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Tài liệu Cách sử dụng mạo từ (lý thuyết, ví dụ, bài tập)


Mô tả:

CÁCH SỬ DỤNG MẠO TỪ A, AN, THE A. LÝ THUYẾT "A" và "An" dùng chỉ những sự vật, hiện tượng cụ thể người nghe không biết, "The" chỉ sự việc cả người nói và người nghe đều biết. I. Mạo từ “The” - Dùng “The” khi nói về một vật riêng hoặc một người mà cả người nghe và người nói đều biết. Ví dụ: The dog is on the chair. (Con chó ở trên ghế ấy) - “The” cũng được dùng để nói về một vật thể hoặc địa điểm đặc biệt, duy nhất. Ví dụ: The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. (Tháp Eiffel ở Paris) The Earth revolves around the Sun. (Trái đất xoay xung quanh mặt trời) - Trong một số trường hợp, “The” có thể dùng với danh từ số ít và số nhiều. Ví dụ: The cat (Con mèo), The cats (những con mèo) - “The” đứng trước danh từ, xác định bằng một cụm từ hoặc một mệnh đề. Ví dụ: The girl in uniform. (Cô gái mặc đồng phục) - Mạo từ “The” đứng trước từ chỉ thứ tự của sự việc như "First" (thứ nhất), "Second" (thứ nhì), "only" (duy nhất) Ví dụ: The first day (ngày đầu tiên) The best time (thời gian thuận tiện nhất) The only way (cách duy nhất) - "The" + Danh từ số ít tượng trưng cho một nhóm động vật, một loài hoặc đồ vật Ví dụ: The whale is in danger of becoming extinct (Cá voi đang trong nguy cơ tuyệt chủng) - "The" dùng với một thành viên của một nhóm người nhất định Ví dụ: The small shopkeeper is finding business increasingly difficult. (Giới chủ tiệm nhỏ nhận thấy việc buôn bán ngày càng khó khăn) Mạo từ "The" đứng trước tính từ chỉ một nhóm người, một tầng lớp trong xã hội Ví dụ: The old (người già) The rich and the poor (người giàu và người nghèo) - Dùng trước những danh từ riêng chỉ biển, sông, quần đảo, dãy núi, tên gọi số nhiều của các nước, sa mạc, miền Ví dụ: The Pacific (Thái Bình Dương);The Netherlands (Hà Lan) - "The" + tên họ (dạng số nhiều) chỉ gia tộc... Ví dụ: The Smiths (Gia đình nhà Smiths) II. Mạo từ “A” và “An” - “A” và “An” có cách sử dụng gần giống nhau. Tuy nhiên, dùng “An” khi chữ đằng sau bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm (a, o, u e,i) và dùng “A” khi chữ đằng sau bắt đầu bằng các phụ âm còn lại. Ví dụ: An hour (một giờ), a dog (một con chó) - Từ “A” và “An” dùng khi danh từ người nói nhắc đến không đặc biệt. Ví dụ: I would like an apple. (Tôi muốn một trái táo.) - “A” và “An” dùng để giới thiệu về thứ lần đầu tiên nhắc tới với người nghe (người nghe chưa biết gì về thứ này). Sau khi giới thiệu, người nói có thể dùng mạo từ “The” khi nhắc tới vật đó. Ví dụ: John has a dog and cat. The dog is called Rover, and the cat is called Fluffy. (John có một con chó và một con mèo. Chú chó tên là Rover và chú mèo tên là Fluffy.) - Trong một số trường hợp, “A”, “An” được dùng với danh từ số ít Ví dụ: A cat (một con mèo) III. Không sử dụng mạo từ - Mạo từ không được sử dụng khi nói về sự việc chung hoặc nhắc tới ví dụ. Ví dụ: I don’t like apples (Tôi không thích táo) - Một số tên quốc gia, thành phố, các bang không dùng mạo từ đứng trước. Ví dụ: I live in London. (Tôi sống tại London) Trừ trường hợp của The Philippines, The United Kingdom, The United States of America. - Tên các môn học không sử dụng mạo từ Ví dụ: John studies economics and science. - Trước tên quốc gia, châu lục, núi, hồ, đường. Ví dụ: Europe (châu Âu), South America (Nam Mỹ), France (Pháp) - Sau tính từ sở hữu hoặc sau danh từ ở sở hữu cách Ví dụ: The girl's mother (Mẹ của cô gái) - Trước tên gọi các bữa ăn. Ví dụ: They invited some friends to dinner. (Họ mời vài người bạn đến ăn tối) - Trước các tước hiệu Ví dụ: King Louis XIV of France (Vua Louis XIV của Pháp) - Trong một số trường hợp đặc biệt Ví dụ: In spring/in autumn (vào mùa xuân/mùa thu), last night (đêm qua), next year(năm tới), from beginning to end (từ đầu tới cuối), from left to right (từ trái sang phải). B. BÀI LUYỆN TẬP I. Choose A, AN or X for "no article" for each blank below. 1. ……….bed 2. ………. chair 3. ………. egg 4. ……….fish 5. ……….answer 6. ……….song 7. ……….vacation 8. ……….investigation 9. ……….computers 10. ……….old letter 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ……….very sad story ……….web site ……….Internet conference ……….extremely large dog ……….light meal ……….fantastic answer ……….unusually small head ……….funny joke ……….expensive purse ……….hard lessons II. Fill in the article “a, an or the” where necessary. Choose “x” where no article is used. 1. I like ………. blue T-shirt over there better than red one. 2. Their car does 150 miles ………. hour. 3. Where's ………. USB drive I lent you last week? 4. Do you still live in ………. Bristol? 5. Is your mother working in ………. old office building? 6. Carol's father works as ………. electrician. 7. The tomatoes are 99 pence ………. kilo. 8. What do you usually have for ………. breakfast? 9. Ben has………. terrible headache. 10. After this tour you have ………. whole afternoon free to explore the city. 11. I want ………. apple from that basket 12. ……….church on the corner is progressive. 13. Miss Lin speaks ………. Chinese. 14. I borrowed ……….pencil from your pile of pencils and pens. 15. One of the students said, "………. professor is late today." 16. Eli likes to play ………. volleyball. 17. I bought ……….umbrella to go out in the rain. 18. My daughter is learning to play ……….violin at her school. 19. Please give me ………. cake that is on the counter. 20. I lived on ………. Main Street when I first came to town. 21. Albany is the capital of ……….New York State. 22. My husband's family speaks ………. Polish. 23. ………. apple a day keeps the doctor away. 24. ……….ink in my pen is red. 25. Our neighbors have ………. cat and ………. dog. 26. Could I have ……… cup of coffee please? 27. Jack’s father bought him…….bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday. 28. Look! ………boy is in the corner is my friends. What is he doing there 29. My……car is four years old and it still runs well. 30. What did you eat for……..breakfast this morning? III. Fill in the blanks with 'a, an' or 'the'. 1. In ……….. large bowl, mix ………..flour and sugar. 2. Add ………..egg. 3. Heat ………..butter in ……….. frying pan and add it to ……….. mixture. 4. Stir well, then separate ……….. mixture into balls and place them on ……….. tray. 5. Bake ……….. biscuits in ……….. oven at 180oC for 20 minutes. IV. Fill in the blanks with the following given words. Remember to use an article if necessary. Breakfast, world, radio, television, sky, ocean, time, guitar, countryside, capital 1. Excuse me, can you tell me ………..? 2. I need someone who can play ……….., I'll sing a song now. 3. Living in ……….. is more exciting than living in a city. 4. Did you have ……….. ? We'll have a meal late at 1 p.m. 5. ……….. is very clear tonight. I can see a lot of stars. 6. Did you see the film on ……….. last night? What happened? 7. My family is living in ……….. of France – Paris. 8. She often listens to ……….. to practice her listening skill. 9. ………..'s population is increasing quickly nowadays. 10. “Where does she live?” – “She lives near ………...” V. Choose the correct answer. 1. She bought .............. car last week. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 2.She plays..............football very well. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 3.I know she is .............. idiot. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 4.There are two.............. tables in my kitchen. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 5.My mother is.............. doctor at Bach 6.Some people think that .............. moon is Mai hospital. made of cheese. a. a b. an a. a b. an c. the d. no article c. the d. no article 7.Look at .............. girl in the garden. 8............... milk is good for your health. a. a c. the b. an d. no article a. a c. the b. an d. no article 9.They used to live in .............. United 10............... Zimbabwe is States of America. country in the world. a. a b. an a. a b. an c. the d. no article c. the d. no article VI. Choose the correct answer. 1. We are looking for …….place to spend …….night. A. the/the B. a/the C. a/a D. the/a 2. Please turn off …….lights when you leave ……. room. A. the/the B. a/a C. the/a D. a/the 3. We are looking for people with …….experience. A. the B. a C. an D. x C. an D. x 4. Would you pass me ……. salt, please? A. a B. the 5. Can you show me …….way to …….station? A. the/the B. a/a C. the/a D. a/the C. the D. x 6. She has read …….interesting book. A. a B. an 7. You’ll get …….shock if you touch ……. live wire with that screwdriver. A. an/the B. x/the C. a/a D. an/the 8. Mr. Smith is ……. old customer and ……. honest man. A. An/the B. the/an C. an/an D. the/the 9. ……. youngest boy has just started going to ……. school. A. a/x B. x/the C. an/x D. the/x the poorest 10. Do you go to ……. prison to visit him? A. the B. a C. x D. an C. x/ a D. an/x 11. …….eldest boy is at ……. college. A. a/the B. the/x 12. Are you going away next week? No, …….week after next. A. an B. a C. the D. x 13. Would you like to hear ……. story about …….English scientist? A. an/the B. the/the C. a/the D. a/ an 14. There’ll always be a conflict between …….old and ……. young. A. the/the B. an/a C. an/the D. the/ 15. There was ……. collision at ……. corner. A. the/a B. an/the C. a/the D. the/the 16. My mother thinks that this is …….expensive shop. A. the B. an C. a D. x 17. Like many women, she loves …….parties and …….gifts. A. the/ a B. a/the C. a/a D. x/x C. an D. x 18. She works seven days …….week. A. a B. the 19. My mother goes to work in ……. morning. A. a B. x C. the D. an 20. I am on night duty. When you go to …….bed, I go to …….work. A. a/x B. a/the C. the/x D. x/x 21. Do you think I should go to …… police? A. a B. an C. the D. ø 22. We went to……school for a club’s party. A. a B. an C. the D. ø 23. Have you been in……..capital city of Vietnam? A. an B. the C. ø D. a C. the D. ø 24. ……..old are often hard in their moving. A. a B. an 25. He has …….knowledge of economics, which helps him with his work. A. a B. an C. the D. ø 26.……sugar jar on the table is from Cuba. It is very sweet. A. a B. an C. the D. ø 27. Please turn off ………..lights when you leave…….room. A. the/the B. the/ ø C. ø/the D. ø/ø 28. My mother often goes to wok in……morning. A. a B. an C. the D. ø 29. This is …….only way to get away from the trap. A. a B. the C. an D. ø 30. Have you read ……..third chapter of……. book I gave you? A. the/ the B. the/ a C. ø/ the D. ø/ø VII. Are the articles used in each sentence correctly or not? Type C at the end of the correct ones and I for the incorrect. 1. I like learning the math. 2. We often come back our a hometown in the July. 3. I need a new mouse for my computer. 4. Sun is very hot today. 5. The sky went grey and it started to rain. 6. What is capital of Sweden? 7. Mary was at the airport to wait for her friend Jack. 8. My house has three bedrooms and a dining room. VIII. Fill in the blank with “a, an, the, or X” to complete the following story. 1. There was ________knock on ________door. I opened it and found ________small dark man in ________blue overcoat and _______woolen cap. 2. He said he was ________employee of ________gas company and had come to read ________meter. 3. But I had ________suspicion that he wasn't speaking ________truth because ________meter readers usually wear ________peaked caps. 4. However, I took him to ________ meter, which is in ________dark corner under ________ stairs. 5. I asked if he had ________ torch; he said he disliked torches and always read ________ meters by ________light of ________match. 6. I remarked that if there was ________leak in ________ gas pipe there might be ________ explosion while he was reading ________meter. 7. He said, “As ________matter of ________fact, there was ________explosion in ________last house I visited; and Mr. Smith, ________owner of ________house, was burnt in ________face.” 8. “Mr. Smith was holding ________lighted match at ________time of ________explosion.” 9. To prevent ________possible repetition of this accident, I lent him ________torch 10. He switched on ________torch, read ________meter and wrote ________ reading down on ________back of ________envelope. 11. I said in ________surprise that ________meter readers usually put ________readings down in ________book. 12. He said that he had had ________book but that it had been burnt in ________fire in________ Mr. Smith's house. 13. By this time I had come to ________conclusion that he wasn't ________genuine meter reader; and ________moment he left ________house I rang ________police. IX. Fill in the blanks with 'a, an, the' or 'x' for no article to complete the following passage. Tibet is in 1…………… East Asia, north of the Himalayas. It is the highest region on earth and is sometimes called, “the roof of 2 …………… world”. Tibet has some of the world’s tallest mountains, including Mount Everest, which is found on 3 …………… border with Nepal. It is 4 …………… magical tourist destination full of green lakes and beautiful snow-capped mountains. Places like Lake Namatso and the Yangtse River attract thousands of 5 …………… visitors each year. Tibet has 6 …………… long and rich history. Tourists will enjoy travelling to Lhasa, 7 ……………capital of Tibet. If you go there, you will get a taste of Tiber’s magic and charm. Don’t forget to visit Lhasa’s greatest attractions, 8 …………… Potala Palace and the Jokhang Temple. Take the chance to experience 9 …………… traditions of the Tibetian people whose warmth and hospitality is known all over the world. X. Fill in the blanks with with 'a, an, the' or 'x' when it's unnecessary to complete the following e-mail. Dear Jane, How are you? My family and I just came back from Japan and we had such a fantastic time! Japan is 1 …………… extraordinary country rich in culture and tradition. We stayed at 2 …………… traditional Japanese hotel in Asakusa. This gave us the chance to experience Japanese customs and taste 3 …………… local cuisine. Luckily, our hotel was only 4 …………… fifteen-minute walk from 5 …………… city centre. Tokyo is 6 …………… city full of modern architecture. First, we went to 7 …………… Tokyo Tower from where we had 8 …………… wonderful view of the city. Next, we went to 9 …………… …………… Tokyo National Museum which has 10 enormous collection of Japanese Art. On the last day, we went shopping. Shopping is 11 …………… extremely popular activity in Tokyo and not just for 12 …………… travelers. Well, that’s all my view. Write back soon. Joe C. ĐÁP ÁN I. Choose A, AN or (/) for "no article" for each blank below. 1.a 2. a 3. an 4. a 5. an 6. a 7. a 8. an 9. (/) 10. an 11. a 12. a 13. an 14. an 15. a 16. a 17. an 18. a 19. an 20. (/) II. Fill in the article “a, an or the” where necessary. Choose “x” where no article is used. 1. the 2. an -the 3. the 4. x 5. an 6. an 7. a 8. x 15. the 16. x 17. an 18. the 19. the 20. x 27. a 28. the 29. x 11.an 12. the 13. x 14. a 21. x 22. x 24. the 25.a - 26. a a 23. an 9. a 10. the 30. x III. Fill in the blanks with 'a, an' or 'the'. 1. a – the 2. an 3. the – a - the 4. the - a 5. the – an IV. Fill in the blanks with the following given words. Remember to use an article if necessary. 1. the time 2. the guitar 3. a city 4. breakfast 5. the sky 6. television 7. the capital 8. the radio 9. the world 10. the ocean V. Choose the correct answer. 1.a 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.c 8.d 9.c 10.d VI. Choose the correct answer. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. D 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. A VII. Are the articles used in each sentence correctly or not? Type C at the end of the correct ones and I for the incorrect. 1.I 2.I 3.C 4.I 5.C 6.I 7.C VIII. Fill in the blank with “a, an, the, or X” to complete the following story. 8.C 1. a - the - a - a - a 7. a - x - an - the - the - the - the 2. an - the - the 8. a - the - the 3. a - the - x - x 9. a - a 4. the - the - the 10. the - the - the - the - an 5. a - x - the - a 11. x - x - the - a 6. a - a - an - the 12. a – the - x 13. the - a - the - the – the IX. Fill in the blanks with 'a, an, the' or 'x' for no article to complete the following passage. 1.x 2. the 3. the 4. a 5. x 6. a 7. the 8. the 9. the X. Fill in the blanks with with 'a, an, the' or 'x' when it's unnecessary to complete the following e-mail. 1. an 2. a 3. the 4. a 5. the 6. a 7. x 8. a 9. the 10. an 11. the 12. the
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