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September 1st/ 2007 Period : 1 Week: 1 REVISION A.Tenses. I.The present simple. 1.The affirmative form : S +V (s/es). 2.The negative form : S +do not/does not +V. 3.The interrogative form: Do/Does +S +V ? II.The past simple. 1.The affirmative form: S + V+ed/2nd column. 2.The negative form : S + did not +V(bare infinitive). 3.The interrogative form:Did +S+V(bare infinitive) ? III.The present continuous tense. 1.The affirmative form: S+am/ is/ are+ V-ing. 2.The negative form : S+am/ is /are+not+V-ing 3.The interrogative form: Am/ Is/ Are +S+ V-ing? IV.The past continuous tense. 1.The affirmative form: S+ was/ were +V-ing 2. The negative form : S+ was/ were +not+V-ing 3. The interrogative form: Was/ Were+ S+ V-ing ? V.The near future tense. 1. The affirmative form: S +am/ is/ are+going +to V. 2. The negative form : S +am/is/are+not+going+to V. 3. The interrogative form: Am/ Is/Are+ S+ going +toV? We use< going to(do)> when wesay what we have already decided to do, what we intend to do in the future. We may use the present continuous when we say what someone has arranged todo. We use when we say what we think will happen ( prediction) Ex:Before I go to China next year, I’m going to learn Chinese( intention). They are leaving frorm Frankfurt airport at 6 o’clock p.m( arrangement). VI.The simple Future tense. 1.The affirmative form : S+ will/shall +V( bare infinitive) 2.The negative form : S+will /shall+not+ V(bare infinitive). 3.The interrogative form : Will/shall +S +V (bare infinitive). VII.The present perfect tense. 1.The affirmative form : S +have/has+past participle(V3) 2.The negative form : S +haven’t/hasn’t+p.p. 3.The interrogative form : Have/Has+S+ p.p ? Exercise Suplly the correct verbs in the brackets 1.Where’s Kien ? He( go)________out.He (be )_____________back in an hour. 2. I (want)________to phone Diane last night but I ( forget)__________. 3.I won’t go out now as it( rain )_________and I (not/have)__________an umbrella. 4. Yesterday morning, When I telephoned Nam , he (sleep) B. Verb form I.To- infinitive 1. S+ V(ask. Tell, beg .request, want, advise.get..)+O+to Verb 2.S+be+ adj. + to Verb 3....enough+(for+O)+ to verb 4....(ordinary) verb +to verb 5.It takes/took/...someone time to do something. II.Bare infinitive 1.Model verb+ Verb( bare infinitive) 2.make/ have + O + Verb (bare infinitive) 3.perception verb( hear,watch, smell,feel,taste, mention,observe, notice,...) + O+ Verb III.V+V-ing 1.be/ get +used to +V-ing 2.S(thing)+ need +V-ing 3.V(stop,finish, enjoy,like ,dislike,hate,help,keep, suggest, advise, imagine, quit,...) + V-ing Exercise Use the correct verb form . 1.Do you want me ( come)_________with you? 2.She tried( be)___________serious but she couldn’t (help)_______(laugh) ___________. 3It is difficult( understand )__________________ him. 4.The little girl asked her mother( tell)__________that story again and again. 5.It isn’t funny enough for him ( reapeat)______________. 6.The librarian had some students ( carry )____________some books into the library. 7.It took us ages ( get)_________used to( live)________ in flats. 8.Lots of trains used to ( stop)__________ here but not many do now. 9.These discoloured windows need ( repaint)___________. 10.My father often coughs so he stops ( smoke)_______________ C.The Passive voice I. Simple Present. S + am / is / are + p.p II.Simple Past : S + was / were + p.p III.Present P erfect : S + have /has + been + p.p. IV.Modal verbs:(can, could, may, might, must, have to,will,would,shall,should,used to,ought to) S+ m.verb + be + p.p Exercise Change the sentences into passive voice: 1. Someone will clean the room. 2. Nam cleans the room everyday. 3. Did you watch that play last night? 4. Ba has collected stamps for four years. 5. How much water do you drink a day? 6. They can’t control weather . 7. My father used to use this pen to write letters. D. Reported Speech 1. “Listen to me and don’t talk in class”The teacher said to his students 2. “I can’t swim very well”She told me. 3. “I don’t want to go swimming”. Andrew said 4.” When will She come here?”He asked me. 5. “Do you draw this cartoon?” She asked Tom. 6. “ Are you hungry ,P eter?” His mother asked him. ___________________________The end_____________________________ TEACHING PLAN September 3rd, 2007 Period : 2 Week : 1 UNIT ONE: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL Lesson 1 Section: - Getting started p 6 - Listen and Read p 7 A. Objective After the lesson, students will be able to know about some places Lan went to with a foreign friend and some activities they took part in together. B. Language content: - Vocabulary :(to) correspond ,a mosque, (to) be impressed by, (to) pray ,(to) keep in touch - Grammar : used to+ verb Wish sentence D. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures ,a poster ,a cassette E. Procedure Activities Content *Warm up Have Ss go to the b.b to write as many places as possible . Chatting Imagine that a foreign penpal is coming to stay with you for a week. ( use pictures) (books closed) *Activity 1 Pre-teach -Eliciting (explanation) (translation) (picture) (mime) (translation) -Checking *Activity 2 Prediction (Lan has a pen pal and this isthe first time this friend has come to Hanoi. Can you guess and decide whether the statements are T or F) -Group work *Activity 3 ( Open the books),listen to the tape and read -Feed back *Activity 4 -Read the text carefully and choose the best answer -pair work *Activity 5 Talking -S+used to+ verb -S+wish+S+verb(past simple) Networks Places in HaNoi What activitives would you like to do during the visit? [ I think I’ll take my friend to...and then we’ll visit...temples, mausoleums,...] I, Vocabulary -(to) correspond : trao ñoåi thö töø. -(to) be impressed by :bịù aán töôïng bởi -a mosque: nhaø thôø Hoài giaùo. -(to) pray : caàu nguyeän. -(to) keep in touch: giöõ lieân laïc. R.O.R II.Listen and read 1.True/ False statements a.Lan’s pen pal comes from Malaysia [ ]. b. Kuala Lumpur is a small city. [ ] c. The girls visited Hang Luoc street on Monday. [ ] d. They ‘ll write letters to each other again. [ ] *Answer (a.T, b.F, c. F, d. T) 2.Choose the correct option to complete the sentence 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 3.Speaking. (a. What did Lan use to do on her way to primary school? +She used to walk past the mosque. b.What did Lan say to Maryam at the end of the week? + She said,”I wish you had a longer vacation” c.If your friend visits your provincewhat places and activities you’ll recommend to him or her ? +I think I should take him or her to My Khe seaside. There we can swim and enjoy seafood. d. What other places besides My Khe beach? +I think I’ll take...) • Home work: -Learn the vocabulary by heart. Read the text carefully. -Write 5 sentences with” used to” and 5 ones with “I wish...” - Summarize the test. Prepare the “ Speak”. *Evaluation.

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