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Tài liệu Everybody up 2 student book full


Mô tả:

:.:{t$id*€$'|{*1-.1tiri -t , k f,: €,i Potrick Jockson Susqn Bqnmon Sileci O}LFORD 02.),i ....: il ,:ir Everybody UP! ] i ! t ! i , t Up! Up! Up! Evenybody up, up, up! Everybody up, up, up! Everybody up! Up! Up! Up! Evenybody up, UP' up! Everybody up, UP' up! Evenybody up! , I Everybody up. Everybody up. Everybody up. Evenybody up. Everybody up. Everybody up. Evenybody up, up, up! tr& 02 -,1,' tt I ,ll.r iii. : *l w&ffi t& il W&wffiwrc# ffiffi#e Potrick Jockson Suson Bonmon Sileci OXTORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 198 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA Great Clarendon Street. Oxford ox2 6Dp lrK Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University of Oxford. It fufthers the Univemity's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown DaresSalaam HongKong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offlces in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey lJkraine Vietnam oxronn and oxroRD ENGLIsH are registered trademarks of Oxford University Press in certain countries. O Oxford University Press 2012 Database right Oxford Universitv Press (maker) Shane English School, Taipei; John Sanders, Camelot English Study Centre, To$o, Japan; Kaj Schwemer, Eureka Learning Institute, Osaka, Japan; Monil€ Soens yang, Taipei Europem School, Taipei; Jiyeon Song, Seoul, Korea; Jason Stewart, Taejeon Intemational Language School, Daejeon, Korea; David Stud c.,i..g,ff d.lj+&,;ry',.'g,,'#,,.|# Yes, They Are i# Are they police officers? i=.," it::; ffi I iY'3{.j-,y & #r*. !'iftr Are they soccer ployers? tq,s. tne.y etr *'. G Are they firefighters? ':4,: *i:r! ffi ES I zf" :'v1 ., ::1 ctr, .i^en L4! "riu._t l{n ihrrit rrJu"I 6l\/q t. T. 7. +1,:,: 7 **-y' nr,,.rr'1. ur *rl i d&dL Th*y'n* s*r*er piexy*rs" rx p*3i** *ffic*ns. ffi 'ryfl. ffi Drow ond write. Show ond tell. Q:$ They're firefighters. My brothers ore soccer ployers. i d;t'rf They're firefighters. Wffi $M .,. .i il .ut'*,..,.. '; .... ,':,1,1 Tolk oboul the pictures. Then listen ond reod. d*.: Look ot me. I like trees! ,it *-6F-,-? Donny, be coreful! She's o firefighter! Excuse me. Moy I borrow your phone? l"s:..,-.so r-.r,-r.-"....l*.."+.r:*ro..t* Sure. Here you ore. Thonks. @ Unt2 * a v
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