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Tài liệu Ket 4 teacher book


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wIth Class AudIO CD TARGET [ FOR SCHOOL:!:] TEACHER 'S BOOK P .. tri cl. Chappell Mark Lloyd Richmond TARGET FOR SCHOOLS TEACHER'S BOOK Patricia Chapp('11 Mark Lloyd Richmond "U,,,,,H""', Ric"mond Pubhl"ing 41" floor 26-28 H,,,..rnelSlflllh GrI)'or permISsion ill ""ffl pub/'sl'ltr. ISBN: 978'84'668~863'7 Pnnted bV PIIQraphic, S ... illustratIOns: J"son r orll, 1I11ol111! Oser. Colon Sl\('lllouln Publl s~r: Ot>bof~h Trick" Convnisslonlng [dltor: MjUf\Cw Ourry o.velopment [ dltor: Graham S ~ .."'1t Copy Editors; Sh(olld Dlgn.n, Klfl'n Whltl' Proolrl'lIlIl'r: Sue lig"tloot Des ign and laYOI.It: D~ve KUllru(t, LOndon PIlot o rc surc" ; M;)gII.lliO.l M.lyo Aud ia rccord,no: P ~u l Ruben Pfodu( t ion) , Inc, NYC Le ..,,1 consul tln o .nd coPyrl9ht clearanc , : Ruz L.,.a l. S pJin Pub lisher ae knowl ed9fm, nls: The pll bli s hf f~ WOll in Itk f to IMnk t hl' roi l owin ~ revi~ w e l ~ r!)l I h~OI ~~I uab l e rU'dtli'lC k which ha5 mJde T~f~ t KET lor SCfloois pOlriible. Elildbeth (IKk (I taly), Gertrude Bader (UnivClwd TC(nologiCJ de IJ MI . t"~, M. xicol. Claudl~ 80nilla Ca"~nl (COlf91O dfl T~v"'" M... xi,o). Milli. Con$uelo Vela5Co ((;olomll"I. K,r('n OYCI (M,)dlld. SpJ,n). Mellsso1 hrnn lunovl"~11 , .(noi09I(I (It II Mldeld. Melleo), Ang,eslkil (;uqnaodao6)' Kdlodl'l (A'9"nlir",), Gcibby M(l' or wk. Ev('fy erlorl h.J$ b('Cfl made II) hiKe the hoIdl'rs I)t COPVtl9ht, bu i ll MV om'S~oon1 (;In be f1!ct.t,~. lhe pubhsMn will be pleased 10 make the necfswly arr~ng.." . nl~. Photog<';lphs.: G(TTY IM'o'G[S SALES SPAIN/George Aose, Am~na productions inc.: HICl-iRES MHSS STOCK/ "'bl.. Stock corn; SERIDEC PlIOTOIMA(;(NLS CO: ,O, RCHNO SANTILLANA TARGET KET 'O.oeMO'''. Contents Whea do ,.,.. h.noo f'n9Mb? W1t.at.so.. . . look lab? Whal doeo Ire do? I.et"do~ C... "'" bnng .a..... oo __ _.. bo9Irer Ihuo • ~ ~Jc;""""*,,,,,, Going ... hoIIHy _ _ _ _ h'l gIogr 10 ~ AD ~ .. 01')' _ _ __ Richmond pu,,' '~"'N", Student's Book Contents 'l"lpo nqPoO,i~ · 5peoOI.IllIj I ,," I 1',,,' . • L ,( ... " . ~ d l'I"t,nQ PJ'.. , 7 • 1I,,"'""'IoO!ICI W"lor'lOl!ICI ~<>d '.\',,' 'fIQ P.., I 9 , ......... nato"'" HoI." you been 'bo" "1>1 rqP... ,~ • 110"''''''1<) """ ...."1 "") Pd'\ 4 • 1Il"ftd""J ~r,~ Wrt"fIQ Pd,' I · ~"OCl nq i1'Jd Wrlt1r"IQ p~,t , I think loc~noloqy i. great "'n amuing ",ory ~ '~.~ ~}"M~;.j'=~".~, ~,~.~.~ =~ "- -,'c'o~c ~"," , · Sp,'""nq P,llt 2 · Rpila nq ~nd \IIr;1 ""1 "AI' 4 _ __""--,,,,,"",",",.,,,,., WMIJ\W)' -" ''''''''9 fbool joo. · p,n""'l \ • rr... ifNoa<1 lIin tv Inln -=-------i '-' • I11.110,.... ,-.~~~ 'c t ..... , ·.""rlr>q 1000:1 ·"""" · ~, .,. · I" 01>0 · ~_______________..:_'__ .::.::"_'_"_IbIIIIY •.-.o obIiq.1: -.... . ,~, • hHlth " • . .... ..., " • · ,r "'. · , • If' -I ~_ "," ·Ie.; ~ • tIM!. •• nd 'e.... Q - Introduction About the KET for Schools examina tion I(fT for .~ri'>n< r, "oJ ,,~w ver~i"n 01 the io(ET (' ...mIMI,,.,,., ~~l try Un,vers.tv 01 Cambf,dl/t [SOL [umjn~tlon>. It is ~t Ihlo 'am~ r~vrl~' I<[T. and has Ih. <.<1m", 1""",..1 ijnCl ta$~ type~, but 'oc\J~p~ on topjc~ ... rod sit uat,on5 1M! <'Ire rClcv~nl ,)n IIET lUi Scllool$ Easenlial exam practice, tips and strategies ~tuCl~rs tv,. orr pk'ntv ill prilchc" of .. ~r" P.It 1,,')51 0"'" ~ ...m ta~. In Vh!s,on al'l(l ,)(Id,lIon..,' ""1m 1)1' a(\ U sedion~ '" Ih~ Woru 00.1;. n ... , •• 'P ~I'>O [~'i'rllips ""d to .6th e-.am las~. and , com~lc!e ~d't by· P¥I e,pl.lnahon ,n tM C'O"Im quode. r "'lIpt KL r lor 5<110011 ,,~O C011..,ns loor pr ad; ... It"S 10. YOU 10 uloe w'l~ your ~lass: one ii' the L 1J~1d<'. OM' ,n the w()(~bot>~. dnd 1.... 0 on Iht CO-ROI,4 .of,., o Engagmg IOpIC', texIS and artwork l'~t" llll.' I([r for 5cnools t'xam. r"'9,,1 K[T lor S(IIOQ1~ rlllu~e, on tecn '"ter~,ts "nd expPf'~n01 u~'nd En9lish. o Key language pracllce ~"»ioo;I thp .'anI T""",I K[T fO" Scll[)('ll. (.t>t'I\"ns 1"1"" ~,II( \0 ~;l(t,se uS "9 ..nd uf'dersl¥l(hng In. ..ords from t .... ollie"", voc.t!>u'.ry ',st tor II[T lor 5cllooli. E.... II . .100 aka c(W"lt~'ns ~ L.lfl9VoJ9p fOCI/< <"'lOt .1tidI1ooIo.~ ~I I.cy Qf ,J",....:v Of lunchOI'.J(I the """.... Irnm "'0"l1'li.4,., in lilt diai~ .... I 1f'.II. and ",'or~. out \I,. ru'ts to< II\emS('iVH, r~""f!<"~ Iel\! t""9'" SUfI'Ifn.fI)' dt tl'\c b.Jd<. 01 Ihf 1>00II w~l(h PfovKle"5 ~etJ'1 d "r(~l\iIt,ons,)OO ( ~r eump(ps of IJnnud<)C UIC to qoOd ~(. Vl'CJOUL.1ry ,'''''Hlf'iII f' ~I o Fun communicative tasks ~luU\! I ,I, "Isu gel lot s of p'JCl l c~ at us11"Kl Ihe IJnguyqe. with flln '1Amr~ an d s[)~Jki"y I ~) k ~ to enQaqe them learn,ng. 1 npsp !"Ow '.(ud,·nls MW th.y [an u,p tho' 1'Il">Qua '" tht-y dl ~ ~......, ~'roq '11 l'>e rei); W(lrl([. ilnnt, 10 pi' iet,,,, IAI' ""¥II ill 11III1\e' ,r " wily .. hod> leendQC's ',,'0(1 'I\Ot.yoll'l\9 . . II Y"-f la.,"') i'>(' «""...,If'! b.I~1'CI vefSoon ot lifT '01' SCl'OOis 0' no'- The CO, ROt.! ~<.O one: ....... t • Lxam /(d.'flef SI'<:tlOtl .. ~,(h shO'""s ~hjdtfll< how Itl N(h u......,liun llw~ InIm.loons ¥Id o Exam-focused sell assessment "t,it'" ~td,oM In(ludr On T,,'gef? nll'as5C5~me~1 pJne'ls. whir h 9"'(' 51uo.lenh d c~nce 10 r~!~1 on the \k,l/\ It ~V I... v~ '''fo f N<.1~r'. 8oo/r provides Il.'sson pla~~. ~~ 1iv,ly Ideas and I."ilm taking ,tdvi~1.' 10 .accompany I.'J~h "IlreUffirnary 01 I~ rrtJlf1 ~ms or NCh 1000ss.on • W.rmer:" ,",arm up acllV,ty;o.d 10 inlrodo.KO!' II\c lop" 0100 O!'I",t ~oc~""y ttwl tl\lCk'nlS fT'i9hl UI'iJdy know [d,,, 1Hn~ls, opt;.;" ...1edra adlv'I,cs .. h,~h po-ovlC'!f' 1.'.1('t,,,ion or add't~1 pr acl,c. a~. 9ro",nd u fr..: ,ultur ~ I i f\lorm~tlo" ,,"'hieh 'v l ~le$ to Inc top,c O. phnln' • [urn 9"'ld~ P0toropi'bI~.Jctjv,r,ps ... ill <'Ilso help yOu f,nd It,.. support you need: sh<.>w'i the Irack number for In. (.0. Ten tips for teaching KET for Sch ools classes I. Tell .I"dl'nls to dl..... ys re.cllhe '"~lrllChon' tor IE',I qlleStlOTls ~cry Collrelutly. Tktoy ..,II 9~1 us..lul Intormolll'on "'hich ",,;11 he-tp ttwom ""OO!'f,I"nd wll.Jl tht' It'd;s olbout arc ~nd wh;ollrn.y are Idlking ~bout. Of undl't"~l~oo whO the ~pe3¥.efS 2. Holve 'tUl1E'nl~ look .. t Iht' los/COli.... Iranswpr ~ \0 ~~'<' how the questions work _ an t~ ~"ibl ....nsWE'rs ,yOI' ment,oned, but Or'Ity OM 'S I~ fighl,,"iwrr. J. (tl(OI.WJqf sto..onls know lhey nC'Ctam p • • etloo Vocaloll.l&l"J' • L"t"';I\Q Par' " · Sf)f'dk'"9 Pari I . ("""It;.,,., La.paga iDeoo. 'ldlOot\a~tlC'S "e"",,, - o • ,l,t .I..odoMts; ~~~t countJ' ....e II.,/lOfW/jly Mf!- roo' WIIM . ,.rs and t ~ al p",",bel Wanner ",-,.., roo from? Wh.J1 """'''''9" ao p,ol a countne a. nationalJhM and Janqua<;JCI proou' ,I.,on 01 tbe '1/I,IIl1rln­ • .,k st""""'h tOil"" the cOU\!r~. on tht map. C....."lry ,.. )'OU spNo'.? Vocabulary: D .Jncl Carles N;o llon~. l y 1I~lf .~~ A",Uaha Au'I, .. Me ' KO 1010' " ,4" h." -II~~an C"9 I.", Spaol.h • r.lodeIMlLld,,1I • (he<:k ~"\,.",,_ It ,tOOent.' o ..n 'OU'llroes art' not on lh~ Ii' l. d,k tbem 10 hod mem 0'1 Ir.e m~p. (I ieol 1"*, """" Language focus: mlrOdUClIons a. loIod ~1 Jnd dn~ proou""atron 0' tile pllra,f.'. • Ask sludeols 10 "",It II Ihe pl'rfJ'C~ In parn_ • Chcc.l ,)IIs .. er~, '>i",,",ls Illefl p' ~cl~ I.... in (n~I'lh, .... ",-,.., "' (I"". [ ,l"""'II"~ J ....",1' .... l af~" 1 1\ c.,_~ H Irpl., nts U5t. d,Woo"'Y 10 r'nd tile ""1"~I.l lit ie, .....,..., and la"'lu~9t" • eN' k ,"''Ner, ~f'Id w"le th~m un tht bo.rd. AI'JIl"'I"...n S""n,,~ A u 'lr.I,~n [ngl,,11 C.n~da C'm.dl'~ C"Qll l h I F'<'I1cll Clt'"~s. 1oI;)!'I(!.)rIn - "_. 11111 loIe,"''' P'uIw • As~ It\lden\, to .)I!y" C",IQ,?) t ­ ~ Tran.crlpi A BCD( ArCl"'!in' Au,!,.h" C/'I."" o whfor, dJU_1 Vocahulouy: number. and tho alphabot r GHIJ K LMtlOPQI1S TUVW,," Y Z ;; ); I 'v> Spe lling • Chcc.k ~ludfnT ~ unck» ,I....,d llle me~"'ng of '''')J T~( ,."",,," ­ ~ • Spell ~ Word ""III d ti(lll/)lO' tellO'(. e4 Morocco, .....1 IISk Sluo:ltn1llQ ... ,I .. 1\ do""'_ .". ,Te ~ on I'" tIOol, II MId t~ck " s"""'n!5 Ita". "'''li en It cor",Hy, a. pt~y lhO' CO •• \d d" , 1~nll to Complele Ihp "'OIds.. • Check JniW~'~ .-lCf WflIf lhe tOl"KI s.pellifl9J on Ihip boMd. . . OJ Tran.aipl and J\nsvntr key o Soull. K 'PI" .3 v e n,c~ • As\< ,~ts 10 m~lth , ... pl.,icfl 10 lhe descr",tJOOS tllefl theot k .. "'~ in ~irs .- ­ "'...." '"" 1 .... 2 8 • In p~;rs, 1 F 4 l <~n students r......,.., "l Q I Whlm~ lhe ir D . Play tne CD ~r>d as. student, Ie rep./"M trw numDers. • wrote $Orne more number~ "" If'1(>, bOd'!! ".ld ,,~k sluCk'n!! to INd tht>m out -100 TnlnIcrip l 1I1l1J 14 1S 16 1118 19 20 I I J2 "154 oS 7& 87 96 100 iii . Tell slud. • You may waott o pre'le"cI, i t", wordS caSI le. ,,1m and Journey, • Pl.ly the CD aod d\> , ~J , 2; G: How ""'fly ptop l" "'~ 01 IhI> p.:>rty7 B: r,e(! I,n 't ~e.o lI1fI~ .,. 129 J II: K',..... lo"~ IhlS "tm~ G: lei "'~ , ...._ 98 m..... tn t, 4 G, How m;ony p;)(}Kirf thel~ irr 1....1 book? II: ~ _ 5 15: Ilow long i. the lOUI'~7 G: 16 hour<. l Il 5 5466-8907 C~n.Jd..,n , . . 06 'l'nmsc.ripl IT ~ TQN¥< ~ • ~". S~"". S ~ s...) T: Good "",rnlr>C). ~rs Sm,th. ~: liO'lIo. Tony. liD" "re yoo? T: t"m tme tt\,}rr~~. ~" 5".1h. I""" my Iri~nd Sar~. SI>c'~ going to """ my ctau 10< .. rCw W("<'W,,. 101: Oh..,...,. _ . s."rJ_ N,ce to m~pt y""- Wek:om~ to oor .­ S: Ihd"k you. ~: NO..... b~ror~ you ~o to your If\wn.' need 'nrorm~t",n Itom \"OIJ. I .,,"'" Y"''' torsI !\am<' i, !>.Ir J, WIldI", yo ", """"me' s: It', Whalen_ ~: >on", How do you ,pe ll Ihat? S: W-H-A-l - l -N. W' T.....,~ ¥oo_And wt><-rc do you cl)lylp rrom? 5: I'm CiJn.Jd","_ W: Oh. n",l". inIPf.-.hng. I'~ Just wrile '''''' ~O"'''- And how nI your ~dd,~\\? s: W~". I u\ually li.~ 011 i OOoJl.l>Ut w~~re ,tay"",,1 2~ TO' Hngl on St,,,,,, lor tM oed It ..... ""h._ ~: So'ry. On ~sk ~ n d ~"~w .... ttw-ir .urnS In pairs. Exam practice: Listemng Part 4 .,. .., ullIn g»iet "I nol~, with 01><' or more words '" ~ "urn I... , • Ttw-y mJy nC«! to I ,ste~ lor times. ~umt>t." , d,I." pr ices or Spe ll ing. of words. • S ! u~nt' D . Go throuqh the note s JS a class and e lLc it whilt ,nfCrn'l<}tiOt'l ~loot'(lIS ne~ to h~l~n t"r • Read IhrOUf)h the E.Jm t ip with 1M class_bpl"in Hwt in the eMm th ~ y w,1I OOr Ihf> rfKordinq Iwi<_~_ • Play t~ CD. Stud~nts h~tl!1l Md m~~" rlOI~,,• Play the CD" 'it'Co~d t,me and 11'11 ~Iud~nls to wult' th.", ilnswer;. Ch will n~ to JS~ thf>l r pArtner_ • Re mi nd st lldents to a$~ the ir p;J ' lner to r!P"~1 n, spell words they ~re not ,ure Jbo~t. • As~ students to .. or~ jn p~".lo complete nue ot lhf> lorm~. Thf>y l hen thilllQl' p;Jlrs to compl<>te lhf> second lorm. More pra<:l1Ce wor~boo~ WQf 2 When do you have English? - Exam practice -VOCUllluy • I ;.ten.ng Pan 2 • R..adi"'l Pari ~nd . presenl . school ""bt~h. d"ys W,,\inq \ Laatg>lag_ foe.!. ~'mple ~odtimes ~ Warnler • As" student. 10 look Jllhc timetable. Ask; What cla~ ;, ml,,,,'q? (r"d~v) Wb.J/ v'!' I~r ol~", d.sys of th~ ..HI<' (S~I"rd eliot\:'" t im eta ble to !h~ schaOI sub[<."C I <, Ih<:'ll c~l"Ck the ll i/n,,.@,sw it ha partner. • Check a nswer,. then moo,.1 Jnd Grill pronun(l~t.on 01 the ~choo l ~~btects. A:ruJWQl I:QY Aft ~ Computer St LJ.il e\ Ii C>e, i ~n r O'omo G ~ nQ l i .h M,lh, C J Sc ience B r'tfI( h I VI'('I() r ~ohy Sf>(Irl A ~ r,,,,,,h 5<"""'. ,"""" ~''''''''i S".,,,. !:<"... Dr~ .... us 5<"". Gtoqroptoj["'l I ~O "'''IOIY """"1,",~ I.',~ H",t.,,! ~t ... .rM ~.,. ',J~ loon '"",'" ~~'I ..... ," . rW\<)inl (l"! th~ <,a mp le answe r. ~k>y I r.~ ""I ur I h~ CD alld !elt .tud~nts to d1(>"'c B . OrJ" J clOCk on tM I)OJrd to '~'ise tel'irlg t~ [)t" .. d,ffr'''~t \,fl\f'\ ~M aSk' WMt /,me ,I II? [l<> C'dmpl<-~ in t~e Stud..n!", Book to mooel th~ r"st qUC$tron dnd dnw.. ~L Sludcn:s then on l-, s ix ·.It" , ... ~d ... l, subjects In th,,, cl.:>ss tlme QUlthd l l h~, ~ ~ , ~ ~ i ~r.1 ~"'w~" l>u! It..... ~,,,, ... I ~",we(~ . • "ldV ItIf' CD "9"in for st ud ~nls Answer key 1G Z A 3 r 5 H 4 I 1<1 che<:~" , .... 01 1'nrIscriP! IG ~ G• .,., W • W"",.> b"'''tab'''? G: i-1i, "'~riJ. 0"' Y' Cd" ¥<>u I~'I""" ...."'" .. ~',~ do.nQ tOl'\OffOW' G: S...-e, leI", se~ At t e n posl n ......e h~>'e t.I~lh .. M: Oh no' I """" ,I', Leod .. I'dl "" "" "'~ ~llw@r,I!" f.,"e ~t ple"pn~" it S9<>rt~ ,,< G.o",,,,*,y I' ...... 111.11"' __ 01 lY'" 1 ,,"t< M: Yool, , luvp ,I. NoJIl_e ""''''y' file 10',."'" ......w~ 91'0 """'~ "'~""'., Do; ",. "'of """.01 _Ie, p.l" G: sWtlicrTY_IB Mu11( 41 I"M 1__ And tl"'n .,, love Ie Iwo, I", til(> I~>I ....,. 01 the &y__ ""~ Spot! 101: W. '1'~I'>~'I""""J.u.tf'dtl>< I~~" .."", 101 "h-II~' Langua g e .n~ (OCU li : ,......... ,.' Q . Rf'M I .... c..m Up w tI'I!~ c1iM.. "._pIe present sunple t""~ I.~w" tllf >s_ soS!""I, 10 "",ol;ly thr , .. 110. • "'1" ,lud."I.lo m.iltch lhe h." h~Fv'" I the IU' .., a' ll< 0",,10. ~'''''''''\ Adverbll or frequency As. ,IUC!fon" \..,I'dnsld!f tr.. a.lv' 'bllnto 11... Il"9 ud <1 • ..... "1. QII th.. brunt: II, ~I"J)'S 'I"'" us 101, of a [I. t (hil IMJehHl, .~rtl, Thttl wrd /oH Is cll",,'rs ",. U ~'I Ih"IIr.. iICtol'ftJ coml'1 .tll'f , ~ ""b bfo. • h~I. ., IIIe 'v~ IIIaI oW>;Cr\rS 0' I, ~rKY com. Jilfr I'" ~ ... b~. bul bc'lor~ "',.... v.,tlS. • u .. t"" •• ~""* 10 NP;.)WI Iht· i.d • "~"" I complel~I"'lfU 'Y. and ~sk 'vOCl~.(l'I«k ~"S""" ,.,...,.., , 1 cIc>\'I ,1...:1, Z ~I""'" ~ • • nOlI 10. Rem" ,,! ~""m 10 ,e.>d ~~h ""'I'''''' t hralJ9h Iw'orp U"'V t~ ~", .. ~, (I\e(k "~S"~'" .....,...,. I [ 2 0 3 C . B ~ O Speaking D . Eli~ i ! som~ q....,:rons Ih~t ~t..,:1... I> [o~'d~' ~ '\-'" oul hI It... ("n. "'e More pncoc:e . . . ,~'l>ook p.q} C"....,,"" errorS ........... 7 Do ~e 101 e Topic: Ike so XII cby l..-g.... q..: scl'lOOl. ,,,I'l001 Wbjl' I~III P>et iI1e n.ltd. h; PI.t to'" mo.t j""", '~do fO\l Photocopiable activity n. ~st ¥e....' OI)lOU< 1i1.?lPi9" 811 6 Wt .... ~.,~ .1 one or t",,, .. omples 01 senl tor>'1 f I I>l'colu"," et It. ~PO.it,,,,, 10 IMI t~low\ 3 C • lIev.lA' Ih<- ~t, • .,nd QUoe1ho" loon. 01 tr>e ~'ewn! \,mplf, W"t~ 01"1 Ihr bo."d. Wo- "">~ Gt>oq, ~~""_ He Qi.-!'. uS IOI~ .,1 ~om~ ..,.,-k. ... ~ ~tud@nh 10 m~k~ Ihe senlrnc~s OI'IJ~h'~ (Wr dOff! /),)yc G'll9r"phy... ~ !/opsn't qiv.. uS lOIS 01 !~",o..-'). 3~d II",,, ,nlo q~stlo '" \/lO .. ~ IUve t;~oqrdphy' Oc#. I"~ 0"" us 1"S 01 homework n _~ • r OCus on II., ~o IMllI~!s 10 r.. "" t"O: ..I\0Il' '''''I...... Elell 1",,1 II.... ~ Ik"_ .h~m footOil' "'ccldemy 1$ oll""!bolII "no, • 1..." SluOP"h Ie look '" I". It.... "",~blr ""s_~ ' ' 'ir "hot -"" What does she look like? E>e'ibing propIe • tnaklnll que,lion, \. , Wanne:r ~ oe • As;' ~Iudc n l~: HO'M "",or pl'Opl~ ,". inpre in Y<>!J( fJm,'y? As k for more oelail" ~'ld efK'1 <,Ome family woeds, lor uampl.. h(ol h~r , ",tef. molnc:v, Vocabulary: the family and describing people D . A,. , t uden!' 10 comp lele Ihe words.. Che(~ dn~WP" ~ nd .... ",e Ih~ cor re<:t ,,,,,Ii,ng' on ''' ~ t><')drd, f,!ooe l and anillhe pronunc,aloon. Tnnscripl ($. 50_<, J . J..,..I s: This is a nicp pt;:>tQ.', II,,, you. >i>1~' I S"I", really prcUy J: Y""h. IM!'< AlICe. S",,', got """J b1ond~ haio '" pI'iOto. but ,n 'h", I now I',,,, 5: HO" moonv brothe" ."d ....,rls ~",e VOO 0;017 J, Two. n""e', Al>(e. and I'Y~goI ~ I> I>ov ..itl> r." hoi,. I'il na"",', l",n. ""drly n;",,_ 5: w.."I', his C,ltl>cWy? J: 1'1<',1 '",,"Ih.! "Me to ooy ~ , m. pr«~nt, H,". s: ytar" wr.o', It\(' otncr ClOy' ",j J: Tl'uf. my (oo,io. Ser ..... ""'I to hi m " my uncle , COlin lh~ (d~ J : H ~ " n",,\ to me. '1,,1 brown ~ves and ,-erV short ""... A,)(llloo', A llttl. ta t. but M~m ~YI h~', qood ­ fl.', B . A•• • Iud",,!, to «"',~I..I ~ [I", dct'~ily inaiv l du~lIy Ihen chl><: k lhe,r aO'W~I' in pailS. """",, ..., 1 bu .botn",.. childr..n have Sl~p-tuol t...rs ar-od .Ie-p­ , i, le " , or hall-bfot hers and lvii-sisters, • Gr clndpareen 01 Ihe lamily li ke they 00 In some '<)I1I~ countr i ~s, Spellking extra • A••• tud.....ts to dr~w the" own ! ~m"V trl!'e'_ • Stu den!~Cdn w",~ in pa irs and lISk and answl'f quesl>o~' ~b"ut It... people, for e.ample: Who Is my "nc~, II . AS. students to lind J ..n~ in th<> pholo_ A$. ,tudenls to des.::nbe her, th~" to a~"bc Some o f the Olher pCoIo. FIi CiI words such ,.. blo'!de M,r,iOllq ,~ilir ar>el q/d»eJ, • Play Ih~ CO dr-od ~'K .1" ... ·:h ..Me ha ir VOU' qr Jndpa,~oh? J: Y"oh, .. ~ 00"'1 s.., them v"'Y ol1"n The', 'ive,~ Austral,.' "'" 3 chilaren '-­ C~rlo? H~'< She', laki l1lj 1.,.. pI>01o>. S: Wl>at rioI.>'i • dAvghW 5 f>3r< nt' • In It... UK 1<>1"",'1, S: Wh/',r" vourmum) a. rocus attcnhon on th~ .,amp,.. lo i"llpte th~ I ~hte individUil'ly , Illen check t he ir ~nsw~S In pa l" _ , ChKk answers With tne CIJ»' Ched I "~I 'hlo:lrnh under,:and al l the woeir ~tscr: ,~~t~'lte5 It'IQ ,n pailS, ......,,,., 1(: ~m"', , ~ a""~.1\1 IYI'!, H~'S eJI."'l I 2 II, I~'I wO'~'Ii<:1 ...ty. 101' ."~",,,I~ rod,"'9' boc:yts.. Au ~tudfnrs, .....NI "'" I ""'nv' $Iuck'nh 9'Jen: Af. you rldil'l9" bil:y1 .,"""",. ~" .. SI"9'.... or....., tt~K'S cor'edl,. • A~k Sf .Jd('f'll, 10 ICII tl'll' ~ ..n ~boI"t till" p'lrl ..... ,_ (Pil"n mollN,Y IS ~ "....",. SM"s ororiI'nq dllllfo It(nptl"I,,!/If' rnommt I Exam. practice: Speaking Pan I .,n o Examquide (f ~nd m.:Itdlll ..... ~ trom '-"''0 ~\I, OJ. ",.lth,ng peooplto to their jobS). D . I1r~d th, l:..m lip ...11'1 the (I.,;, In'........,"'" ~... h <" ''''', ""me ~t ina D . Re.ld troe rum tip .. ,Ih ''''' ~~ dnd ~.p""~ to \ludf'nu 2hdl It" mtqII: J~k ''''m ~ 9"""'~ """"'y. ] ( 4 1\!lr '" th,," 1'0<1 ,...,. hobby, She W{)f~S ·n~ s.chO
  • b!. UIl9U1qe: ~I:<. wf "I)I'KiKII\S ,t necKSMV. 2 Sludents 1O<,'cll lhe tom Itlthe pICture-\. ),jO!lM and 0111 the pronuoc:o."on 01 t'-I0bs. 3 C 4 r 5 101 6 G 7( li t tt l( 3 SludenlS alloCuu the JOb' In p".s. Tl-llnICfipi I ll ' & •• 1( . K .... ~I ill, YOOf I~m,'~ h~.e gOI suc~ Inl"'<'$unQ)OIlS I(J.en YO tlas~ dod cor.ect any Typlc.ll ....'0" on ~ ~ho" lel'db~c~ sen,oro al1h• ...-.d. l J 2 1\ 9 D IO .... , 1 l~j~ Anawe. key ""-to, key 2 11 4""":"" UlllulC!lCO • Ileac ''''OI.lQ/1 thc I~t 01 lObs ... ,t~ ''''' rl.t" .,,,' ~ . (' sure students und.,stanO lIM'm. rloC,' OIMI Ih...... ""<]hI he", on tile CD tor poKh jab, I.­ C' Jmpk-. ~ PlC"PJles .:met coo~s lood Po,,,1 "'" Ih.JI.ltw" d" t .. o lOin I","V won', nHd. • Tell stvdmts ""I 10 wony ,I I","y canl (omp""~ ('V('rvt~,nQ bKiI\ISe lhey ....oJl bI' allifo 10 IISlen ~ ~ond u".e. Play IIIP CD olIld as~ $lu in~I".fI;!i\ll'~ ~'w:llhe eld"'ple .. Ih the d~'~ ~,"l '.I;YI' ,I "r\o-nl~ d ( lt~ I."", 10 lh ,,~ a:Ktu1 Excun practice: Ltstening Part 2 " " aT ""'0 "'e', language exira • M I th ;o~ iI', h., U wn, ~ t'~loq ~ d('){IDI 111,11', ..I,. h~ 10k", I" I";ol;n his I.M (," e B: (lo.K your 'un, ,,"o,k on tho> ho,p,l", ''''' > 1(, V••• ,he Q~I~ IIw l<>"Q 10 bf ~ ""'101. "'" ~t I .... ""''''''01 qOl ~ d~,~ jut., w, .(."""" I'f'<\IIIf aid boot. 1hN" apr><>onl"",ol' B: "'....... Wildt JOb' de:: yOlO Ih..,. ""~. do wllfo we',. okJ~" II.: (don'\ kl'>{)W She ifV want arlO dOO'1 want to (10. 'Rtaey .e<:~ivRil. Ask:>Olnt :iludMh to \oily whetl>e. IhI'y /lQrH w,lh tIM they .e<:~i ..cd ~lloon:i ( AN_rkfly I the In!imtt~ w,II'IOOI 10 Answer by 1 . , 2 1JO''''l l . 6 Ie 7 loroet 8 2 "'9 Q . .t.!J. stl>dfflll to Cotl'lplf-tf' I~ dlilklguft ond'Yl(luaoUy. 111M cll«. IflIoIr _,.en in ""U. 4 ~.., S~IJc.n 5 I~ \I u"",_ ~ you Writ ing edra • In C"'!oS or lor homewor'-..sk ~ludoMII 10 wrrte.., Cm.J~ to a Inend m~~."9 wrne w~toons for lhe wccl ., n Q . Re~ lhe IIWtuthons ..,,1'0 lhe (iHS,)tI(! .,,,,1 tnmgoUde • Studef>ls clII'I'piclc " t_ ~~ (0IW"141000 b\' chooslroq one o. lIne Ofl'IOOS, T~ life based on e'o'eryday 'urw;IIIINI \.)l'I9Uotge. II . Reold the rum t ip ,.illl lhe tI,H, • Wrllc thc t"~1 queshon 00 rho> bOIItd ~nd iHk slud~IS 10 WCIfl11st posslDW r~pO!'st's. I ell studenls 10 look at Ih. MIs....... ~ in I h~ book and choose Ihe corrf1("! on. ASk sr,"'tnh to complete the aCI.y.ty .nd,y,dwIlV. Cl'IKk "'lSort' ••. ( ANwerbry .'oresSiOM 10< ,,1<11<""'9 SU9\llitiOllS­ • Re ier ~.odI'I>t\ Nd to lhe d~ on ••CilYIltes 4 and 6. ASk them to "nd e,p.-cs~oons lor r<'Spond,fIOJ'O wwenions and "rolf Illfm on l he bO~. d ("'Nt.' f fl'laf"s ~ 9f('~1 ~i) I NO. 'MI 'OOrt 1(lC(Ib.lck Sfsslon ~I I h~ 'Good Pm'!. t C 2 A 3 8 4 A ll C More praChCO W.,..l;booI<~" 6 Speaking extr. f" pan.. stOOenls 10 p.-Khs. rill .xd\ilr'lges in SlucIent ... shoold '"old lhe ienltnus from the boo!<..nd SI~III ~ Iry..w:r rtmen'Ger the correcl ,npotIs.. Then lhey un swap rolf's a.od ",.elIse again. Exam practice: Phot ocopiable activity 110.... danc""9! IPag.e 84) T<>pic: I.... I..,.. 1KI.... ,tit'S l~gtJanls must spell cad, word COrtecUy 10 ¥' Ihe mark. D . ,",Cltr students 10 the cm~il ...nd ~sk' Who .., .. CI"i' ..nd M'~ '? IfII sludents 10 tNd 1111 .ma,' 10 lind tl'lf> an"." (lhey art Iric-rtds). T"II .Iu~nh IJtey SI'lOuI(! iltw~ys read Ihe ...1'IOIc trUI WIOtt lheV "."pIt'le d tast.. • 1t..... 11Il0l E••m tip willi Ille (I"u. fOCus on Ihe I"il ~1>I>i. '''' ... tM"'Q photos. J Slud""n ... rile S~lcncH ~bout Il>tmse!'Its. 4 Studenn w()Ik In parrs aod add 1"'0 more 4 q~lion, 10 l he sUrYt'/ • Slud""n conlotIUC worklf'll)ln pa,~ They question other p.lir5 and oot. thel, .Mwefl. 5 Ask SOfN> sludents to Ifporl lhelr results 10 tht dan. SIVOer>IS could write up II\eof rtwlts for home...or•. -­ Let's do something! . L E><.... . _ . Read ir>g ind Vocabool...,. w, illng "art 1I.. ) • rrt~ - ~.f_. lime 6C1,v,,1g Md Wn"ng P~rt 7 Wanner Background exira · .w. !J:udenlS 10 IDnl '" It.. phOl~ A.....' Whr h.,. 10_ achy,lIM 10( young _ I I In t~ UK arl ••teh'n<) TV. ~r>di"9 timoo woth Ir~ ihtening to m\lSic. SUf""9 the l"tHntl. 1h0!'~"1U, • "'I~' W"", do y...., lil:r cIoolI9 In YOII' It"", Ii",,,,! ..0 rhe' o.oplp dO"'II} ;sIIopp'fIq. SluM",I, can d;,,-,,~\ ~ Vocabulary: h~~,nq ~ t heir a<'O\werl in p.ilir •. lime activities D . Chec~ thai ,ll.I6«Its Ul'l(kr~I......:Ilhr m(' /oorb.llil. Ih~t ",nco rfford ing ,\ is ,1 good idN to Check aM....,". "CI o",.t...:t""hlocGmllItI~ tM di.lIoqut .'111 the p/>tJUs. .....,.., ..,.". bi_n. ~I ... 9-'''''''. I ........ ~" .... ~ "'J. .t>us>1'' "o!). wrl.-.q go to.: trw be«1\, Int eo".,.,.... a 'bl4'..MI •• Ic~: a DVD,' t~m. I L~I"I Z 1'40" .. t>oo..t l W'h.>I;)bOyt .. 5 " .11 W~ , 110 .. aboul 6 Lo>!', Itl",."., " Vocabulary extra • .... ~tUdenl~ 10 e»l' the word wt.eets into Ih... notl'books.. In ~m;)It 9'"oups. g,~ liwf"I hfo m"lul .... to add a~ man1W«cts.~ th.y C~ to ,«h wl'lHl Go Ihrough lhe woods with Ihe da$, ...«1 hnd OUI which qrOlJP h.n ~ moS! words. B . B(,~(tv ,e.,,.. lId_C'!)S of hequ~"""v l'ir1l@"'"""y. '~IH·l lm",. Ol/M, "h"~Yf ~nd IW'"A"""" Ih~ tlO~rd lind ..... ,tC>deol'lo l,anslJle U,..,,, t~tc Ihf'" o.. n 1.1''''''''9<'. • In p~" <. ~t~'"Jt, actoy~~ on I.... poelUII ......... pIaon to .IUOCf>II 1""1 I ....... if'" 9Oi"'llohear In ~oo sam ~k,"9 P'in, I,~ thf wf't'k~neI . • PI.:Iv thfl CD ~nd J.k ~t ... h-"t. to elrcle It... pl~n\. an,...,> ilnd 'emor>d .IUOen!s Ihat ... do ",,\ u>e til.. ~~r.nilt artiCle with 'PO' [, In EI>QI~h Ct>K~ • Tell stude"l, tlIIk <> "_1 III~ "'S - - w,th It><> clas! and p<~nt OoJI diHertn! ~f'b 1000ms (do" ,nl,,,,I,.,,. dod 90i<19 -m,. forml. • A sk ~tudent' lu li "d tnt other .. pre'$'''''~ !;/tarl we Jnd Wildt dbou1 In tnt te.1 In Art ..,! v 4 and 111m eompl"lo. I he rui<> - - - - Can you bring some drinks? ( £zazn~ . L ..........- Voca.ba.....,. • PlIny Ihll'lQ$ SpNlung PM! Z , .I • mak""ll otlf'S .ncI requ.nh , ......." ________ ' '"'.W.'.".'__ . . '.•..• ' ________________________________________________________ Wazrner • ~k ~tudtnt$ .. Not~~ they ,njOY paulH. As!<; "'''''' do 1'0'1 Ul ~,.., Clritllo .il PM"11fi? Wll.l11ftoINc do \'00 Iisltf1 fo 7 • f «us on the pj(:ture ana as!< what rOOI do tl>(y «'.­ s : 'hooy.enu.d>, ~WI't'liI'on~ -"' ~In ind ~uPs. ,~. Exant practice; SpeilkiJlq Pan 2 S: Whose !'any k It> ..,. .. Exam quide S: lie.. old" ~he go.nQ to btl A: She', 901"11 to bt U. S: Wilo:' Cis the IIrds to M~.nd answt'f qUl!stlons ...,tn J p.:!rtllC'. TMv are Qi.~n )-<1 minvt@stodothls tosk o. R~~d \hQ (um Up ... ,th the (lass, Tell st ~nrnlS thq ""' qOlnQ to prdChSc Uk ll'l<] aM an$wer lrog qu~stlons, • Allow .tud,nt~ >Omi l imll to t()fm It\(' qu~St.OM ~nd think ~t>Oullhe" 0.../\ answer!, • Ch\'(Ck Ih"l,tudenl.l)dvO 811IOlmC(! Itw quCShQIU correctly. • Remind slu~cntl to JrIS"CI US'IIQ full s<:~tel'\Cc$. Studtnll ~Ik ~r.d ""IW" Int quc.hOns ,n pairs, """", "'" ,....,,""" ......rut I "" Howold"'l'9u7 8: 1am \'f'~I'oId. Z A, When ~ yOur borthdJ,1 8 :"'v borlhd.ly ",on Iht IOIho' ......... ;) '" 00 you h~t \lo1'lh(I~~ pMI""" IJ: y~ ... IIu•• II.."" I No.1 donlllto, th,,,, be<:.JUOuId I .. ear? A; YOU (In" w~", ~" " ' ' " I·,hllt" Vocabulary: parly thing! o. AS k Sluocnts to wOI'k In IIc<:k 3nSWl;'IS, tMn moo~ .. nd drll! pronu",IiIioOl' O( Ihe wOldS­ .....,.., =, r..llOOfl B 1).).1)f( .... G ~,.o C~t CO, 0 ,,,.ps N K '"" ~, , . (hiCk.... III: I iot.e "",10M iii . A<;k slud('fOts 10 look.1 Ihe" prompt ~... ds. .....,"'" Vfl"QI\OI.~·. PMI~ . d,>eo A "''''loS l 1rur1 """.. I' P'ZZ' J piJ,t I pt,,,nt , 91'"1 D "~«\'l .. ~' N""", ~M Tom. II i~ Noeol..·s bi,lhluy dl-.J SM ilo MviOCJ a party. Tom wdnl. to l>p>' ,'we C)Ct _;..r.....ty <>nd Mum', bouQIII lob 01 o«'cfc...... C.... YOU til" nQ _",.,~" T: If. t think t .... , IN"""JI"'II _ oi'onIu. She • b;q batt!" 01 COli _ _ N: .~. QI( ~ RCdd ''''' (um lip w,th the clas.. Demonstrate lhe lip by 1eock "".we~ ~nd .1"'1 INI we use Can you and C"old roo 101 req....., •. Ind Cdn / arid Sh.t// /10< 011..... r=:... ~ Z O 3 11 4 0 a. 0 l 4 4 S t,om .... T ' Su'~ NU P' .........", o Q l ,,-,.., b,,'ho:I;Jy p.;Ktv t.nl montl'l. Arod RO'I'~ " Iw."'l"") ...".,. lut», "1>1 I . ""wl W.·.~ I~ .. Hr"QOI loti .., Exam qnido o StuOf:nl~ .of ..... ~ Pd lo ... tract on'OfI'WI"", ',om two shod .• \ 1; 'tudent, to I,~d IWO @.olmpl\"lol the Im,w, ~I 'vt' in In. d~1oqoJc Adl'llly 6.lJ'olU (II"" OOln ' fJ«/('t /0 ,rob 10m<' ....'' Il00' m.... ,.' en, "112 T: Oh, 1'>1. "U("" 'I'S vour .. :o~ j±!,1';;;' ,pI D 0 focus on Ih" 1...1, ~,od .. I."" ..,k.tl they are "'' M'iono (bll"lnday ~"<.l""""I). o Ask slud..... I' I" <.k> (I~ ('l am ta.k lodlvdu:Iny. II\(on (I'>e<;:k lhe" 3nS...... '" pairs. Writing extra • Ten students to "",111,0 ,"volat"'" lor 1M p;lrty ( Anawe. key I Cln you I Could VOU Z $~ 1/ Cln t Cln you I Could you l C~n you I r:oul~ VOII 4 SIWIIIICanl they o ho!Iv~ pI.lMftl they tbn 'ell" 10 Ih. 10.,.,t.,1on In "'t""ty 8 lor ~Ip. Man::> pr~Cf>C(I WOl~boo. ""~~ f Comon ("OI~ WO<~i.hHt t P"9<' 11\.. .JoOO Ift,l -- Answer key D1 , ... a l'mct.Jble 3 8d Ian die lM'ii09 5 old 6 I\(lSp,,,1 4 Whlrl1h~lIlpullhc r'dllCO b Sleep,n,} 1 b~rh@["fi 8 iun! 5 Which CO s/'I~II cards. Stetan.,1'1(1 C~ros ~re with a 10010011. AS.n IJ w~tch'l'I9 TV. gld»eS? W~ li,ten lu To,,!? 6 Who is ma~,"'9 \'OUr blrlhd.y ,a~e1 1 journalist 2 IIAordrtUer J denMI 5 rnecNnoc 6 IICtor 7 dlll)l pj~yil~ G l on J ," 5 ~1 2 ", 4 81 Q ' 3 II.IVl' 2 lets J WIldt about 6 \10 to 4 Can you Common errors worksheet 1: Answer key Frequency adverbs Making questions 0 ' A 2: A II 1 .lter 2 twlOfe D I B 2 B ) A a I before o l Our PE INeIle<" otten talu aboullOOII»I~ 2 bl(ore Do you lilo.e walchong TV? 2 How m,Jny brolhefs.tnd S'$1erS have you IJII t ? ) Wh31 sports do you enlOY? 4 Where a,tyQ\.rgoln9? 5 Which toot ball t eam do yQ\.r ~IJrI,ort? a and the Prepositions with times g Il a 2 11M! l ll1e D ·2: • lhe (ptOpie ~. 00 u'~ly morn,rllr. "in thoe &1Ie Io,no.. ..noch bO!lKh ,. .. m un) , .. evenong·, but too (most hou!.e'S only have one t~) I~ (P<'opl~ ) B 0 '2 in (MOTE.: Poont out thoat wt wy ·in U.... they lTIl'an) 4 5 ' A 2 8 uwally ~now which cinema they o W~ SlV ·at n!qht·J on: friday. TlIesdJy evening. me 15th of June In: the wmmer , April. the- afternoon .t: the WCC KCI\oow U~ CDr.ocl qUlI"st lons. Choos. the corr.ct ~I.nc: .... 1 A OuIIol.lIM It'IICI\H 8 Our MIIths \ClIChet B Malting questions ~ _ I00I•. ~_ is \,)It , A B 2 A OW SciHIC. 11K"'" " .. oiIY' ......"" hc. B Our SclHlCf I'M"'" ....;0.0 ~ 1'IwO\'l • I~ Z A (hoo» the correct wonts to comp~t. tke ruin . 1 w...... hl'QUMO' ~ffbS .n", I belOIt /0 be. 2 W. uu I f~y 6dYftt>S .ttt< I bet ..... mo'It 3 A 8 B a ot~_bl D '-4dk. S'ntfrw:1$ ys.nQ theu words. I 0/1.., I Our P'( 1N(1'\tf I larks /.bo\JI loolb;tfl I. 2- In~ry I Ovr GIooqr~ tc.t(:~ f lsi wmfU""" I. 1 colo\.l 'lul (1011'\(01/ 0\1....., t.",1'\cf I wflrs f "'u.l lly I ' 4 is I Our ~f'"Ch le&c"", I ~lw ~V$1 VCf Yr"tr.d ly I 5 Our H, )tory l~d< II"" I "IIV" lis I happy I Whll"rll" you We? ~ .. do you 1n.1I"? wn.e'1I" 'fOU' t>ag IS~ \Yhet"1I" is your T>aQ1 How many brothe-rs I\ry .ddinq bl!"fOfe Dr .Itll"', 1 we use 11000 doI!"s IN! WI)/Kllo.....",e 0 .... 51'OOS in tn.e pre-sent s""pIe. Z We put is and ilrll" Ihe subject on 01.ll!"St>Ofl5. 3 WI' po,ol Nv""...-od NS IhI sub)« lln QlHshons. D W.ite quesllons 10 ask ill.'.nll. I V"" f ,.... / 1'181(1""9 T~ ? 2 toow mJnv I b, <)\h.'5 aM slSlers I you I have !JOt 1 D Writ. s,ntlnelli abou t YOy, luchtrSI 3 whaT lporlsl you I enioy1 <$ w"(I'~lyw/oo/\lO l nQ? S wl"ch footbal l '.am I yOU I s ,,~port ? D Write more questions In ask a 'rlend. a and the Prepositions with times D Choon Ihe corrKI s.nlen e,,",. D Choos. the corr'CI nnlt'nces. 1 A Can I borrow ,1>00 Pf'O ~ 1 A Tile mat,n i$ 00 Satu'dJy 8 T~ "",leh '5 at Salurdav 2 A I USU.1l1y get up early iI' l h~ morning B 1 USl'illty q~t up early in tile morn,1IQ. S ClnI borro w, P«I? U~ Ike pen in my baQ. B Uuo d pHI in my ""'J 2 A a Choose the corrtct words 10 compl't. tke '1,111'. I WI' uw . 1 lilt' to ml'fltion sometlllll9 lor 1M Ionr Iime-. 2 We use .II~ 10 menhOll SOI'IW;'thll'lCl tor 11'\(0 w<:ond to",,", J We uw . 1 t~ when Iller. Is ooly onelh/ng or "'$ clu. which Ih"'q we .. e 1.'k,,'ICJ about D Complet. th Sltnl."'.~ with.a or l/It. '.51;>u.~n l Ih'~ t ... en'n~ I let"$QO 10 2 1~'1'·5 beach. al 3 rh~V 'nUy 900d •• 5Ii1U.anl live ~ big hOUse io LonOor\. The.e·s s.orM m,lk ,0 f.idge!. S lenooto ('n~a. cn.eesel>u.Qer? <$ PHOTOCOPIABlE o 3 A I ofle<' 90 ~w ,mmonQ ,n 1Il10 w~kHld. 8 'ollen 90 sw,mmonQ al 1M week.nd. Choon Ihe nrTKI words 10 compl.t. 1M rul.s. 1 we uSl!" OIIlin w,lh dily' 01 1M w.ek ilnc! Gatts. 2 we USl!" in w.th month", !.t~'oOnS"'M pa.ls 01 I.' ""Y. 3 we use "" 011 WIIh ',mH and wOl"O\ Such ~5 _('rid. !)Cq'1Ino1lq and end tht' II write the wonb .and nprnsions in the cor'Kt piau in the tab,.. the we-t>ke"., f rlllay two O·ClOCk luesday c¥en,nq midday the 15th 01 Jun<' Ih. su"'~ April the atterooon the end " lar~ K[l for Sd'IooIs CI RiChmond Publishing. 2009 0
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