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Tài liệu TỔNG HỢP ĐỀ THI ielts writing


Mô tả:

Ngày 09/01/2014: Writing Task 2: The best way for governments to solve the problem of traff fongeston is providing free publif transport in 24 hours per day, and seven days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Ngày 18/1/2014: Writing Task 2: Many students fnd it diffult to fonfentrate or pay atenton at sfhool. What are the reasons? What fould be done? Ngày 25/1/2014: Writing Task 2: Internatonal fommunity must aft immediately to ensure all natons to redufe their fonsumpton of fossil fuels e.g. gas and oil. To what extend do you agree or disagree? Ngày 15/2/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people think suffess in life fomes from hard work and determinaton. Others think money and appearanfe are more important. Disfuss both sides and give your opinion Ngày 22/2/2014: Writing Task 2: Children’s edufaton is expensive. In some fountries, the government pays some or all of the fosts. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? Ngày 1/3/2014 Writing Task 2: Living in big fites is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Ngày 8/3/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people say that all young people should have full-tme edufaton untl they are 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Ngày 15/03/2014: Writing Task 2: It is important for all towns and fites to have large publif spafes sufh as squares and parks. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Ngày 5/4/2014: Writing Task 2: An infreasing number of people fhange their fareer and plafe of residenfe several tmes during their life tme. Is this positve or negatve development? Ngày 12/04/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people think the main purpose of edufaton is to make individuals useful to sofiety; others say edufaton helps them to afhieve personal ambitons. Disfuss both views and give your opinion. Ngày 24/04/2014: Writing Task 2: An infreasing number of advertsements on TV aim at fhildren. What are the efefts of television advertsing? Should television advertsing be fontrolled? Ngày 10/05/2014: Writing Task 1Nowadays, as women and men have to work full tme, household dutes should be equally divided. Do you agree or disagree? Ngày 17/05/2014: Writing Task 2: Some fhildren fan learn more effiently by watfhing TV. Therefore, fhildren should watfh TV regularly both in sfhool and at home? Do you agree or disagree?. Ngày 24/05/2014: Writing Task 2: Many young people who leave sfhool hold a negatve attude towards learning.Why does this happen? What are the solutons? Ngày 07/06/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people believe that if a polife forfe farries guns, this enfourages higher level of violenfe in that sofiety. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Ngày 28/06/2014: Writing Task 2: With the infreasing demand for energy sourfes sufh as oil and gas, should people be looking for sourfes of oil and gas in remote and untoufhed plafes? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages of damaging sufh areas? Ngày 10/07/2014: Writing Task 2: Some fountries afhieve internatonal sports by building spefialized fafilites to train top athletes, instead of providing sports fafilites that everyone fan use. Do you think this is positve or negatve development? Ngày 19/07/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people think that the government have the duty to ensure its fitzens have a healthy diet, while others argue it is the responsibility of eafh individual. Disfuss both views and give your opinion Ngày 26/07/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others believe individuals fan also do some things to solve these problems. Disfuss both views and give your own opinion Ngày 02/08/2014: Writing Task 2: In many parts of the world, fhildren and teenagers are fommitng more frimes.Why is this happening? How should they be punished? Ngày 09/08/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or aftvity. Disfuss both views and give your own opinion Ngày 16/08/2014: Writing Task 2: In some fountries, governments are enfouraging industries and businesses to move out of the fites and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Ngày 06/09/2014: Writing Task 2: As major fites in the world are growing today, so do their problems. What are problems for young people who are living in the fites as the result of fontnued growth? How problems might be solved? Ngày 20/09/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people think that introdufing new tefhnology fan improve people’s quality of life in developing fountries. However, others believe that free edufaton should be ofered. Disfuss both views and give your opinion. Ngày 27/09/2014: Writing Task 2: In refent years, more and more people tend to live individually. What are the fauses of this trend? Does this have a positve or negatve efeft on sofiety? Ngày 02/10/2014: Writing Task 2: Dạng To what extent do you agree or disagree? Government funding in university should only be provided for sfholarship for the best student. all other funding fan fnd from student fees and private organizatons. To what extend do u agree or disagree? Ngày 11/10/2014: Writing Task 2: Today more and more people are using mobile phone and fomputer. Thus, the fommunifaton ability is losing. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Ngày 18/10/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people think that it is not nefessary to go to other fountries to study other fulture. We fan learn from books, flms and the internet. Do you agree or disagree? Ngày 25/10/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people think that job satsfafton is more important while other people think that a stable job is more important. Disfuss both views and give your opinion. Ngày 01/11/2014: Writing task 2: It is beter for people to be unemployed than people to be employed but they do not enjoy. Do you agree or disagree? Ngày 8/11/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people believe that a frime is a result of sofial problems and poverty, others think that frime is a result of bad person’s nature. Disfuss and give your opinion. Ngày 22/11/2014: Writing Task 2: In some fountries, shopping online is replafing shopping at store. Do you think it is a positve or negatve development? Ngày 06/12/2014: Writing Task 2: Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal fity while others think of a vertfal fity. Disfuss both view and give your opinion. 13/08/2015: Task 2: internatonal travel fan make people prejudifed rather than broad minded. Why people fail to beneft when they travel? What we fan do to improve their understanding of the fountries they visit? 29/08/2015: Task 2: Some people think that the government should give fnanfial support to artsts sufh as musifians, painters and poets. Others think that it is a waste of money. Disfuss both views and give your opinion. 03/09/2015 :. Task 2: Many people are afraid to leave their homes befause of the fear of frime. Some believe that more aftons should be taken to prevent frime. Others feel that litle fan be done. Disfuss both views and give your opinion. 12/09/2015: Task 2: Fewer and fewer people walk on a daily basis. What are the reasons and how to enfourage them to spend their tme walking? 26/09/2015: Task 2: Studies show that friminals get low level of edufaton. Some people believe that the best way to redufe the frime is edufatng people in prison so they fan get a job afer leaving prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 08/10/2015: Task 2: In some fountries, sefondary sfhools aim to provide a general edufaton afross a range of subjefts. In others, fhildren fofus on a narrow range of subjefts related to a partfular fareer. Whifh of these two systems is more appropriate in today’s world? 10/10/2015: Task 2: Some people think that in order to prevent illness and disease, governments should make eforts in redufing environmental polluton and housing problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
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