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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ Anh ngữ phổ thông Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi năm học 2015 2016 môn tiếng anh 9 trong cả nước ...

Tài liệu Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi năm học 2015 2016 môn tiếng anh 9 trong cả nước


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Chú ý: - Bộ đề thi này gồm có 06 trang, từ trang 01 đến trang 06. - Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào bộ đề thi này. Điểm Họ tên, chữ ký của người chấm thi số 1: Số phách - Bằng số:…………….. ………………………………………... (Do Chủ tịch hội đồng chấm thi ghi) - Bằng chữ:…………… Họ tên, chữ ký của người chấm thi số 2: ………………………... ………………………………………... PART ONE: LISTENING (3.0 pts) Listen to the tape and fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word: (0.2  15=3.0pts) DIFERENCES Are you tall or short? Are you big or small? People come in many different (1)……………………… and sizes. (2)……………………… people wear size small (3)………………………, other people wear size (4)……………………… clothes. There are people who wear large size clothes, some people (5)……………………… wear extra large clothes. Some people are (6)………………………, some people are fat, some people are in (7)………………………. There are people (8)……………………… short hair, other people have long hair, some people have no hair at all. No two people are exactly (9)………………………. Some people have long legs - I have short legs. I don't walk as fast as a (10)……………………… with long (11)………………………, I am not a tall person. In fact, I am quite short. My feet are a size (12)………………………, my mother has size five (13) ………………………, my father has size twelve feet. We are all (14)……………………… sizes but is not a bad thing. It is a good thing that we are all (15)………………………. PART TWO: PHONETICS (2.0 pts) I. Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others by circling A, B, C or D (0,2x5=1.0 pt) 1. A. nature B. natural C. volcano D. waste 2. A. conserve B. preserve C. reserve D. exhaust 3. A. honour B. hero C. held D. happy 4. A. champion B. character C. match D. cheerful 5. A. spread B. disease C. health D. pleasure II. Choose the word in each group which has the main stress on a different syllable from the others (0,2x5=1.0 pt) 1/ A. accident B. indicator C. magnificent D. longitude 2/ A. despite B. dislike C. despair D. distance 3/ A. chemistry B. physics C. geography D. literature 4/ A. injury B. intend C. income D. interest 5/ A. spontaneous B. secondary C. honesty D. monarchy PART THREE: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (6.5 pts) I. Circle best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (0.1x15=1,5 pts) 1. His parents died when he was very young so he was ………….…………..by an aunt. A. grown up B. taken care C. taken after D. brought up 2. It was very………….…………..of you to lend us your car for the whole week. A. generous B. ambitious C. modest D. thoughtless 3. I’m going to take a couple of days………….…..…..next month to help my sister move house. A. over B. off C. out D. up 4. I’m surprising the performance went so well after only three………….………….. A. auditions B. applauses C. rehearsals D. directions 5. If he ………….…………..more slowly, he would have been able to stop. A. had been driving B. has driven C. drove D. didn’t drive 6. ………….…………..I’m eating less than usual, I still seem to be gaining weight. A. Because B. If C. Unless D. Although 7. Susan………….…………..as a nurse for three years before her marriage. A. worked B. is working C. has worked D. has been working 8. The police questioned me at some length and I didn’t enjoy………….………….. A. to question B. questioning C. being questioned D. to be questioned 9. You need to talk to a person……………………..you can trust. You will feel better if you do. A. whose B. which C. whom D. Ø 10. We shall have to………….…………..the meeting until next weekend, I’m afraid. A. reorganize B. forward C. replace D. postpone 11. The air is not as pure as it …………………… A. used to be B. is used to be C. is used to being D. was used to be 12. The politician ……………………to admit that he had done anything wrong. A. accepted B. denied C. explained D. refused 13. I wanted some tea but there was……………………left in the pot. A. none B. nothing C. any D. no 14. Why don’t you buy bananas when they are much……………………apples? A. expensive than B. not expensive than C. less expensive than D. lesser expensive than 15. He has arrived, but he talks as if he……………………all about that. A. know B. knows C. known D. knew II. Fill each gap of the following sentences with a suitable preposition. (0.1x10=1.0 pt) 1. My younger brhother’s birthday is ………………….. January 24. 2. My closed friend, Linh, rented a house next door ………………….. mine. 3. Last night I spoke to my parents ………………….. my hobby. 4. Lan’s school is preparing ………………….. the coming May Day. 5. The teacher has divided their class ………………….. four small groups. 6. Environmentalists are concerned ………………….. the use of dynamite to catch fish. 7. Every body was surprised ………………….. the news 8. These pictures remind me ………………….. my childhood. 9. That old man doesn’t take much exercise apart ………………….. walking. 10. Some designers have modernized the Ao dai ………………….. printing lines of poetry on it. III. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. (0.2x10=2.0 pts) 1. We remain close friends, despite having had many………….………….. (ARGUE) 2. This is a lovely place all year round because of the great ………….………….. of flowers and trees which grow in the city center. (VARY) 3. The accident was tragic because of its suddenness causing the………….………….. of many passengers who would otherwise have been saved. (DEAD) 4. Contrary to popular………….………….. Walt Disney’s first theme park was not Disneyland. It was a garden in Bel Air, California. (BELIEVE) 5. The weather made their progress imppossible. As it had been raining ………….………….. all night, they had to be very careful as they walked through the thick jungle. (HEAVY) 6. Most ………….………….. who visit Britain are surprised to find that its inhabitants are more informal than they had imagined. (FOREIGN) 7. Gold has several qualities that have made it a commodity of ………….………….. value throughout history. (EXCEPTION) 8. All the pupils must have their parents’………….………….. to go for the picnic. (PERMIT) 9. Tim is one of the ………….………….. on a boat trip on Lake Michigan. (PARTICIPATE) 10. I received a letter of………….………….. from the airport. (CONFIRM) IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs given in the brackets. (0.2x10=2.0 pts) 1. When the liner (1. hit) ………….…………..the ice berg, most of the passengers (2. have) ………….…………..dinner. 2. The identity of Jack the Ripper, a murder responsible for a number of horrendous killings in the nineteenth century, never (3. establish) ………….………….. 3. Foreign currency can (4. convert) ………….…………..into sterling at a number of points in the city, but the best rate and lowest commission charges (5. provide) ………….………….. at banks. 4. My brother spent hours (6. repair) ………….………….. his motorbike yesterday. 5. Don’t forget to bring my dictionary when you (7. come………….…………..) back tomorrow. 6. We can’t find our motorbike. You (8. see) ………….………….. it? 7. The ao dai (9. mention) ………….………….. in poems and songs for centuries, and nowadays they are worn by many Vietnamese women at work. 8. Would you mind (10. show) ………….………….. me how to send an e-mail? PART FOUR: READING (4.0 pts) I. Circle best option A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. (0.1x10=1.0 pt) Today, in China, (1)………….…………..large scale destruction of forests has occurred, the government has required that every citizen (2)………….…………..the age of 11 and 60 plant three to five trees (3)………….…………..year or do the equivalent amount of work in other forest (4)………….………….. The government claims that at (5)………….…………..1000 million trees have been planted in China every year (6)………….…………..1982. In western countries, increasing consumer demand for wood products that have been produced cause forest landowners and forest industries to become (7)………….…………..accoutable for their forest management and timber harvesting practices. The Arbor Day Foundation’s Rain Forest Rescue program is a charity that helps to (8)………….…………..deforestation. The charity uses money to buy up (9)………….…………..preserve rainforest land before the lumber companies can buy it. The Arbor Day Foundation then (10)………….…………..the land from deferestation. 1. A. whom B. which C. that D. where 2. A. on B. between C. of D. in 3. A. the B. for C. per D. many 4. A. services B. destructions C. extinction D. damage 5. A. least B. the least C. last D. the last 6. A. in B. since C. for D. ago 7. A. increase B. increasing C. increasingly D. increased 8. A. pollute B. motivate C. encourage D. prevent 9. A. and B. nor C. or D. but 10. A. protects B. supplies C. provides D. destroy II. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. (0.2x10=2.0 pts) People are destroying the Earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty (1)………….……..…. swim in. There is (2)………….……..…. much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to (3)………….……..…. in many of the world’s cities. On one well known city, for examples, poisonous gases from cars (4)………….……..…. the air so much that policemen have to wear oxygen masks. We (5)…………….…..…. cut down so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world. As a (6)………….……..…., so many farmers in parts of Africa can not (7)………….……..…. enough to eat. In some countries in Asia (8)………….……..…., is so little rice. Moreover, we do not take enough care of the countryside wild animals are quickly (9)………….……..….. For instance, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many for them to survive. However, it isn’t so simple to talk about the (10)………….…..….. We must act now before it is too late to do anything about it. Join us now! III. Circle best option A, B, C or D to answer following questions: (0.2x5=1.0 pt) Dear Grandma and Grandpa, Thank you both for the wonderful wedding present. Both Jill and I have always wanted to go to France and visit the many museums. We were so shocked when we first saw the airplane tickets that we almost fainted! It was more than we could have hoped to receive airplane tickets to France as a wedding present! Paris is wonderful! The only trouble is trying to decide where to go. I want to go to the museums, but Jill wants to see more of the beautiful traditional churches. In the end, we decided to see the churches in the morning (when the weather is cool), and the museums in the afternoon (because they’re air-conditioned). This allows us to get the most sight-seeing done during our two-week stay. There are many coffee shops, too. Jill likes sitting outsite and watching people, but I like sitting inside where I can enjoy the smell of the coffee. French coffees are so much more aromantic and stronger than the coffee we are used to back home. Thanks again for the lovely trip! We sent you a postcard, but I think we will arrive back home before you get it. It is a picture of the Eiffel Tower. Love, Freddy and Jill 1. What did Freddy’s grandparents give him and Jill for a wedding present? A. Tickets to a museum B. A cake C. Some coffee D. A trip to France 2. Based on this letter, which of the following could be inferred? A. Freddy and Jill hate to travel. B. Freddy is an indoor person, and Jill is an outdoor person. C. Freddy is an outdoor person, and Jill is an indoor person. D. Both Freddy and Jill are indoor people. 3. Why did they decided to visit the museum in the afternoon? A. The art is better in the afternoon. B. They could get a discounted price in the afternoon. C. The museums are closed in the mornings. D. The weather is hot and the museums have air conditioning. 4. How long was their trip? A. The reading does not say B. One week C. Two weeks D. One month 5. Freddy likes sitting inside the coffee shops…………………………. A. because he enjoys the smell of French coffee. B. because it often rains outside. C. because it’s too cold to sit outside. D. because he likes to enjoy the music

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