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Tài liệu Tài liệu về đề thi học sinh giỏi tiếng anh lớp 9


Mô tả:

HSG Lớp 9 C©u I: Choose the best answer: 1. The time you spend practising English ...... command of it you will have ( the fewer, the better, the good, the less ) 2. If you spend too much money ...... travelling , you will be broke ( for , of , at , on) 3. Excuse me ! I`m doing my homework . ................turning down your radio a bit ? ( would you please , can you , could you , would you mind ) 4. The boy decided to go out .............. it was raining very heavily outside (because ,despite, even if , although ) 5. English is spoken ........................ the world now ( through , round , over , across ) 6. When I was younger , I ......... to smoke or drink ( wasn`t used, didn`t used , never used , not used ) 7. There`s nothing better to do ; we .......... watch play on TV . ( may , could have to, must , might as well ) 8. I can carry only one of these two bottles . Please carry ............. ( another , the other, the others , others ) 9. He`s a good guitarist , but he plays the piano ……….. ( more better , more well , far good , far better ) 10. ...................she confined herself to her room , no one knows ( why , How come , Reason , What for ) 11. S1: Could I go out for a little while ? S2: ...........( Yes , you go ; Yes ,you can : Yes , you could ; Yes , you will) 12. Lan , what would you ........to do this eveming ? ( like , rather , better , ought to ) 13. They look ..............than a month a go ( much taller , more tall , as tall, more taller) 14. I had to get up early ........ I`d have missed the train ( otherwise, if not, but, so that) 15. A: Shall we go to the theater this evening ? B: ..................( We shall go , We go , Yes , let`s : You are going ) 16. She was ........breath after running all the way upstairs ( under , out of , without , away from) 17. This test is taking place ................a week`s time ( in , at , for , on ) 18. The teacher doesn`t let her students .............loudly in her class ( to speak , to speaking , speaking , speak) 19. That little boy has no difficulty ...............on his own ( to get dressed , getting dressed , to get dressing , getting dressing ) 20. Jane is a beautiful but very arrogant girl . She always looks ..........other people ( into, up to, after , down upon ) 21. What we heard ................( encouraged , was encouraging , encouraging , was encouraged ) 22. She`d prefer to go out ..... home ( than to stay , than staying , rather than stay , rather than to stay) 23. Report it to .........you see at the police station ( whoever , whenever , however , whatever ) 24. Your is very long . are you going to ...........? ( have it cut , havecut it , be cutting it, have it cutting ) 25 . They ...............impossible to communicate with her ( find , find that , find it that`s , find it) C©u II: Fill in the each blank with the correct form of the words given 1. The ( break ) of the bird flu is worrying 2. He is in the government ; he is a well- known ( speak ) 3. Congratulations ! You have made .............( remark ) progress in your study so far 4. It is my great ( please ) to meet you at this important meeting 5. It was another ( succeed) ; they had to try it again 6. No ( far ) details about the celebration have been given 7. He has spent many ( sleep ) nights examining the question. 8. The result was , however , (satisfy ) . What a shame ! 9. Travelling to the countryside is becoming ( increase ) popular nowadays . 10. The local ( entertain ) are listened in the newspaper . C©u III : Use the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets 1. It`s about time we ( start ) work 2. If I ( not meet) him yesterday , I would have to come back tomorrow 3. I think she has no objection to ( go ) there 4. He missed the flight because when he got to the airport , the plane ( take ) off 5. I`d rather you ( not tell ) him what I told . 6. Neither my husband nor my my children ( meet) my uncle 7. The news about the storm " Katrina" in the USA( already broadcast ) on television several times so far 8. On the left ( be) three paintings by Picasso . 9. The shark( attack ) him while he was padding on his surfboard 10. Anyone who ( not finish ) his work won't be allowed to leave now C©u IV : Fill in each blank with a correct preposition 1. Finally they were able to rescue the people trapped ...........the burning house 2. Poisonous gases occur ..........the air naturally 3. How far is your house .............your office , John ? 4. ....................paper , many other products can be recycled 5. There are differences .............the two programs 6. Vehicles account .............air pollution in the city 7. We should provide any child .................a chance to go to school 8. He doesn't take much exercise apart ..............walking 9. Water is also a matter to take ....................consideration 10. This picture reminds me ..............my childhood C©u V : Fill in each blank with one suitable word Newspapers , magazines and books are the print .............. Newspapers are one of the .............sources for spreading news and events .................the world . Radio and television deliver information and entertainment ....................the public. motion pictures are ..............of the most popular forms of entertainment. Movies can also teach people many .............subjects . The multimedia computer helps students ................about a particular topic in a ...........of ways ................we use the internet , we can give and ...........a lot of information very quickly . C©u VI : Rewrite the following sentences so that they mean almost the same as those printed before them 1. She feels strange when she drives on the left She is not used ..................................................

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