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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ Anh ngữ phổ thông Bài tập tiếng anh lớp 3...

Tài liệu Bài tập tiếng anh lớp 3


Mô tả:

Exercise 1: Listen a/ Listen and tick b/ Listen and number 1. Where when ….../ Where are you from? 2. can can’t ….../ Can you swim? 3. Sunday Saturday ….../ This is our classroom. 4. Pencil pencil box ….../ It’s big and nice 5. apple April ….../ I like English. Exercise 2: Complete the sentences 1. …..hat is you… name? 2. I am …..rom Vietnam. 3. My b…rth…ay is in Septembe… 4. I hav… Engli…h on Friday. 5. ….hose are my notebo…ks. Exercise 3: Fill in the blank 1. These ………..my pencils 2. ………is your birthday? 3. I have Art ……. Tuesday. 4. What do you do ……….English lesson? 5. Would you ……….some milk? Exercise 4: Select and tick the letter A, B or C 1. Those are my……………. A. pencil B. a pencil C. pencils 2. My birthday is in………….. A. America B. May C. England 3. …………….is your birthday? A. Who B. When C. How 4. What do you do….. English lesson? A. during B. in C. on 5. These book are ………..the table. A. at B. on C. in Exercise 5: Answer question 1. What’s your name? ……………………………………………………………………… 2. Where are you from?.......................................................................................................... 3. What subjects do you like?................................................................................................ 4. How many students are there in your class?...................................................................... 5. When do you have Maths?...............................................................................................

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