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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ Anh ngữ phổ thông Bài tập bổ trợ tiếng anh 9 unit 8...

Tài liệu Bài tập bổ trợ tiếng anh 9 unit 8


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BÀI TҰP BӘ TRӦ TIӂNG ANH 9 UNIT 8 (P1) EXERCISE 141 Change these sentences to incorporate the expression in parentheses. BiӃn đәi những câu này nhằm kӃt hӧp với những từ ngữ nằm trong ngoặc đơn 1. Dispite his dislike for coffee, he drank it to keep himself warm (although). 2. Bill will take a plane, even though he dislikes flying (in spite of). 3. In spite of Alice’s sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile (although). 4. They took many pictures though the sky was cloudy (despite). 5. Despite his poor memory, the old man told interesting stories to the children (even though). EXERCISE 142 Change these sentences to incorporate the expression in parentheses. BiӃn đәi những câu này nhằm kӃt hӧp với những từ ngữ nằm trong ngoặc đơn. 1. Though he has been absent frequently, he has managed to pass the test (in spite of). 2. Jane told me the secret, despite having promised not to do so (though). 3. Fred plas to buy a ticket for the drawing although he knows he will not win a prize (even though). 4. In spite of the high prices, my girl friend insists on going to the circus every Sundays (even though). 5. Mr Allen ate the chocolate cake even though he is on a diet (in spite of). EXERCISE 143 Complete these sentences. Each time use Although + a sentence from the box. Điền thêm vào những câu này. Cứ mỗi lần sử dụng Athough đều phải kèm theo một câu có trong khung. I didn’t speak the local language. They don’t like him very much. She had never seen him before. He had promised to be on time. It was rather cold. 1. Athough ……………………she recognized him from a photograph. 2. The baby boy didn’t wear a heavy-sweater ……………………… 3. They thought they’d better invite him to the meeting …………………….. 4. …………………. I managed to make myself understood. 5. …………………., he was late. EXERCISE 144 Complete these sentences. Each time use Although + a sentence from the box. Điền thêm vào những câu này. Cứ mỗi lần sử dụng Although đều phải kèm theo một câu có trong khung. Mrs Green had all the necessary qualifications. The traffic was bad. It rained a lot. I was very tired. He smokes 30 cigarettes a day.

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