one exomple.@ %= stomps soop @M V sondwiches L_l S" () \o/ neckloce I kegs Flgers proctice test_. Listening, Port 3 Reod. Look of the mop on poge 12 snd write ges or no. 1 The chemist's is next to the bonk. 2 Theforest is behind the costle. 3 There's o pork ocross the rood from the restouront. 4 The hotel is between the swimming pool ond the oirport. 5 There's o bus stop round the cornerfrom the house. 6 From the focto rV, go stro ig ht on, .post the cinemo o nd gou nQ__ get to the universitg. 7 There's o cor pork in front of the police stotion. 8 You need to go over the bridge to get to the costle. K Do the speoking octivitg. &fm] You're of the Jire stotion! Where coutd Hol"l.g bug these things? Look of the mop on pogeL2 ond moke suggestions. Remember! We sog 'She bugs' but we 5og 'She cou[d bu1.'. @$@ coutdpogeLL8 Unit 2 K Listen ond reod. Then oct.@ tutaxm: Horrg,fetch mg gLosses, pleose. I need to Look of mg shopping List. Here theg ore, Mum. WiLLiam, wi[L Uou go to town with HoLLg ond HorrV, pleose? i*l*i.il++: Yeoh! #is;m: I need gou to do lots of things! Theg're oLL here on the List. Wi[[iom: Oh Mum! dWl,xm: And don't forget the moneg ... ond mg shopping List! Wiltiom: Oh, OK, Mum! JVlum: And wiLL gou chonge these shorts? I bought them for Horrg but theg're too smo[1. PLeose don't forget! Who wonts to go to town? li 1; -'.....,......,....,...,..|.i', I Who doesn't wont to go to town? i Wi[[iom: OK Mum! See gou Loter! Motch the words with the pictures. o the bus of the supermorket. CouLd gou post the letters, pteose? Get on the bus ot the bus stop round the corner. Remember to chonge the e S Ask ond onswer these questions with o friend. How oJten Unit 2 Whot /bug7 / trovet / town ? Whot / /ever / go / busT Whot / gourfovourite ploce / town ? How Do / go / town? @ gour mum ond dad wittposelLs / bug? 3, Listen ond number the ploces the chiLdren need to go. @ I # Look of the mop on pqge L2. Csn gou remember where the chil.dren went? Drow o [ine. Drow o mop from Uour house to gour school. Te[[ gourfriend obout gour moP. t+ Hol.Lg is tolking to her mum. Whqt did the children do? Whot didn't theg do? Listen ond tick (/) or cross (f) ttre boxes. @ 3 -,,n*l:'j 8 :-"ae .-lr\, ;:1r:11 ;t -!..,.,"...f - 1 / 4 : I i '1 -:* I li -"?.,.-.r :r..",, '. 5 ',1" f".l -l{o_:i. 'r': . ,."....\ ai :S l ji .---1^:if ffi Wil,[iom bought something Mum did n't oskfor. Whot wos it? AUnit 2 Look of this picture. Find things beginning with the write o [ist. letter's' ond How mong things did gou find? How long did it toke gou tofind them"? X Write the words in the boxes ond find the nome of o shop. ffi 1ffiffiffi @ ffi L:a=r:::::d Unit 2 , pog,e.113 Reod the storg. Choose o word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one exomple. Mum wonted o troin ticket ond some other things from town so I went shopping with mg sister ond brother gesterdog.We cqught the bus into town ond got off of the bus stop outside the supermorket. First we went to the shopping centre ond we chonged mg shorts there becouse theg were too smoL[for me. Next we woLked through the morket. We didn't (1) ongthing there though. After thot we went to the post office. There we (2) some stomps ond posted some Letters. We couLdn't find ong white envelopesfor Mum but we did get o brush ond combfrom the chemist's next to the bookshop. Theg were quite cheop. Mum wonted some lemon soop for Grondmo but there wosn't ong.Then we collected o coke for Grondmo's birthdog. It wos pink snd it looked reo[[g (3) ! Afier thot, mg brother got o computer gome from o shop neor the roilwog stotion. It wos verg (4\ so we coutdn't bug the troin ticket for Mum. obout thot! She wos verg (5) exomple unhoppg bug expensive bought sold cheop Eorfght trovetled (5) Now choose the best nome for the storg. Tick one box. A greot bus trip A dog in town At the shopping centre FLgers proctice T T T test . Reoding & Writing ,Port4 tovelg Look ond reqd. Write ges ot no. Exomptes There ore two teoves under the tree. UCS The pirote in the picture hos got o moustoche. _no Questions t rhere ore two chil,dren stonding of the corner of the street. 2 The JLog hos got Jour stors on it. 3 The doors of the cinemo ore open. 4 There's o bin next to the bus stop. 5 The mon in the toxi is ongr1. 6 There's o cot in front of the bicgcle. 7 There's o picture of o shork under the clock. Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing ,Port2 __ Listen ond colour ond write ond drow. There is one exompte Flgers proctice test . Listening, Port 5 .@ r, ii i ,aar.i.,:.r-.!j i:*j.:: i i i .f :. ..a ' ' ''i:1'::_. 'l rr r Writg t hen umbers for the things in Ho [[g's kitchen. so [t knife spoon chopstickt ',,,, pizza butter [] Jork f tr pepper jom I flour I honeg I sugsr f ./' :' [] l biscuits \}€ W#t* 'q,s'g.rd 2 ; ._ 'n' .. l: $1.,.;: .'' Ii r,ii:a-;.{{t.: 1i Mg best !!1.---. end, Kotg, :ing me tod 're cooking he kitchen! .il r:::1ii.:::i:.ilu::i'la.:, ..,f .rar : , ...ii€,,i::,,:', €.*, "i*": +i fr'.", :--:.:1i: x : ii? : **.#" '} -0, * O .dF e-. i9 l..l '-+..ffi -".*+f: .'' ll,:':.:::.,., ,@*@ , 5 .4ta l !t. .-ilA i.9, Iii,-1 Complete the sentences. -"""--'l 1 { '*^r$;i* _,.a This ..--,..,.-.--.1 butter lThis rock :'..-:: t-.,..:::t:..: is ::: -r These !, nors9 flowers ore --?::l1.*..--''..-; ,#a.1,Ir + 6""p \; ,"t*.: i..,..... r , tr"fr.:- soft -i {\-*.--*-""' This bobg is i',t:!F....]......,-.,j LoveIg 5 i ;t* l unit r ri, I i. \\'!r;"-a]ltr aqt /..r* li is ::.:::,'-, tr& 1** s ,' hard ffi poges rL3-Lt4 a 4 k1 mrm L..4,A-4,J1- j Oh deor! I'm iLL. I con't moke U moke Lunch Write the words in the sentences. smeLLs looks feels sounds \ tostes ffireffiffiffiw 1 Horrg '-**---is* verg tike HoLtg. It's becouse theg're twins. 2 Thot like pizza.cooking. I'm hungrg --3 Thot *--*- Like o bobg. Emmo's crging ogoin 4 This Like woot. It's verg soft! . -5 Thot Like bonono ice creom. I don't Like it! ! ! 6 A tiger @p tike o cot, but it is dongerous. be,look, sound,feel, taste, smell like pogeLL8 Unit 3
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