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Trang chủ A discourse analysis of english oscar acceptance speeches delivered by film awar...

Tài liệu A discourse analysis of english oscar acceptance speeches delivered by film award winners in the usa


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1 2 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DANANG The study has been completed at College of Foreign NGUYỄN THỊ MINH HƯỜNG Languages, University of Danang Supervisor: NGUYỄN THỊ QUỲNH HOA, Ph.D Examiner 1 : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Văn Hòa A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH OSCAR ACCEPTANCE SPEECHES DELIVERED BY FILM AWARD WINNERS IN THE USA Examiner 2 : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trương Viên Field : The English Language Code : 60.22.15 The Origin of the thesis is accessible for the purpose of MASTER THESIS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE (A SUMMARY) reference at: - The College of Foreign Languages Library, University of Danang - Information Resourse Centre, University of Danang. Danang, 2011 3 4 Chapter 1 1.2.2. Objectives - To examine the discourse features of Oscar acceptance speeches in term of the layout, lexical choice, syntactic features, cohesive and stylistic devices. - To suggest some implications for teaching and learning English INTRODUCTION 1.1. RATIONALE People cannot live without language, because language is very important in communication. Communication is a process of transferring message from a sender (the speaker) to a receiver (the hearer). In fact, language is the most effective and practical means of communication. It is really a master key in all fields of society. People use language to exchange information, express their thoughts, their ideas or their opinions. Nowadays, with the development of the society, speeches occur in almost every field of our life. Speeches are dispensable for any seminars, workshops or any other ceremonies. It is not easy to make a good speech that is appropriate to various audiences. In order to deliver an attractive and persuasive speech, one must master the speaking skill as well as know how to organize and develop their writing. There are so many interesting things that need to be studied in Oscar Award Acceptance Speeches. Therefore, I have decided to choose to do research on the topic “A Discourse Analysis of English Oscar Acceptance Speeches Delivered by Film Award Winners in the USA”. It is hoped that the findings of this study would provide some useful information about the linguistic features of Award Acceptance Speeches 1.2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1. Aims - Raise the awareness of learners of English in effective communication. In addition, based on the analysis, some suggestions have been made. 1.3. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. What are the discourse features of English Oscar Acceptance Speeches in terms of their layout features, lexical choice and syntactic features of EOASs? 2. What are the discourse characteristics of EOASs in term of cohesive devices and stylistic devices? 3. What are the implications drawn from the analysis of EOASs for Vietnamese teachers and learners of English as well as for those interested in the field of public speaking? 1.4. SCOPE OF THE STUDY This thesis focuses on describing, analyzing, synthesizing some discourse features namely the layout, syntactic features, cohesive devices and stylistic devices 1.5. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.6. ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY This study consists of five chapters. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter5, 5 6 Chapter 2 USA” is conducted with the aim of contributing a minor part to fulfill the overall picture of this field. 2.2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Discourse analysis is concerned with the study of the relationship between language and the contexts in which it is used. The following sections deal with the key concepts related to discourse analysis. 2.2.1. Concepts of discourse Halliday [21] defines “Discourse is a multidimensional process”. According to Crystal [12] discourse is seen as “a continuous stretch of language larger than a sentence, often constituting a coherent unit such as a sermon, argument, joke, or narrative”. Cook [9] has a similar perspective of discourse; he considers discourse as “stretches of language perceived to be meaningful, unified, and purposive”. Widdowson [48,p.100] considers discourse as “a communicative process by means of interaction. From the above – mentioned concepts, discourse is employed in this research as follows: - Discourse is language in use, for communication. - Discourse is a language unit which has meaning, unity and purpose. - Discourse is a process and its linguistic product is text. 2.2.2. Discourse and Text Actually, it is not easy to make a clear-cut distinction between “text” and “discourse”. The concepts of discourse and text defined by Halliday [21,p.290] maybe the most comprehensive. He states that “discourse” itself is a process and the term “text” is usually taken as referring to the product. Obviously, cohesion and coherence are typical of text as a language unit. LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1. LITERATURE REVIEW Discourse analysis is concerned with the study of the relationship between language and the context in which it is used.Brown and Yule [5] suggested discourse theory of cohesion, coherence, theme –rheme structure, information structure, frame, schemata, role of context, genre, register, and so on . Cook [9] explained the theory of discourse analysis aand Mc Carthy [28] gave an insight into how texts are structured beyond the sentence –level; As for cohesion, Haliday and Hasan [20] regarded a coherent text as having two characteristics somewhat different from those in the traditional definition : cohesion (i.e. ties between sentences) and register (i.e coherence with a context). Discourse analysis is an important and discipline which has attracted the interest and concern of many linguists and researchers. context, topics, information structure and coherence by Brown and Yule [5], cohesion, speech acts and discourse processing by Nunan [36], formal links and conversation analysis by Cook[9], speech events and contextual analysis by Hatch [23] cohesion by Halliday and Hassan [20], etc. To the best of my knowledge, although there have been many researches into speeches, up to now, there is no evidence that any research on discourse analysis of Oscar Acceptance Speeches has been done. Thus in this thesis “A Discourse Analysis of Oscar Acceptance Speeches Delivered by Film Award Winners in the 7 8 2.2.3. Spoken and Written Discourse Spoken discourse is often less planned and orderly, more open to intervention by the receiver while the written one is well structured and the possibilities for subordinate participants are very limited. Brown and Yule [5] suggest that spoken and written discourse serve various functions: - The first is used for the establishment and maintenance of human relationship (interactional use); - The second for the working out of and transference of information (transactional use) Cohesion Halliday and Hasan [20] give the most comprehensive description analysis of cohesive devices five major types of cohesive ties: reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction and lexical ties. The first four types are grouped as grammatical cohesion and the later is lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion a) Reference Halliday and Hasan [20] categorize reference as three groups: Personal reference, Demonstrative reference and Comparative reference b) Substitution Haliday and Hasan give out the following list of the items that occur as substitutes: Nominal substitution : one, ones; same Verbal substitution : do Clausal substitution : so, not c) Ellipsis As with substitution, there are three types of ellipsis: nominal, verbal and clausal ellipsis. d) Conjunction Conjunction refers to specific devices (conjunctions) for linking one sentence to another. There are a number of words conjunctions and adverbs - which fulfill this function. Basically, they may be divided into four groups: additive, adversative, causal and temporal conjunctions Lexical cohesion There are two major categories of lexical cohesion: reiteration and collocation. Reiteration includes repetition, synonym, antonym, superordinate, and general words.. 2.2.4. Register of Discourse Inevitably, there is a close relationship between language and context. Language is produced in a certain context and that context becomes understandable because of the apparent purpose expressed through language. Halliday [21] further defines register as “the variety of language used in a particular situational context”. Galperin [15] considers registers “the functional styles” and Galperin also divides registers into five categories: •The language of belle-letters •The language of official documents •The language of scientific prose •The language of publicistic literature •The language of newspaper 2.2.5. Cohesion and Coherence . Cohesion and coherence are two terms which become very popular in discourse analysis. They are closely interrelated in the way that cohesion is regarded as one of the ways of making a text coherent. 9 10 Coherence Coherence is embodied by a system of cohesive devices and cohesion is mainly used to ensure coherence. 2.2.6. Some features on Styles and Stylistics 2.2.7. Classification of Stylistic Devices In the scope of this study, some features of stylistic devices are found and discussed as follows. Alliteration Interjections Parallel Construction Climax Hyperbole Epithet 2.2.8. Some General Features of Oscar Acceptance Speeches Acceptance Speech as a Type of Discourse Notions of Acceptance Speech An acceptance speech is a speech delivered on accepting some award or a high rank (e.g. presidency). Structurally, the acceptance speech can be considered a variant of a thank you speech but the expression of gratitude it contains is rather symbolic because the nominee him/herself has made a great contribution to art /science/politics/etc.[62] Notes on the Oscar Wikipedia cites “An Academy Award, also known as the Oscar, is granted by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers. Origin of the Oscar’s Name 2.3. SUMMARY Chapter 3 METHODS AND PROCEDURES 3.1. RESEARCH METHODS In order to achieve this aim, I carry out my investigation based on the combination of several methods as follows : - Quantitive and Qualitative methods - Descriptive methods - Analytic and Synthetic methods - Inductive methods 3.2. SAMPLING 3.3. DATA COLLECTION In this study, 100 samples of EOASs selected for the analysis are in the form of written texts on the Internet. All EOASs are downloaded from the famous website: http://aaspeechesdb.oscars.org/. 3.4. RESEARCH PROCEDURE In order to prepare the base for the research, I proceeded to carry out the tasks as follows. - Collecting data - Analyzing data - Discussing the findings: synthesize the findings and draw conclusion. - Putting forwards some implications. 3.5. DATA ANALYSIS On the basis of 100 EOASs, the data will be investigated into some discourse features as: the layout, the lexical choice, the syntactic features, cohesive devices, and stylistic devices. Finally, conclusion is drawn from the above analysis results. 3.6. VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY 11 12 Chapter 4 Here is an example of a speech by Graham King in 2006.[95] While the first two models of EOASs represent in concrete structures. Particularly, these speeches are mentioned to the speaker’s personal story, social matters, gratitude to his family etc.. However, the order of these elements presented may be interchangeable. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. THE LAYOUT OF EOASs 4.1.1. General Layout of EOASs In this study, I have surveyed 100 EOASs with various elements forming their layouts. As a result, EOASs generally contains several logically bound sections as follows. Introduction Attention Catching Body - Transition Gratitude Expression Conclusion Closing 4.1.2. Specific contents Through examining and classifying 100 of samples of EOASs, I withdraw some results in Table 4.1 as follows. Table 4.1 Frequently Used Contents in EOASs Figure 4.1: The Layout of EOASs - Model 1 Below is an example speech of by Nicolas Cage in 1995 to represent the above – mentioned matter.[137] Another popular model of layout also appears in this corpus. Here is the second model of EOASs. Attention Introduction Catching Emotion Expression Body - Transition Conclusion Gratitude Expression Closing Figure 4.2 The Layout of EOASs - Model 2 Order Frequently used contents Occurrence 1 Model 1 35 instances 2 Model 2 55 instances 3 Multiforms 15 instances The elements emotion and gratitude expressions in Model 2 are mainly presented in EOASs. In addition, closing contributes a minor part in finishing the speech. This is also a important element to make a good impression on the audience. The indispensable part in the speech to get the audience's attention, capture their hearts and minds and convince them to listen to the speech is attention catching. Attention Catching Here are some among the various examples. (5) Oh my heavens, I can't believe it. [Clutching the Oscar] A man at last! [Laughs.] [121] Emotion Expression Here are some illustrations: 14 13 (7) Oh my God. I have to just take this moment in. I cannot believe this. Look what God can do. If my grandmother--I didn't think I was going to win but, wow, if my grandmother was here to see me now [111] Gratitude Expression Let us take a look at the following examples. Thanking the Academy (10) I would like to thank the Academy for inviting me here tonight alongside so many talented people: Holly, Patricia, Marcia and Shohreh. I am honored, honored to be here with you. [145] Thanking the cast and crew or co-worker Thanking the family (13) And on a personal note, I'd like to thank my mother and my sister for holding me together and just plain old holding me. And my kids, Peter and Eli, for being my constant inspiration, and no matter how many awards I win, if it weren't them I wouldn't be worth a damn. [151] Closing People usually remember two things about a speech, the beginning and the end. Closing a speech in a powerful way will have the audience thinking about your speech for a long time. This is emphasized to the audience key statements.[61] (15) And as for you [looking at Oscar], at long last! Good night and God bless you. [123] 4.2. LEXICAL CHOICE 4.2.1. Personal Pronouns Table 4.2 Frequently used Personal Pronouns in EOASs Order Frequently used Personal Pronouns Occurrence Rate 1 I 975 76.4% 2 You 200 15.7% 3 We 101 7.9% Total 1.276 100% As for the personal pronoun I with 975 instances accounting for 76.4% is found in this study. In these cases, the speaker sets a subject position for himself as an individual –the award winner. One interesting thing is that the speaker used the great majority of Personal Pronoun I in EOASs to show his /her emotional expressions, his thoughts about Oscar award and his gratitude to everyone. Here are some examples. (17) I would like to thank The Academy from the bottom of my heart. [97] (21) This moviemaking experience was magical for me because of you. You believed in me, you trusted me and you gently guided me to very scary places. [98] (22) We found real beauty in this extraordinary script by Sam Mendes – by Alan Ball. [119] 4.2.2. Commonly Used Terms in EOASs These words are frequently found in various parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, participles, etc. The list is as below. 16 15 Table 4.3 Frequently Used Words in EOASs No. 1 Term Academy Part of speech Noun Meaning an institution for the advancement of art or Frequency (times) 78 science or literature something 2 Award Noun awarded, 66 such as a prize or medal a form of entertainment 47 that enacts a story by sound and a sequence 3 Movie Noun of images giving the illusion of continuous movement The actors in a play, 4 Cast Noun 5 Crew Noun an organized group of Honor Noun 33 workmen High respect, as that 6 37 movie, or other theatrical presentation shown for 30 special merit; esteem 7 8 Chance /Opportunity Thank Noun Verb A favorable set of 27 circumstances To express appreciation or gratitude to (someone) for a favour, service, gift 552 Briefly, among the common terms tabulated above, the verb thank is used with the highest frequency (552 times). It appears in most of EOASs. 4.3. SYNTACTIC FEATURES OF EOASs 4.3.1. Voice In term of voice, there are two types of voice occurring in English grammar: active voice and passive voice. The following are some illustrations of passive voice. (29) Let me say before continuing any further that I was overwhelmed to be mentioned in the same breath as theother four gentlemen who were nominated with me. [76] In a nutshell, the active voice is favourable in EOASs in order to highlight the active role in the acceptance speech. 4.3.2. Sentence Types Among 1.720 sentences, 1.641 sentences belong to the declarative type, 39 sentences are questions, 25 sentences are exclamatory and 15 sentences are imperative. The following table will show this. Table 4.4 Summary of Types of Sentences Types Occurrence Rate Declarative sentence 1.641 95.4% Interrogative sentence 39 2.3% Exclamatory sentence 25 1.4% Imperative sentence 15 0.9% 1.720 100% Total We often see such sentences as follows. 17 18 Stephen Daldry, you took a huge chance on me. I am so grateful. David Hare, you gave me magnificent words to say. [138] Most of the questions here are rhetorical ones, that is to say the way the speakers poses the questions is just an art in guiding the listeners to the matter and the speaker himself/herself has to find out the answer. Here are some examples. (35) Why do you come to the Academy Awards when the world is in such turmoil? Because art is important. And because you believe in what you do and you want to honor that. [138] The noticeable thing to emerge in EOASs is exclamation. It takes up about 1.4% of all types of sentences. (37) Regina King, I love you! You did a great job when we made the movie! [84] In terms of the imperative mode, it rarely occurs in EOASs with the modest rate 0.9%. Most of imperative sentences in EOASs starts with “let me”. (39) Let me share this award with all people, talented people, all the young working on my films behind the camera. [85] 4.4. COHESIVE DEVICES Following Halliday’s point of view, I embark on analyzing cohesive devices in EOASs and achieve the result as shown in Table 4.5. Table 4.5 Cohesive Devices in EOASs As can be seen in Table 4.5, the number of lexical devices (1008 instances) was a bit more than the number of grammatical ones (626 instances.). The use of each type will be analyzed in details as follows. (33) Device Ref. Sub. Occurrence 401 Percentage 25.2 Gra.devices DEEDDEdevi ces devices Lex. 4.4.1. Grammatical Cohesive Devices in EOASs With regard to grammatical cohesion, the grammatical devices most used were reference (68.5%), followed by conjunction (28.9%) and ellipsis (1.7%). Substitution accounts for a relatively small percentage (0.9%). Conj .. 169 Rep. Syn. Ant. Hyp. 5 Ellip . 10 962 29 11 6 0.3 0.6 10.6 60.4 1.8 0.7 0.4 36.7 % 63.3 % Reference In English, items which have the property of reference are personal, demonstrative, and comparative reference. Below are some illustrations. (41) But my gratitude goes to six beautiful women. They love me, they keep me young: my wife Martha, my daughters Veronica, Raffaella, Francesca, Carolyna, little Dina -- for the moment. [85] In the first instance, the italic word is an example of personal reference. The item They in the second sentence is interpretable only by reference to six beautiful women. By using such pronoun, the speaker maintained the relationship between two sentences without having to repeat the phrase. (43) I found desire for what I do early in my life and I'm lucky because I had people who encouraged that desire. [66] In the above extract, Demonstrative reference that followed by a noun desire is a selective nominal demonstrative with anaphoric function. 19 20 Rarely do we find the comparative reference in EOASs and the preferable choice of such kind of reference is often such and same. Here is an illustration. (45) I mention their names because they are two of the finest gay Americans, two wonderful men that I had the good fortune to be associated with, to fall under their inspiration at such a young age. I wish my babies could have the same sort of teacher, the same sort of friends. [159] also, madmiration (Ø goes to all the other four who didn’t ) [117] The majority ellipsis in EOASs is verbal and nominal ellipsis. Clausal ellipsis which is common in conversation discourse is not found in the English corpus. Conjunction Here are some among various examples. (46) I'd like to thank the Academy, Fox Searchlight, my wife Suzanne, my sons Adam, Matthew and Tony for their endless support. My representation: Estelle, Lee, Frank and Melody. And for the great teachers I've had throughout my life, both in and out of the profession [67] In other words, conjunctive elements show whether the relationship between the following sentence and the preceding one is additive, adversative, causal or temporal. The following are some nice illustrations. (48) So many movies are just brilliant but nobody ever knows about them, you know? So we're so lucky to be here tonight and have people recognize that. [78] Ellipsis Let us have a look at this illustration. (50) You live in a kind of haze for several weeks, and the terrible thing is that somebody's got to win. My heart goes out to all the other four who didn't (Ø win). And Substitution We sometimes see nominal substitution realized by items such as one, ones. But so is rarely used for clausal substitution in award acceptance speeches. Below are some examples. (52) And all the people who have been rooting for me back home. Also Jessica Kolstad, my friend, Paul Lyon-Maris and Chris Andrews, for bearing with me through some of the less fortunate moments as well as the good ones [83] 4.4.2. Lexical Cohesive Devices in EOASS Repetition From the data analysis results, it is found out that there are four sub-types of repetition; namely repetition of the pronouns “I”, “you” and the possessive adjective “your”, repetition of nouns, repetition of adjectives, repetitions of verbs and repetition of adverbs. The following are illustrations of repetition of the above circumstances. (54) I, and I want it to be very clear that I do know how hard I make it to appreciate me, often. But I am touched by the appreciation and I hoped for it. [153] Following is another instance as the repetition of verbs, adjectives and adverbs accounts for a rather moderate portion. Here are some examples . 22 21 (56) To be standing here where the Queen of England just stood, Idi Amin, is pretty incredible. To be standing here where Martin Scorsese won his Oscar is such a joy, such a joy. [95] Synonymy As stated before, synonyms are the type of repetition which ranks the second with the low percentage of 2.9%. Following are some frequently occurred synonyms in EOASs. (60) I want to thank Orion Films, past and present, especially Marc Platt for letting us do this very peculiar little film in the first place….To the writers of course, who created a marvelous character. To the players, a wonderful group of actors that I was fortunate to work with, especially Mr.Tommy Lee Jones who really made the performance that I gave possible. [113] The pair of synonymy here is “marvelous” and “wonderful” Antonym receives less attention than synonymy (1.1%)in EOASs. Let us consider the following examples. (63) This is, you know, it fills me with great joy, but I am also filled with a lot of sadness tonight because I am accepting an award at such a strange time.[65] The antonym is taken advantage of as a way to express the speaker’s thoughts and show emotions to the audience. Hyponymy Let us take the following nice illustration [64] I would not have been able to play this role had I not understood love of a tremendous magnitude, and for that I thank my family. My mother Blythe Danner, who I love more than anything, and my brother Jake Paltrow, who is just the dearest person in the whole world. My earthly guardian angel, Mary Wigmore*. And especially to my father Bruce Paltrow, who has surmounted insurmountable obstacles this year. I love you more than anything in the world. And (1)to my grandpa Buster, who almost made it here tonight, but couldn't quite get here. Grandpa, I want you to know that you have created a beautiful family who loves you and loves each other more than anything. [97] In conclusion, repetition overwhelms other cohesive devices in terms of quantity. 4.5. STYLISTIC DEVICES Based on Galperin’s views [15], I examime EOASs and find six stylistic devices frequently appear in the corpus. After analyzing 100 EOASs, we get the results the distributions of stylistic devices in the EOASs in the following table. Table 4.7 Stylistics Devices in EOASs Devices Interjec. Epit. Para. Hyper. Clim. Alliter. No of occurrence 103 72 45 20 15 6 % 39.5 27.6 17.4 7.6 5.7 2.2 4.5.1. Interjections Among stylistics devices in EOASs, interjections occupy a rather high position with 39.5% of the whole corpus. Let us take some examples of the use of interjections. 24 23 (66) Oh boy! Wow. Thank you so much, members of the Academy. [158] 4.5.2. Epithets Epithet is another stylistic device used by the Oscar winners. It accounts for 17.4 % of the whole corpus. Here is one illustration for this : (69) So this is really a proud and hopeful moment for me, because I want to thank the Academy for giving us a gift of encouragement. [66] Most of speakers used a lot of epithets in his speech. In fact, without them their speech is dry, awfully plain and not interesting. (70) It was a wonderful adventure. To make a picture in thirty-seven days it takes a well-oiled machine. And that well-oiled machine is a crew--the cast. [82] 4.5.3. Parallelism There are many successful paralleled sentences in Oscar Award Acceptance Speeches, which can be divided into sentence parallelism, word parallelism, word phrase parallelism. Following are some examples. (72) Stephen Daldry, you took a huge chance on me. I am so grateful. David Hare, you gave me magnificent words to say. Scott Rudin, you fought so hard for this film, to get it made. Paramount and Miramax, you made it. [138] The above two are the parallelism of clauses. 4.5.4. Hyperbole. Hyperbole also appears in OASS with 5.7%. Here are some examples. (75) And Jamie, this is, you're just, I have nothing without you. You are the strongest, most amazing man I've ever known and I love you. And thank you so much. [71] 4.5.5.Climax It can be seen in Table 4.8, 10 instances of climax, accounting for a rather moderate rate of 0.8% Emotional climax is mainly found in sentences. Below are some examples. (77) Carey, your grace and your elegance and your beauty and your talent makes me sick [152] (78) Thank God we live together. May all of us find in our hearts and in our homes and in our world a way to nonviolently end violence and heal [157] 4.5.6.Alliteration Ranking right after climax in the list of stylistic devices is alliteration. It is the last one in order of Table 4.7. This shows that the phonetic stylistic feature is also used but rarely occurred in EOASs (80) And for reminding her daughters that there's no race, no religion, no class system, no color, nothing, no sexual orientation, that makes us better than anyone else. We are all deserving of love [152] 4.6. SUMMARY 25 26 Chapter 5 5.2.IMPLICATIONS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING - For teachers: Our findings provide general features of acceptance speech and hence help the teachers a lot in giving some tips in writing and making a presentation persuasively and impressively. - For students: Mastering some discourse features in OASS such as the layout, lexical and syntactic features, cohesive devices and stylistic devices, students will have a better insight into making a unified and logical speech. - For those who are interested in the field of public speaking as an acceptance speech: Nowadays, with the integration into the trend of world, award acceptance speeches are not delivered related to film industry, but also in the other fields. In this sense, fully mastering of some discourse features as well as having the knowledge of culture, art, life help to make a coherent, successful speech. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS 5.1. CONCLUSION - In terms of the layout, EOASs contain 3 parts : Introduction section – Body Section – Conclusion Section with different contents. Noticeably, the speakers uses the model 1 with the highest frequency. It is to show that emotion expression is favourably expressed in most of EOASs. - As regards the lexical and syntactic features in EOASs, the structures and the words are used to express the speaker’s emotion and thanks to the related people. Especially, the prominent personal pronoun I is used through all speeches. Furthermore, the speaker applies the type of declarative sentence most of all to give information, express thoughts and create clear messages. Passive voice is rarely used in EOASs to avoid unclearness, ambiguity and misunderstanding. - Referring to cohesive devices, we see a large amount of repetition to underscore the speaker’s main themes and make the audience bear in mind longer. The synonymy, antonym with diverse forms also appears with a low rate in EOASs make the speaker’s words more flexible and easy to understand. Besides, hyponymy sometimes occurs in EOASs providing the audience with background knowledge and enriching words in the speech. Additionally, reference and conjunction also contribute a large part to link the ideas logically and create the effective use of language. - As for stylistic devices, the speaker employed a number of devices as interjections, epithet, parallel, hyperbole, climax and alliteration to create attention to the audience. 5.3. LIMITATIONS 5.4. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH Discourse analysis covers a broad domain. Thus, there are some interesting points that need deeper research : 1. An investigation into speech acts in EOASs. 2. An investigation into thematisation in EOASs 3. More study on word order in EOASs.
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