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Student Book O XFO RD O XFO RD U N IV E R S IT Y PRESS i Scop e and Seq u en ce , READING BIG QUESTION f 1 Page VOCABULARY 1 Am azing Anim als Inform ational T e x t 6 Pag e 16 (Nonfiction) Read in g S trateg y Com pare and Contrast Leo and Lily's Adventure Story (Fiction) Read in g S trateg y Com pare and Contrast Pag e 26 Reading te x t w o rd s skin, m am m als, eggs, am phibians, scales, gills, feathers, wings, fur S u b je ct and O b je ct Pronouns Listen in g te x t w o rd s head, eye, ear, m outh, leg, body They have gills. Word Study Com pound Words Gills h elp them breathe. Reading te x t w o rd s worm , berries, hunt, escape, creep, fight, peck, pinecone, squawk A d verb s of Freq u en cy Listen in g te x t w o rd s strong, gentle, patient, sm art, calm , fierce Lily is usually very nervous. How do th in g s ch an g e? W hat Is Our World Made Of? Inform ational Text Life Science Fish have gills. Lily always escapes. Leo som etim es tries to catch Lily. [►J 3 How a re an im als d iffe re n t from one a n o th e r? (Nonfiction) Read in g Strateg y Cause and Effect Physical Science Reading te x t w o rd s flow, solid, liquid, gas, heat, steam , ice, freeze, m elt Sim p le Past o f V erb To Be Listen in g te x t w o rd s ice pop, balloon, kettle, popcorn, icicle, candle They were hard. N ow they're soft. It w as a liquid. N ow it's a gas. Word Study N o unsand Verbs 4 P a g e 36 Let's Make Ice Cream! Play Read in g te x t w o rd s cream, sugar, salt, pour, plastic bags, m ixture, open, closed, freezer (Fiction) Listen in g te x t w o rd s coffee, tea, salad, fruit, vegetables, pasta Read in g Strateg y Cause and Effect Page 46 6 Was the freezer door open? Yes, it was. Were the students happy? No, they weren't. [ ►1 I Sim p le Past o f Verb To Be How a re th in g s d iffe re n t now from long ag o ? Then and Now Inform ational Text (Nonfiction) Read in g Strateg y Main Idea and Details Reading te x t w o rd s travel, com m unication, airplane, news, letter, text m essage, e-mail, radio, Internet Sim p le Past R eg u lar Verbs Listen in g te x t w o rd s boat, bus, m otorcycle, cable car, truck, horse They didn 't watch the new s on TV. People listened to the new s on the radio. Word Study Words in A lphabetical Order Tell Me a Story, Grandpa Reading te x t w o rd s arrive, ask, check, enter, poor, crowded, clerk, visit, sick Historical Fiction Listen in g te x t w o rd s couch, chair, lamp, clock, bathtub, sink Read in g Strateg y Sequence o f Events Sim p le Past R eg u lar Verbs D id they travel by ship? Yes, they did. Did they arrive in tw o days? No, they didn't. Pag e 56 -------- --- --------- ----- ----- wC BIG QUESTION Subtraction 7 Page 68 4 When do we u se su b tra ctio n ? Math Read in g te x t w ord s m inus sign, subtraction, take away, colum n, row, test score, single-digit num ber, double-digit number, left Alm a bought five cookies. She didn 't buy four. Read in g Strateg y Reread Listen in g te x t w o rd s clean, dirty, tired, hungry, thirsty, full Olivia gave h er sister tw en ty stickers. Word Study S y lla b le s She didn't give h er twenty-six. Bandar, the Greedy Monkey Read in g te x t w ord s let go, steal, dig up, hide, ja r, greedy, bored, baker, cook S im p le P a st Irreg u la r V erbs Inform ational Text (Nonfiction) Fable Read in g Strateg y Beginning, M iddle and End of a Story Listen in g te x t w o rd s knee, nose, foot, arm, face, hand Sim p le P a st Irreg u la r V erbs D id Ban dar go to a candy store? Yes, he did. D id h e let go o f the candy? No, he didn't. Gus Billy Dot Layla '€> © J E T LISTENING SPEAKING WRITING Anim al Body Parts Ex p re ssin g Sym pathy Task Descriptions o f d ifferent anim al body parts Are y o u OK? Talk and w rite ab out favorite anim al groups. (W orkbook) Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r specific inform ation Oh, no! No. M y leg hurts. • R eview Story • Project a i r m in iiai ru _iu ic v_aius D escribing A n im als D escribing an Anim al P ro no u ns Descriptions o f anim als Eagles have feathers a n d wings to help them fly. Rabbits are very gentle. Listen in g S trateg y 5 . Review They are very gentle. Units 1 and 2 (W orkbook) 1 3 Task Talk and w rite ab out an anim al and w hat it is like. (W orkbook) Listening fo r details ^ 5 5 5 -5 WRAP UP 5 5 fl How Things Change Accepting a Request Task Descriptions o f changes in states Please pass the juice. Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r details Sure. Here you go. Talk and w rite ab out a thing that can change state. (W orkbook) • R eview Story Thanks. • Pro ject IY IIA IU IC C reatin g M ixtures D escribing Food and Ing red ients C o n tractio n s Descriptions o f food and drink m ixtures Tell m e abou t the party. The ice p o p s weren't in the freezer. Listen in g S trateg y M y friends were there. The ice cream was tasty. Task A sking fo r So m eth in g to Be R epeated Task Listening for specific inform ation . Review Water isn ’t a gas. Units 3 and 4 (W orkbook) O Talk and w rite about a favorite food and drink m ixture. (W orkbook) So cial Studies: History Life Then and Now An in terview w ith Grandm a Listen in g S trateg y Listening for specific inform ation What country d o you com e from ? W ould you repeat that, please? Talk and w rite about som ething people did long ago b u t th ey don't do now. (W orkbook) • Review Story In a M useum D escribing Travel and T ran sp o rt Adding - e d to Som e V erbs Children discuss w h a t th ey are looking at Where did you travel? 1traveled to Washington. H ow did you travel there? 1visited m y grandmother. yesterday. Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r details • Pro ject Interview an Adult He arrived in New York Task Talk and w rite about traveling to a place 100 years ago and traveling th ere today. (W orkbook) Su b traction Problem s Offering Task Subtraction word problem s Would you like so m e fruit? No, thank you . I'm full. H ow abou t som e water? Yes, please. I'm thirsty. Talk about and w rite an interesting subtraction problem . (W orkbook) N um ber Problem s Say a M ath Problem C on tractio ns Math problem poems Twenty cow s sa t in som e trees. Five fell down a n d h urt their knees. H ow m any cow s were le ft in the trees? Karen doesn't like fru it salad. the candy. Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r num ber details Listen in g Strateg y Listening fo r num ber details • Review Units 5 and 6 (W orkbook) | 3 j ■R eview Story ■Project Subtraction Board Game Bandar didn 't let go o f Task Talk and w rite about three things that w ere done last nig ht. (W orkbook) ■Review Units 7 and 8 (W orkbook) UNIT READING VOCABULARY BIG QUESTION 5 Following Rules Inform ational Text P a g e 86 (Nonfiction) R ead in g Strateg y Categorize GRAMMAR How do people g et along with e a ch o th e r? Reading te x t w o rd s traffic light, take turns, polite, clean up, litter, librarian, crossing guard, principal, lifeguard P o ssessive Pronouns Listen in g te x t w o rd s kitchen, living room , cafeteria, classroom , sw im m ing pool, crosswalk Whose bo ok is this? It's hers. Those are y o u r things. Those things are yours. Word Study Phrasal Verbs to P a g e 96 The Please and Thank You Book Poems Reading te x t w o rd s knock, thoughtful, rude, grab, pass, p u t away, invite, wash, share Poems Listen in g te x t w o rd s com puter, laptop, camera, headphones, tablet, cell phone (Fiction) R ead in g Strateg y Them e BIG QUESTION 6 Natural Resources Inform ational Text w P a g e 106 (Nonfiction) Read in g Strateg y Main Idea and Details Can a n d May Can I play? Yes, y o u can. M ay I com e in? No, you m ay not. Why should we ta k e c a re o f th e E a rth ? Earth Science Read in g te x t w o rd s resources, w ood, landfill, land, trash, sm oke, sunlight, reduce, reuse P rep o sitio n s of Place Listen i ng te x t w o rd s cam p, hike, ride a horse, surf, fish, ski The landfill is across from the park. Word Study Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns The trash can is behind the tree. There's sm oke in the a ir above the city. The tree is in front o f the trash can. A Juice Carton's Diary Diary Entries f f i P a g e 116 13 P a g e 126 14 Reading te x t w o rd s carton, diary, paper, blow , shelf, recycling plant, m achine, stationery store, rescue (Fiction) CE BIG QUESTION Is there a trash can beh ind the tree? Yes, there is. How d o es m usic m ake u s fe e l? How Music M akes us Feel Read in g te x t w o rd s high, low, excited, sleepy, wolf, feelings, right, wrong, trum pet (Nonfiction) Listen in g te x t w o rd s proud, sm ile, nervous, yaw n, unhappy, cry R ead in g Strateg y Sum m arize Word Study Synonym s Olga's Flute Story Where's the fountain? It's across from the statue. Listen in g te x t w o rd s time, week, nine o'clock, nine-fifteen, nine-thirty, nine forty-five R ead in g Strateg y Setting Inform ational Text P rep o sitio n s o f Place Read in g te x t w o rd s notes, wait, worried, the flu, tears, solo, hum m ingbird, record, musician (Fiction) Listen in g te x t w o rd s have lunch, give a concert, m ake a m istake, sign an autograph, talk to fans, d o an interview Read in g Strateg y Characters P a g e 136 BIG QUESTION 15 P a g e 146 16 8 Forces and Movement Inform ational Text Two Stubborn Little Goats (Fiction) Read in g Strateg y Them e P rep o sitio n s of Tim e Pedro listens to slo w m usic at night. When does A m anda listen to slo w m usic? She listens in the m orning. A d verb s o f Tim e This m orning, Olga goes to school early fo r extra practice. When did M ark go to m usic class? He w en t yesterday m orning. P h ysical Science Reading te x t w o rd s push, pull, m ovem ent, ground, throw, speed, heavy, light, easy (Nonfiction) R ead in g Strateg y Cause and Effect Fable W hat m akes th in g s move? Music C o m p arative A d jective s A b a ll is lighter than a desk. Listen i ng te x t w o rd s com puter m ouse, stapler, suitcase, broom, door, desk drawer Is a desk heavier than a ball? Yes, it is. Word Study Antonym s A train is slow er than an airplane. Reading te x t w o rd s stubborn, angry, goat, m ountain, west, east, forw ard, horns, wet I'm the you n gest person in my family. Listen in g te x t w o rd s basketball, soccer, tennis, baseball, hockey, g o lf Is the ju icie st grass on East M ountain? Yes, it is. W hat's slow er than an airplane? Su p erla tive A d jectives P a g e 156 O BIG QUESTION Shapes in Art Inform ational Text (Nonfiction) Reading Strategy P a g e 166 Text-to-Self Connection 9 How do we m ake a r t ? A rt Read in g te x t w o rd s crescent, star, spiral, oval, straight, nature, collage, sculpture, pattern Listen in g te x t w ord s photograph, origam i, draw ing, m obile, o il painting, m osaic Word Stu d y Flom ophones Origami Panel Story (Fiction) Reading Strategy Text-to-Self Connection PLA YSCR IPTS Reading te x t w o rd s shiny, fold, edge, crane, seal, crumple, waves, climb, golden Listen in g te x t w o rd s m arkers, scissors, glue, w atercolors, chalk, colored pencils Bandar, the G reedy Monkey Q u a n tifiers There are a lo t o f shapes. There aren't any triangles. There is a lo t o f paper. There isn 't any red paint. Q u a n tifiers D id M aki have any pencils? No, sh e didn't. H ow m any seals were there? There w as one seal. H ow m uch p a p e r was there? There w as a lo t o f paper. Two Stubborn Little G oats LISTENING SPEAKING WRITING WRAP UP S o cial Studies: Community R u les in D ifferen t Places A pologizing Task Descriptions o f rules in d iffere n t places It's m y turn. Listen in g Strateg y No, it isn't. It's Felix's turn. Talk and w rite about th ree rules in th e home. (Workbook) Listening for specific inform ation Oh, you're right. I'm sorry. • Review Story • Pro ject Rules Poster Polite o r Rude? Dialogues show ing different kinds o f behavior Listen in g S trateg y Being Polite Are y o u using th at computer? Yes, 1am. But we can share. Great. Thanks. Listening for specific inform ation S u b je ct-V e rb A g reem ent • Review Units 9 and 10 (W orkbook) | 3 j He is careful with scissors a n d glue. They were tired yesterday. Task Talk and w rite about a thoug htful person. (W orkbook) C lea n or Polluted? Rep rim and in g and A pologizing Task Descriptions o f land and w ater states and how th ey a ffe ct activities Please d o n 't litter. Use the trash can. Sorry. Where is it? Talk and w rite about th ree natural resources seen eve ry day. (W orkbook) Listen in g Strateg y It's in front o f th at tree. • R eview Story Listening for details Oh, I se e it. Thanks. ■Pro ject Natural Resource Collage Earth A w areness Week D escribing Conservation Activities Verb Tenses to Show Time Descriptions o f different co nservation activities I recycled m y m ilk cartons. D id you? I go to school. Listening Strategy Yes, I did. I recycled m y m ilk cartons, too! Task Listening fo r specific inform ation I'm going to school. I w ent to school. Talk and w rite about som ething that has been recycled. (W orkbook) T h e School C oncert G ivin g O pinions Task Descriptions o f different feelings and reactions Please turn dow n the music! Why? Talk and w rite about m usic and feelings. (Workbook) Listen in g S trateg y Listening for details • Review Units 11 and 12 (W orkbook) I don't like po p music. ■R eview Story Really? It's m y favorite. In tervie w w ith a Pop Star D escribing M usic a n d Em otions Using And a n d But ■Pro ject Music Mobile A reporter in terview s a pop star I gave a concert. I w as proud. Then I signed autographs. I was excited. I'm singing and playing the piano. A den is excited, bu t I'm nervous. • Review Units 13 and 14 (W orkbook) Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r details I p layed the pian o. I w as nervous. Task Talk and w rite about favorite m usic and w h a t it sounds like. (W orkbook) T h in g s We Push and Pull O fferin g to Help Task Descriptions o f actions that require m ovem ent Phew! 1can't m ove this. It's too heavy. Listen in g Strateg y Let m e h elp you. Talk and w rite about pushing and pulling. (W orkbook) Listening fo r specific inform ation Thanks. That w ou ld be great! ■R eview Story No problem . Sp o rt a n d M ovem ent D escribing Sports C o m p arative and Su p erla tive Ending s Descriptions o f different sports and actions 1run, ju m p , and throw the ball. You're playing basketball. S m a ll.. . sm aller.. . sm allest H ea vy.. . heavier.. . heaviest Listen in g S trateg y ■Pro ject Forces Poster ■Review Units 15 and 16 (W orkbook) n Task Listening fo r details Talk and w rite about speed and m ovem ent in a sport. (W orkbook) A rt C lass Com plim enting Task Descriptions o f typ es o f art and shapes Wow! That's a really great m obile! Thankyou. You're very g o o d a t art. Thanks. A nd you're g o o d a t m ath! Talk and w rite about favorite kinds o f a rt and the shapes used in it. (W orkbook) Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r details M aking Art D escribing Art Using Com m as in L ists Descriptions o f art and art tools It's a picture o f the rainforest. 1used green and brow n pieces o f stone fo r the trees. You m ade a mosaic. M y sister b o u g h t glue, a box o f m arkers colored pencils, scissors a n d chalk. Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r specific inform ation Task Talk and w rite about a rt tools used in a rt projects. (Workbook) WORLD MAP • R eview Story • Pro ject A rt Report n • Review Unit5 „ and 18 (Workbook) Q In units f an d 2 /ou w ill: WATCH LEARN READ a vid eo abo ut a n im a ls. ab o u t a n im a l groups. a cat a n d bird ad ven tu re. V WRITE MAKE ab o u t w h a t a n im a ls a re like. a n im a l picture ca rd s. BIG QUESTION o How a re anim als d ifferen t from one another? OWatch the video. a 0 Look at the picture. W hat do you see? 1 How many anim als can you see? 2 Where do you think they are? G Think and answ er the questions. 1 What anim als do you like? 2 Which anim als help us? 0 Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h a t do you kn o w about an im als? W ords o Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © mammals O amphibians scales feathers wings eggs fur Read the sentences. Write the words from © . 1 Birds have two of these. Orangutans don't have these. w in g s 2 Chickens lay these. Some people eat them in the morning. 3 These are all over an im a ls'b o d ie s._____________________________________ 4 An elephant and an orangutan are part of this group. 5 Frogs are part of this group. 6 Many anim als that live in water have these to help them breathe. 8 Unit 1 Vocabulary: Animals and Animal Body Parts 1.02 PREVIEW B e fo re You Read T h i n k W hat do you know about fish? Do you like frogs? Why? Why not? In this text, we Compare and Contrast learn about different kinds To compare things, we tell how they're the same. of animals and H oneybees and birds both have wings. the groups they belong to. To contrast things, we tell how they're different. H oneybees make hives. Birds make nests. This text is an inform ational text. Informational texts Read the text. What's the sam e? What's different? tell us about our Check (✓ ) the correct column. world. Mice and hamsters are both mammals.They both have fur, four legs, and run fast. Hamsters live inside and mice usually live outside. Both animals are small. Life Science Sam e D ifferen t y 1 Fur? 2 Four legs? 3 Inside or outside? 4 Big o r sm all? O Look at the title on page 10. W hat do you think the text is about? Reading: Compare and Contrast Unit 1 9 ALL anim als can breathe an d move, but th e y 're VS different in m any a m a z in g w a y s . Here w e look at h o w they a r e the sa m e an d how they are different This helps us put them into groups. wings 7 feathers All birds have tw o legs, two w ings, an d feathers, an d most birds can fly. The w in g s a n d feathers help them fly an d the feathers help keep them warm . Birds l a y e g g s with hard shells. They keep the b a b y birds inside sa fe from anim als that w a n t to e a t them. scales Fish have gills to help them breath e in water. S c a l e s all over their bodies help keep them sa fe from d a n g e ro u s fish that w a n t to bite them. They don't have legs, but their fins an d tails help them swim. Fish l a y their e g g s in water, •Think an d their e g g s are soft. H ow a re fish d ifferen t fro m b ird s? A m p h ib ia n ? Am phibians a r e v e r y interesting b e c a u s e they can live on land an d in water. Am phibians need to have w et skin, so they live in w e t p laces. They la y their soft e g g s in water. They have gills when th e y 're yo u n g an d the gills help them breathe in water. M ost am phibians, like frogs, h av e legs that help them w a lk an d jump on land. T h in k How a re am phibians the sam e a s fis h ? M a m m a l? Som e m ammals live on land an d some live in water. W h a l e s a r e w a te r mammals, and cats, rabbits, an d lions are land mammals. Hair or fur covers most land m am m als' bod ies an d this helps keep them w arm . People are m ammals too! M a m m a ls don't la y e g g s . Their b a b ie s drink How a re m am m als d ifferen t fro m am p h ib ian s? milk from their mothers. U n d e rsta n d C o m p re h e n sio n T h in k W hat do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. 1 The bird group f 2 The fish group □ □ □ 3 The amphibian group 4 The mammal group © Ask and answ er ( K © $1 □ o o o □ □ W hat’s y o u r fa v o rite p a rt? the question. F ro g s have w e t sk in . T h a t’s cool! 0 How are birds and fish the sam e? How are they different? Circle Same or Different . 1 How they breathe S am e C D if f e r e n O 2 How they lay eggs Sam e O D if f e r e n t 3 What covers their bodies Sam e 4 How they move Sam e Answer the questions. 1 W heredoam phibianslive? 2 How do amphibians move? 3 What do mammals have all over their bodies? T h in k W hat do you think? o&~~-- ^ 1 Why can't birds live under water? 2 Why do frogs need to live near water? 12 Unit 1 Comprehension D if f e r e n t D if f e r e n t i W orkbook r„ G ram m ar p ages 006 -0 0 7 G ra m m a r in U se o Listen and sing along. We Love A nim als! © 1*04 J3 J Fish have gills to help them breathe. H o w do m a m m a ls keep w a r m ? T h e y ha ve gills to play in the sea! Do you k n o w ? Bird s have w in g s to help them fly. T h e y have fur to play in the snow! T h e y ha ve w in g s to play in the s k y ! H o w do a m p h ib ia n s breathe w h en I mm the y s w im ? A n im a ls ! A n im a ls ! W e love an im als! B elieve it or not, the y use their skin! A n im a ls ! A n im a ls ! W e love an im als! © L e a r n G ra m m a r Pronouns Fish have gills. They have gills. Gills help them breathe. Do gills help fish b reath e? Yes, gills help them breathe. How do gills help fish ? Gills help them breathe. W hat an im als have these things? Practice with your partner. B ird s have them . T h e y ’re w in g s. Grammar: Subject and Object Pronouns Unit 1 13 Com m unicate W ords o Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © 1.05 Q Read the clues and write the words. 1 Some anim als have two of these and some have four. 2 Eyes, ears, and mouth are on this for most animals. 3 Most anim als have two of these to see with. 4 This body part can open and close. Most anim als eat with this. 5 Elephants have two big ones but fish don't have any. 6 A tiger's legs help move this from place to place. L is te n in g T h in k Are fish and bird body parts the sam e? Why or why not? Q Listen. How m any of these an im als live in the ocean? © i.oe O Listen ag ain and circle the correct anim al. © 1 g o ld f is h / s t a r f is h 4 m ic e / s p id e r s 2 c a t s / r a b b it s 5 liz a r d s /f r o g s 3 14 1-07 w h a le s / e le p h a n t s Unit 1 6 h o n e y b e e s / e a g le s Vocabulary: Body Parts • Listening: Specific Information legs S p e a k in g 0 Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. Use the words in the box to help. © i-os Word S tu d y Compound Words Compound words are two words put together to make a new word, s ta r + fish = s ta rfis h honey + bee = honeybee Look at the pictures and complete the compound words. 1 flake 3 house 2 fly 4 fish W r it © Tell your partner three things about your favorite anim al group. Now write about them in your Workbook. EBEHSfr Speaking: Expressing Sympathy • Compound Words BIG QUESTION Q I th in k anim als belong to different groups. How a r e a n im a ls d if f e r e n t fro m o n e a n o th e r? I th in k an im als have different body parts. Unit 1 15 U N IT 2 G et Ready W ords © O Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © i.oq worm berries hunt peck pinecone squawk Complete the sentences. Write the words. 1 Birds at their food to eat it. 2 A ________________grows on a pine tree. 3 Strawberries are my favorite kind o f________________ 4 Some anim als in the rainforest for their food. 5 The dog and the cat don't like each other. They often 6 A ________________is a long, thin anim al. It lives underground. 7 Bobby's pet bird can out of the window. 8 Cats c a n ________________very quietly. Other anim als can't hear them coming. 4 Birds can 16 Unit 2 loudly. It's a funny sound! Vocabulary: A nim al Words and Verbs J PREVIEW B e fo re You Read T h in k Leo and Lily’s How can an im als help people? Do you help at home? Adventure Com pare and Contrast In this story we read about the Remember, to com pare things, we tell how they're the adventure of a same. To contrast things, we tell how they're different. cat, Leo, and a bird, Lily. Read the text. What's the sam e? What's different? This story is an Write the words in the Venn diagram . adventure story. Adventure stories Hugo and Ivan are ten years old. Hugo lives in a big house in the country and Ivan lives in a small apartment in the city.They both have pets. Hugo has a big dog and Ivan has a small goldfish. O are usually exciting because a lot of things happen. Look at the title and pictures on pages 1 8 -1 R. Guess the things that happen. Reading: Compare and Contrast Unit 2 17 Read Leo a n d Lily's Adventure / .r r r t v - I , g p M I/ 4 Leo and Lily live in a big garden near a forest. Lily is red and yellow. She’s friendly, but she is usually very nervous. Lily flies from tree to tree in the garden and she hops in the grass. She eats worms, nuts, and berries. Leo is black and white. H e is very fast and very clever. H e’s brave, too. H e climbs trees in the garden and he hunts for mice ... and birds! Leo sometimes tries to catch Lily, but Lily always escapes. Leo can run fast, but Lily can fly.This makes Leo angry! One day, Leo sees Lily in the garden. Leo wants to catch Lily. H e creeps through the garden very slowly and quietly. But Lily sees Leo and she flies aw ay into the forest. Leo chases Lily. Lily flies and flies and Leo runs and runs. Soon they are a long wag from the garden and they don’t know the w ay home. It’s dark in the forest. Leo and Lily are scared. Leo and Lily hear a noise. It’s a fox! The fox is hungry. It wants some dinner. It wants to eat Leo! Leo tries to fight the fox, but the fox is very big. Lily is in a tree. She pecks a pinecone. The pinecone falls and hits the fox on the head! Leo escapes and climbs up the tree.The fox is angry. It can ’t climb trees. Leo and Lily w ait in the tree for a long time. At last, the fox goes aw ay. Leo and Lily are safe, but they want to go home now. Lily flies up very high. She sees the garden! She squawks happily. Lily shows Leo the w ay home. But Lily is small and her wings are tired. She sits on Leo’s back and Leo carries Lily home. Leo and Lily are safe at home in their garden a g a in .T h e y ’re friends now. Lily flies around the garden and Leo never tries to catch her ... Well, hardly ever!
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