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Trang chủ Giáo dục - Đào tạo Cao đẳng - Đại học Phụ phẩm từ sắn là nguồn thức ăn tiềm năng trong chăn nuôi bò ở cộng hoà dân chủ...

Tài liệu Phụ phẩm từ sắn là nguồn thức ăn tiềm năng trong chăn nuôi bò ở cộng hoà dân chủ nhân dân lào


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HUE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY PHANTHAVONG VONGSAMPHANH CASSAVA BY-PRODUCT AS POTENTIAL FEED SOURCE FOR YELLOW CATTLE IN LAO PDR DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ANIMAL SCIENCES HUE, 2019 HUE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY PHANTHAVONG VONGSAMPHANH CASSAVA BY-PRODUCT AS POTENTIAL FEED SOURCE FOR YELLOW CATTLE IN LAO PDR SPECIALIZATION: ANIMAL SCIENCES CODE: 9620105 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ANIMAL SCIENCES SUPERVISOR 1: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. DR. NGUYEN XUAN BA SUPERVISOR 2: DR. DINH VAN DUNG HUE, 2019 GUARANTEE I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my work and that is has not been presented previously as a dissertation at this university or elsewhere. To declare that all sources to be acknowledged and all to be listed in the reference. Hue University, 2019 Phanthavong Vongsamphanh, PhD student i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my major advisor, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Xuan Ba, Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University, Hue City, Vietnam for his invaluable advice, encouragement and generous sharing of knowledge both scientifically and actually, which has enabled me to complete this thesis. I would like also deeply grateful to my co-advisors, Dr. Dinh Van Dung, Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University, Hue City, Vietnam for his kind not only served as my coadvisor, but has been a friend, encouraging me to explore and experience to the limit. He has provided so many valuable services beyond just advising, teaching, mentoring and continuous support in many ways to broaden my perspectives and made this thesis the final product of my research. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Professor Dr. T R Preston from Centro para la Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuaria (CIPAV), Carrera 25 No 6-62 Cali, Colombia for his advice, suggestions and guided in my experiment from the beginning and made correction as needed, include revision of English in the manuscript. His encouragement, criticism, excellent technical assistance guided not only my study but also invaluable suggestions for me in the future. My research and education would not have been possible without Dr Viengsakoun Napasirth from Faculty of Agriculture, National University of Lao and the Faculty of Agriculture and Forest Resource, Souphanouvong University and my friend there’s. Mr. Sangkhom Inthapanya and Mr. Phonevilay Silivong for their provided valuable help in the laboratory. I also would like to thanks to Mr. Khamla and Mr. Vakili Vongxay, owners of the Sukanya and Natthanasouck farms where the experiments were carried out, for providing access to cattle, feed resources and infrastructure.The Tropical Feed Resources Research and Development Center (TROFEC) of Khon Kaen University, Thailand is acknowledged for support in collection of rumen samples and VFA analysis. ii Thanks to Department of Livestock and Fisheries, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for facilities supported and permission for me to study. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those people whose names do not appear here-in who helped me to complete this thesis. I would like to give big thanks to my family for their understanding and moral support during the study, especially my wife for her encouragement and inspiration. Finally, I wish to express special thanks to the MEKARN Project II for generous contribution towards financial support that made this thesis, my education and career goals possible. iii ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were (i) evaluated the potential of feeding value of the cassava pulp to local yellow cattle. (ii) to study the effect of brewers' grain and cassava foliage (Manihot esculenta Cranz) as protein sources for Lao local cattle fed cassava pulp-urea as basal diet, (iii) to evaluate the effects of source of cassava leaves (sweet or bitter at 4% DM) and with or without of brewers’ grain at 4% DM in an in vitro rumen fermentation on gas and methane production using the ensiled cassava pulp supplemented with urea as basal substrate (iv) to evaluated the basis of the method for incorporating cassava foliage as the protein-fiber source in a fattening system for local Yellow cattle based on ensiled cassava pulp (derived from processing of cassava roots for starch production). The result of first experiment were the pH was changed with the level of pit depth the pH was high when collected sample in surface and pH decreased when collected deeper and DM was between 20 to 25%. Gas production and DM mineralization values after 24h fermentation in an in vitro incubation showed cassava pulp was slightly inferior (<10%) to fresh cassava root as an energy feed resource for ruminants. Local "Yellow" cattle fed ad libitum ensiled cassava pulp, urea, brewers' grains and rice straw was gain averaged 0.66 kg/day after 4 months of fattening, with a DM feed conversion of 6.67, confirming that ensiled cassava pulp could be the basal diet for intensive fattening of cattle in Lao PDR. For the second experiment found that live weight gains were 517 and 495g/d and DM feed conversions were similar for the diets in which all the protein came from brewers’ grains (BG) or when the source of protein was divided equally between brewers’ grains and bitter cassava foliage (CF-BG) (7.55 and 8.05). DM feed intake was reduced by 30% and growth rate very poor (160 g/d) when bitter cassava foliage was the only source of protein. The third experiment the rate of gas production was higher when leaves of sweet rather than bitter cassava were the source of protein and when brewers’ grains were added to the substrate. For all incubation intervals the methane content in the gas was lower for bitter than for sweet cassava leaves and lower when brewers’ grains were added to the substrate. The proportion of substrate DM that iv was digested and the methane produced per unit DM digested were reduced when the leaves of bitter rather than sweet cassava were the source of protein. The effect of the brewers’ grains was to increase the proportion of DM digested and to reduce the methane production per unit of substrate digested. And the last experiment found that growth rates were 622 and 608 g/day when the diet of ensiled cassava pulp, supplemented with urea, cassava foliage, brewers’ grains and rice straw, was fed as a completely mixed ration in fresh form (CMR), or after ensiling for 21 days (ECMR). Live weight gains were 30% higher (857 g/day) when almost all the protein was in the form of brewers’ grains, and the ingredients were not mixed (apart from the urea which was dissolved in the cassava pulp at the time of feeding). Feed conversion rates were 8.85 and 9.14 for the CMR and ECMR systems compared with 6.61 for the control. It is suggested that excessively high levels of cyanogenic glucosides in the cassava foliage, which was collected at the end of the dry season from a “bitter” cassava variety at the time of root harvest, may have contributed to the poorer performance of the cattle fed the CMR diets. The result indicated that using cassava by-product to cattle fattening for energy and protein sources promoted weigh gain of cattle. TABLE OF CONTENTS v GUARANTEE..................................................................................................................i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...........................................................................................ii ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................iv TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................vi LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................................................x TABLE OF FIGURE....................................................................................................xii INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................1 1. Problem statement.........................................................................................................1 2. Aims and objectives of the study..................................................................................4 2.1. Aim of the study....................................................................................................4 2.2. Objectives of the study..........................................................................................4 3. Research Hypothesis.....................................................................................................4 4. Significance / Innovation of the dissertation................................................................5 5. REFFERENCE.............................................................................................................6 CHAPTER 1.....................................................................................................................8 LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................8 1. Cattle production system in Lao PDR..........................................................................8 1.1 The role of cattle production in small households.................................................8 1.2 Cattle population and farm size in Lao PDR.........................................................9 2. Cattle feeds and feeding management........................................................................12 3. Challenge and opportunities for cattle production in Lao PDR..................................17 4. Rumen Microbial Ecosystem......................................................................................20 4.1 The ruminal microorganisms....................................................................................22 5. Manipulated feeding practices....................................................................................26 6. Cassava by-product and brewers’ grains for cattle feeding........................................27 7. Cassava pulp...............................................................................................................31 8. Brewers’ grains...........................................................................................................34 9. References...................................................................................................................38 CHAPTER 2...................................................................................................................47 Abstract...........................................................................................................................47 Introduction.....................................................................................................................48 Materials and methods....................................................................................................49 Testing the pH, dry matter and nutritive value content..............................................49 vi In vitro gas and methane production..........................................................................49 Feeding trail...............................................................................................................51 Data cOllection, sampling and chemical analysis..........................................................52 Feed sampling............................................................................................................52 Animal test.................................................................................................................52 Statistical analysis......................................................................................................52 Results and discussion....................................................................................................53 pH and chemical composition of cassava pulp..........................................................53 The chemical composition.........................................................................................53 In vitro gas and methane production..........................................................................54 Feed intake and live weight gain of cattle..................................................................56 Conclusions.....................................................................................................................56 Reference........................................................................................................................57 CHAPTER 3...................................................................................................................75 cassava foliage (Manihot esculenta Cranz) and Brewers' grains as protein sources for local “Yellow” cattle fed cassava pulp as basal diet.......................................................75 Abstract...........................................................................................................................75 Introduction.....................................................................................................................76 Materials and methods....................................................................................................77 Location and duration................................................................................................77 Experimental design...................................................................................................77 Animals and housing..................................................................................................77 Feeding system...........................................................................................................78 Measurements............................................................................................................78 Chemical analysis.......................................................................................................79 Economic analysis......................................................................................................79 Statistical analysis......................................................................................................79 Results and disscusion....................................................................................................79 Chemical composition of the experimental diet.........................................................79 Feed intake, live weight gain and feed conversion....................................................80 Discussion.......................................................................................................................83 Conclusions.....................................................................................................................84 References.......................................................................................................................85 CHAPTER 4...................................................................................................................87 vii Effect of cassava leaves from different varieties and brewers’ grains on methane production in an in vitro rumen incubation of cassava pulp...........................................87 Abstract...........................................................................................................................87 Introduction.....................................................................................................................88 Materials and methods....................................................................................................88 Location......................................................................................................................88 Treatments and experimental design..........................................................................89 In vitro rumen fermentation system...........................................................................89 Experimental procedure.............................................................................................90 Data collection and measurements.............................................................................91 Statistical analysis......................................................................................................91 Results and discussion....................................................................................................91 Chemical composition................................................................................................91 Gas and methane production......................................................................................92 Discussion.......................................................................................................................96 Conclusions.....................................................................................................................98 References.......................................................................................................................98 CHAPTER 5.................................................................................................................100 the comparation completely mixed ration and separately feeding on yellow cattle fattening by using cassava by-product..........................................................................100 Abstract.........................................................................................................................100 Introduction...................................................................................................................101 Materials and methods..................................................................................................102 Location and duration..............................................................................................102 Animals....................................................................................................................103 Feeding system.............................................................................................................104 Measurements..........................................................................................................104 Statistical analysis....................................................................................................105 Results and discussion..................................................................................................105 Chemical composition of the experimental diet.......................................................105 Economic return.......................................................................................................107 Discussion.....................................................................................................................108 Conclusions...................................................................................................................111 References.....................................................................................................................111 viii CHAPTER 6.................................................................................................................114 GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS....................................................114 Implications..................................................................................................................116 Future research..............................................................................................................116 Reference......................................................................................................................118 PUBLICATIONS LIST................................................................................................121 Appendices....................................................................................................................122 LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 1.....................................................................................................................8 ix Table 1. Cattle Number 2011 to 2017 by Province and Region (1,000 head).......9 Table 2. Cattle Herd Sizes as a Percentage of Cattle Holdings...........................11 Table 3. Natural pasture and their typical nutritive value for ruminants in Lao PDR.....................................................................................................................14 Table 4. Summary of strategic crops, in year 2017.............................................15 Table 5. Physical and chemical characteristics of rumen ecosystem..................21 Table 6. Microbiological characteristics of rumen ecosystem............................23 Table 7 Nutrients and anitinutreints composition of cassava foliage..................28 Table 8 Chemical composition of cassava pulp..................................................31 Table 9 Nutritional composition of brewer’s grains............................................35 CHAPTER 2...................................................................................................................47 Table 1. Proportions of the substrates in the in vitro incubation.........................50 Table 2. Ingredients of the buffer solution..........................................................50 Table 3. Composition of the diet fed to the Yellow cattle...................................51 Table 4. Mean values for gas production, methane in the gas and DM mineralized in the in vitro incubation of cassava pulp and cassava root supplemented with urea and cassava leaf meal...................................................54 Table 5. Mean values for the feed intake, growth rate and feed conversion over the 120 days of the fattening period....................................................................56 CHAPTER 3...................................................................................................................75 Table 1. Approximate amounts of the diet ingredients (DM, kg/day)*..............78 Table 2. Chemical composition of diet ingredients.............................................80 Table 3. Mean values for feed intake according to dietary treatments................81 Table 4. Mean values for DM intake, live weight gain and feed conversion for “Yellow” cattle fed a basal diet of cassava pulp supplemented with urea and either brewers’ grains, or bitter cassava foliage or a combination of brewers’ grains and bitter cassava foliage..........................................................................81 Table 5. Economic analysis of value of live weight gain over costs of feed.......83 CHAPTER 4...................................................................................................................87 Table 1. Ingredients in the substrate, g DM........................................................89 Table 2. Ingredients of the buffer solution (g/liter).............................................90 x Table 3. The chemical composition of substrate ingredients (% in DM, except DM which is on fresh basis)................................................................................92 Table 4. Mean values for gas production, methane in the gas, DM digestibility and methane per units substrate...........................................................................93 CHAPTER 5.................................................................................................................100 Table 1. Composition of the experimental diets (% DM basis)........................103 Table 2 Composition of diet ingredients...........................................................103 Table 3. pH of completed mixed feeds prior to and after ensiling, and before feeding (ECMR) and after mixing and before feeding, for CMR. Fumonisis was determined in representative samples of feeds mid-way through the experiment ...........................................................................................................................104 Table 4 Chemical composition of experimental diet, % in DM........................105 Table 5. Mean values for DM intake, initial and final live weights, live weight gain and feed conversion for Yellow cattle fed cassava pulp-urea, cassava foliage, rice bran and rice straw as complete mixed feed (CMR), as ensiled mixed feed (ECMR) or with the major feed ingredients offered separately (CTL) ...........................................................................................................................106 Table 6. Mean values for rumen pH and VFA in cattle fed cassava pulp-urea, cassava foliage and rice straw as complete mixed ration (CMR) or as ensiled mixed ration (ECMR) or cassava pulp-urea, brewers’ grains and rice straw fed separately (CTL)................................................................................................107 Table 7. Economic analysis of value of live weight gain over costs of feed.....108 TABLE OF FIGURE xi CHAPTER 1.....................................................................................................................8 Figure 1. Age and sex structure of cattle, Lao PDR............................................11 Figure 2. Grazing land area in Lao PDR.............................................................13 Figure 3. Area of improved bred grass species in Lao PDR...............................16 Figure 4 Illustration of rumen swamp buffalo with ruminal bacteria, protozoa, fungal zoospores, fermentation process and fermentation end-products............22 Figure.5. Model of the interaction of yeast cells with rumen microbes (Jouany, 2006)....................................................................................................................36 CHAPTER 2...................................................................................................................47 Figure.1. cassava pulp sampling point.................................................................49 Figure 2. Changes in dry matter content of the pulp at increasing depth in the pit .............................................................................................................................53 Figure3. Changes in pH of the pulp at increasing depth in the pit......................53 Figure 4. Gas production from cassava pulp &cassava root supplemented with urea and cassava leaf meal...................................................................................55 CHAPTER 3...................................................................................................................75 Figures 1-3. DM intake, live weight gain and DM feed conversion of cattle fed cassava pulp-urea and either brewers' grains (BG), bitter cassava foliage brewers' grains, CF-BG, or bitter cassava foliage (CF).......................................82 Figure 4. Trends in live weight with time on experiment for Yellow cattle fed a basal diet of cassava pulp supplemented with urea and either brewers’ grains, (BG) or bitter cassava foliage (CF) or a combination of brewers’ grains and bitter cassava foliage (CF-BF).............................................................................82 CHAPTER 4...................................................................................................................87 Figure 1. A schematic view of measuring gas production in the in vitro rumen fermentation.........................................................................................................90 Figure 2. Effect of sweet or bitter cassava leaves with or without brewers’ grains on gas production 0-6h........................................................................................94 Figure 3. Effect of sweet or bitter cassava leaves with or without brewers’ grains on gas production 6-12h......................................................................................94 Figure 4. Effect of sweet or bitter cassava leaves with or without brewers’ grains on gas production 12-18h....................................................................................94 Figure 5. Effect of sweet or bitter cassava leaves with or without brewers’ grains on gas production 18-24h....................................................................................94 xii Figure 6. Effect of sweet or bitter cassava leaves with or without brewers’ grains on percent methane in the gas 0-6h.....................................................................95 Figure 7. Effect of sweet or bitter cassava leaves with or without brewers’ grains on percent methane in the gas 6-12h...................................................................95 Figure 8. Effect of sweet or bitter cassava leaves with or without brewers’ grains on percent methane in the gas 12-18h.................................................................95 Figure 9. Effect of sweet or bitter cassava leaves with or without brewers’ grains on percent methane in the gas 18-24h.................................................................95 Figure 10. Effect of sweet or bitter cassava leaves with or without brewers’ grains on percent DM digested............................................................................96 Figure 11. Effect of sweet or bitter cassava leaves with or without brewers’ grains on methane per unit substrate digested.....................................................96 CHAPTER 5.................................................................................................................100 Figure 1. Comparative growth rates and DM feed conversion of Yellow cattle fed ensiled cassava pulp-urea, and rice straw supplemented with brewers’ grains (CTL); or a completely mixed ration (CMR) of 46% ensiled cassava pulp, 26% fresh cassava foliage and 4% brewers grains (all on DM basis); or the completely mixed ration ensiled 3 weeks before feeding (ECMR). On all diets, urea and minerals were added immediately before feeding..............................106 xiii INTRODUCTION 1. PROBLEM STATEMENT According to the MAF (2017), there are 1.98 million cattle in Lao PDR mostly dominated by indigenous "Yellow" cattle (Bos indicus). 95% of the total cattle population is owned by smallholders. 297,000 of farm households or 38% of the total farm household have cattle. Approximately 27% of total farm households in the northern region hold cattle, while in central and southern regions the percentage of households having cattle were 50% and 32% of total farm households, respectively (ACO 2012). Cattle production in Lao PDR is an interplay of human and natural systems performing critical development functions through its contribution to nutritious diets, economic growth, livelihoods and environmental sustainability. Cattle production is an integral part of the smallholder mixed farming systems practiced in the country and can be characterized by agro-ecological conditions of lowlands, uplands, and highlands, where farmers utilize various land resources for cattle grazing. The majority of the cattle production is based on low input integrated with various types of crop production systems at the household level. Many rural households with cattle are currently best considered to be “livestock keepers” rather than “livestock producers". The main problem with cattle production in Lao PDR is nutrient deficiency, particularly during the long dry season (see figure in appendix 1-4). Fiems et al (2015) indicating that beef cattle feeding systems that do not meet the energy requirements of the animals may result in the failure of beef cattle to meet performance expectations. Poor grazing and dry season management in beef cattle in Lao PDR resulting in low reproductive performance with calving rate around 51-75% calving interval 14-16 months, time to reach slaughter weight for males 5-8 years and low beef cattle carcass weights of 65- 84 kg, with dressing percentages well below profitable levels (i.e. less than 40%) (Nampanya et al., 2013). Currently, there is an increasing surplus of cassava by-product that is available year round for animal feed in Lao PDR. Those by-products that have potential to add 1 value as alternative feed resources are cassava pulp, cassava foliage, and rice straw. It is estimated that the five cassava starch factories have a yearly production of 55,000 tons of pulp and more than 200.000 tone of cassava pulp is stored in open pits (resulting in local pollution problems). Cassava foliage by-product from cassava plantation which annually is left in the field after root harvesting (around 1,250 tons from 63,260 ha of harvested area), the availability of rice straw is 3 million tons per year (MAF 2017), in addition brewers’ grains the residue of beer processing are around 150,000 tons per year from four brewery factories over the whole country. All these all resources would be sufficient to fatten some 200,000 beef cattle per year with an added value to the Lao economy of USD $36 million. In view of the decrease of natural resources and limitations in access to conventional feeds (due to competing land use eg rice. maize etc..) is timely to introduce cassava byproduct which is cheap and less competitive - cattle can convert it to a higher production yield and end product quality. It has shown that cassava pulp composes 15.8-23.4% dry matter (DM) with 1.2-2.8% crude protein (CP), 55.0-74.4% nitrogen-free extract, 0.1-2.4% fat, 17.9-24.0% crude fiber and 1.7-2.8% ash, on DM basis (Yimmongkol, 2009; Pilajun and Wanapat, 2018), and according to Sriroth et al (2000) cassava pulp is rich in starch with 69% in DM, Keaokliang O et al (2018) reported the total digestible nutrients, digestible energy, and ME contents of cassava pulp were 74.4%, 12.9 MJ/kg DM, and 11.3 MJ/kg DM, respectively, it suitable as the energy component of an intensive feeding system for fattening cattle it would need to be supplemented only with urea, a source of roughage and bypass protein and minerals, as has been demonstrated for other low-protein, carbohydrate-rich tropical feeds such as molasses (Preston 1971) and sugar cane (Preston et al., 1976; Ffoulkes and Preston 1978). Cassava foliage can be harvested from 4 months old without any effect on average total biomass and storage root yields, with non-significant effects on both height and stem diameter (Munyahali et al 2017) For every tonne of roots that are harvested there are an additional 600 kg of stems and leaves which also have a high potential feeding value for cattle (Ffoulkes and Preston 1978; Wanapat et al., 1997), 2 and goats (Ho Quang Do et al., 2002). The protein content in cassava leaves is around 22-25% in dry matter (DM), Cassava foliage also contains anti-nutritional factors (ANF’s) such as cyanogenic glucosides and tannins. Cyanogenic glucosides can give rise to toxic hydroxyanic (HCN) by the action of either enzymatic activity in damaged plant tissue or within the digestive tract of the animal (Van Soest, 1994). The varieties used for industrial starch production are known as “bitter” varieties due to the high content of cyanogenic glucosides that are converted into the highly toxic hydrocyanic acid (HCN >50mg/kg as fresh), The cassava varieties that are planted for human consumption are known as “sweet” varieties as they have a lower content of (HCN < 50mg/kg as as fresh). Much research on evaluating the use of cassava for livestock feeding has thus concentrated on methods to reduce the HCN content, such as sun-drying and ensiling (Phuc et al 1995). Development of cassava byproduct to cattle feed sources has been negligible and not been studied previously under Lao conditions especially cassava pulp storage in open pit. Therefore the main questions addressed in the various experiments are as follows: 1. Cassava pulp storage in an open pit for more than 4 years in cassava factory can be potential energy feed sources for beef cattle in Lao PDR ? 2. What is the response of cattle performance on bitter cassava foliage or/and brewers’ grain supplement as protein-fiber source in cassava pulp as basal diet ? 3. What is the effect of supplement of different varieties of cassava leave and 4% brewers’ grain on gas production, methane in the gas, DM digestibility and methane per units substrate in an in vitro rumen incubation of cassava pulp? 4. What is the most effective and efficient method to utilize bitter cassava foliage in a feed mix ration for a fattening system that gives the best economic outcome for the producer and the Lao economy? 3 2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 2.1. Aim of the study The aim of this research study was to improve beef cattle production systems and reduce methane emissions through the use of cassava pulp stored in open pit for more than 4 years. It is hoped that improved utilization of cassava by-products for fattening cattle will sustainably increase profits to Lao farmers and rural livelihoods in general. 2.2. Objectives of the study These research studies were divided into 4 consecutive objectives, as follows: 1. To evaluate the potential of feeding value of the storage cassava pulp in an open pit 2. To measure the response of cattle performance on bitter cassava foliage or/and brewers’ grains as a source of bypass protein and fiber supplements to cassava pulp-urea basal diet for feeding local yellow cattle 3. To evaluate the effect of different varieties of cassava leaves and supplementation with brewers' grains (0 or 4%) on methane production in an in vitro production of cassava pulp – urea as the main substrate 4. To find out the most efficient/economic methodology for incorporating bitter cassava foliage as the protein-fiber source in the cassava pulp for a cattle fattening system. 3. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS - The characteristics of cassava pulp as stored in an open pit 200m*50m*10m (around 100,000 tones) would be a suitable basal diet for the intensive fattening of local yellow cattle in Lao PDR. - The bitter variety of cassava foliage could be used as the source of bypass protein and fiber mixed to brewers' grain fed to local yellow cattle fed being on cassava pulp-urea as basal diets. 4 - The in vitro rumen fermentation of complete mixed ration, the methane production would be reduced: (i) when the protein source was the foliage of bitter cassava compared with foliage of sweet cassava; (ii) when small amount brewers’ grain supplement acts as prebiotic with resultant positive effects on gas methane production - The different ways of feeding cassava foliage may affect the intake, digestibility, and solubility of the protein. The proportions of the VFA, and therefore the production of methane in the rumen fermentation system and a small proportion of brewers’ grains in the diet (4%) will help control the toxicity of the HCN in bitter cassava foliage. 4. SIGNIFICANCE / INNOVATION OF THE DISSERTATION Utilization of by product from cassava production, significant beef production gains can be achieved: - Cassava pulp about 100.000 tones in open pit at cassava starch factory, can be high potential feed in term of nutrition value and production for fattening cattle in Lao condition and could be used as basal diet - The bypass protein and fiber source can be provided in the form of either: (i) brewers’ grains or: (ii) bitter cassava foliage combines with brewers’ grains (50:50) will give good performance. - In vitro rumen incubations of a substrate of cassava pulp showed that: methane production was decreased by: supplementation with cassava leaves of bitter rather than sweet varieties; and by the addition of low levels of brewers’ grains (4%) - Cassava pulp through various methodologies such as separate, fermented and ensilage feed was shown to have potential for developing intensive fattening of cattle in feedlot and also in small holders in Lao PDR 5
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