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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ Anh ngữ phổ thông Bài tập bổ trợ tiếng anh 9 unit 9...

Tài liệu Bài tập bổ trợ tiếng anh 9 unit 9


Mô tả:

BÀI TҰP BӘ TRӦ TIӂNG ANH 9 UNIT 9 (P1) EXERCISE 161 Combine the following pairs or groups of sentences by means of relative pronouns, making any changes necessary. KӃt hӧp những cặp câu hoặc nhóm câu sau đây bằng cách dung đại từ lien hệ, thực hiện bất kì sự thay đәi nào nӃu thấy cần thiӃt. 1. You sent me a gift. Thank you very much for it. Thank you very much for 2. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp. 3. I am looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt. 4. The bed has no mattress. I sleep on this bed. 5. There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from this box. EXERCISE 162 Combine the following pairs or groups of sentences by means of relative pronouns, making any changes necessary. KӃt hӧp những cặp câu hoặc nhóm câu sau đây bằng cách dung đại từ liên hệ thực hiện bất kỳ sự thay đәi nào nӃu thấy cần thiӃt. 1. This is Mrs Lee. Her pet daughter won the champion ship last year. 2. I was sitting in an armchair. It suddenly collapsed. 3. Mr Allen said he was too busy to speak to me. I had come especially to see him. 4. The woman was sitting at the table. I had come to see this woman. 5. I missed the bus. I usually catch this bus. And I had to travel on the next. This was a slow bus. EXERCISE 163 Combine the following pairs or groups of sentences by means of relative pronouns, making any changes necessary. KӃt hӧp những cặp câu hoặc nhóm câu sau đây bằng cách dung đại từ lien hệ, thực hiện bất kì sự thay đәi nào nӃu thấy cần thiӃt. 1. His girl friend turned out to be an enemy spy. He trusted her absolutely. 2. The car had bad brakes. We were in this car. And the man didn’t know the way. This man was driving. 3. This is the story of a woman. Her husband suddenly loses his memory. 4. They’ll have to get across the frontier. This will be difficult.

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