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Tài liệu Dictionary of computing


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DICTIONARY OF COMPUTING FIFTH EDITION Dictionary Titles in the Series Specialist Dictionaries: Dictionary of Accounting 0 7475 6991 6 Dictionary of Banking and Finance 0 7475 6685 2 Dictionary of Business 0 7475 9680 0 Dictionary of Economics 0 7475 6632 1 Dictionary of Environment and Ecology 0 7475 7201 1 Dictionary of Hotels, Tourism and Catering Management 1 9016 5999 2 Dictionary of Human Resources and Personnel Management 0 7475 6623 2 Dictionary of ICT 0 7475 6990 8 Dictionary of Marketing 0 7475 6621 6 Dictionary of Medical Terms 0 7475 6987 8 Dictionary of Military Terms 1 9038 5620 5 Dictionary of Nursing 0 7475 6634 8 Dictionary of Science and Technology 0 7475 6620 8 English Language: Easier English Basic Dictionary 0 7475 6644 5 Easier English Basic Synonyms 0 7475 6979 7 English Study Dictionary 1 9016 5963 1 Easier English Student Dictionary 0 7475 6624 0 English Thesaurus for Students 1 9016 5931 3 Check your English Vocabulary Workbooks: Business 0 7475 6626 7 Computing 1 9016 5928 3 English for Academic Purposes 0 7475 6691 7 PET 0 7475 6627 5 FCE + 0 7475 6981 9 IELTS 0 7475 6982 7 TOEFL® 0 7475 6984 3 Visit our website for full details of all our books http://www.bloomsbury.com/reference DICTIONARY OF COMPUTING FIFTH EDITION S.M.H. Collin www.bloomsbury.com Originally published by Peter Collin Publishing Fifth edition published 2004 Fourth edition published 2002 Third edition published 1998 Second edition published 1994 First published in Great Britain 1988 Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB © Copyright S.M.H. Collin, 1988, 1994, 1998, 2002 This edition © copyright Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2004 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publishers. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0225-1 Text processing and computer typesetting by Bloomsbury Printed and bound in Italy by Legoprint Text Production and Proofreading Lesley Brown, Stephen Curtis, Howard Sargeant, Megan Thomson, Katy McAdam, Joel Adams, Daisy Jackson, Charlotte Regan All papers used by Bloomsbury Publishing are natural, recyclable products made from wood grown in well-managed forests. The manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. Preface This dictionary provides the user with a comprehensive range of the vocabulary used in the field of computing. It covers all aspects of computing, including hardware, software, peripherals, networks and programming, as well as many applications in which computers are used, such as the Internet or desktop publishing. It also describes the latest developments in networks, the Internet, communications, programming, multimedia, processor design and storage technology. Each headword is explained in clear, straightforward English. Examples are given to show how the words and phrases can be used in context. General comments about particular items of interest, complex ideas or hardware or software applications are given in separate boxes. Quotations from magazines and journals are given to show how the words are used in real text. The dictionary includes a number of product names and company names. The trademarked names that are included are those that are judged to be of de facto importance to users or important in the development of computer technology. Pronunciation The following symbols have been used to show the pronunciation of the main words in the dictionary. Stress has been indicated by a main stress mark ( ) and a secondary stress mark ( ). Note that these are only guides, as the stress of the word changes according to its position in the sentence. Vowels ɑ ɒ a aυ aə aυə ɔ ɔ e eə e eυ i i ə  ə u u υ υə Consonants back harm stop type how hire hour course annoy head fair make o word keep happy about fit near annual pool book tour shut b d ð d f h j k l m n ŋ p r buck dead other jump fare gold head yellow cab leave mix nil sing t tʃ θ v w x print rest save shop take change theft value work loch z zone s ʃ measure Computing.fm Page 1 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM A A1 /e/ symbol the hexadecimal equivalent A of the decimal number 10 A2 /e/ abbr ampere A: used in some operating systems to denote the first disk drive on the system Å abbr angstrom abandon /ə b ndən/ verb to clear a document, file or work from a computer’s memory without saving it ć Once you have abandoned your spreadsheet, you cannot retrieve it again. abb. add. abbr abbreviated addressing abbreviated address /ə bri vietid ə dres/ noun (in a network) a user name that has fewer characters than the full name, making it easier to remember or type in or faster to decode abbreviated addressing /ə bri vietid ə dresŋ/ noun the use of abbreviated addresses. Abbr abb. add. abbreviated installation /ə bri vietid nstə leʃ(ə)n/ noun the installing of new hardware or software without restoring the previous backup settings of the operating system abbreviation /ə bri vi eʃ(ə)n/ noun a short form of a word, command or instruction ć Within the text, the abbreviation proc is used instead of processor. ABD abbr Apple Desktop Bus abend / bend/ noun an unexpected stoppage of a program that is being run, caused by a fault, error or power failure ć An interrupt from a faulty printer caused an abend. Also called abnormal end, abA A: Å abandon aberration / bə reʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. distortion of a light beam or image caused by defects in the optical system 2. distortion of a television picture caused by a corrupt signal or incorrect adjustment ablation /ə bleʃ(ə)n/ noun a method of writing data to an optical storage device in which a laser burns a hole or pit, representing digital bits of data, into the thin metal surface of the storage device aberration ablation COMMENT: A laser burns a hole or pit (which represents digital bits of data) into the thin metal surface of the storage device. abb. add. abbreviated address abbreviated addressing abbreviated installation abbreviation ABD abend normal termination abend code / bend kəυd/ noun a speabend code cial number, generated by the operating system, that identifies the type of error that has caused a particular problem abend recovery program / bend r k v(ə)ri prəυ r m/ noun a piece of software that will reload a program or system software and restart it at the point at which an abend occurred abend recovery program abnormal end / b nɔ m(ə)l abnormal end noun same as abend end/ abnormal termination / b nɔ m(ə)l abnormal termination t m neʃ(ə)n/ noun same as abend abort /ə bɔ t/ verb to end a process in the abort event of a malfunction occurs by switching the computer off manually or by an internal feature ć The program was aborted by pressing the red button. aborted connection /ə bɔ td kə nekʃ(ə)n/ noun a connection to a network or online service that has not been shut down correctly abort sequence /ə bɔ t si kwəns/ noun a unique sequence of bits that indicates that the transmission will be terminated because of a fault, error or power failure About… /ə baυt/ a menu selection in the SAA CUA front end that tells you who developed the program and gives copyright information above-the-fold /ə b v ðə fəυld/ adjective referring to the part of a webpage that is seen by all users who call up the page, because they do not have to scroll down to read it. Compare below-the-fold ABR / e bi ɑ / noun a service provided by an ATM network that tries to provide the bandwidth requested by a customer, though it cannot guarantee to do so. Full form available bit rate aborted connection abort sequence About… above-the-fold ABR Computing.fm Page 2 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM AB roll 2 pletely describes the operation to be perAB roll / e bi rəυl/ noun (in a multiformed, requiring no other data media application) a sequence of two video or music segments that are synchroabsolute loader / bsəlu t ləυdə/ nised so that one fades as the second starts noun a program that loads a section of code into main memory ABS / e bi es/ noun a programming instruction that returns the magnitude of a absolute maximum rating number without the number’s sign ć The / bsəlu t m ksməm retŋ/ noun a command ABS(-13) will return the answer statement of the maximum values or limits 13. Full form absolute function of a system absolute address / bsəlu t ə dres/ absolute positioning / bsəlu t pə noun 1. a computer storage address that zʃ(ə)nŋ/ noun the position of an object directly, without any modification, accessin relation to a point of origin es a location or device ć Program execuabsolute priority / bsəlu t pra tion is slightly faster if you code only with ɒrti/ noun (in the OS/2 operating sysabsolute addresses. Compare indexed tem) the priority of a process that cannot address 2. a computer storage address be changed by the operating system that can only access one location ̈ also absolute program / bsəlu t called actual address, machine adprəυ r m/ noun a computer program dress written in absolute code absolute addressing / bsəlu t ə absolute time / bsəlu t tam/ noun dresŋ/ noun the locating of a data word (in CD-audio) the length of time that an stored in memory by the use of its absolute audio disc has been playing address absolute value / bsəlu t v lju / absolute assembler / bsəlu t ə noun the size or value of a number, regardsemblə/ noun a type of assembly lanless of its sign ć The absolute value of – guage program designed to produce code 62.34 is 62.34. that uses only absolute addresses and valabsorb /əb zɔ b/ verb to take in light, ues liquid or a signal absolute cell reference / bsəlu t absorptance /əb zɔ ptəns/ noun a sel ref(ə)rəns/ noun a spreadsheet refermeasure of how completely an object or ence that always refers to the same cell, substance absorbs radiant energy. Oppoeven when copied to another location site reflectance absolute code / bsəlu t kəυd/ noun absorption /əb zɔ pʃən/ noun the powbinary code that directly operates the cener loss of a signal when travelling through tral processing unit, using only absolute a medium, due to its absorptance addresses and values. Also called actual abstract data type / bstr kt detə code, basic code tap/ noun a general data type that can absolute coordinates / bsəlu t store any kind of information kəυ ɔ dnətz/ plural noun coordinates A-bus /e b s/ noun the main internal that describe the distance of a point from bus in a microprocessor the intersection of axes ac abbr academic organisation (NOTE: absolute device / bsəlu t d vas/ used in email and website addresses) noun an input device such as a tablet or AC abbr alternating current mouse that returns the coordinates of a ACAP / e si e pi / noun an email syspointer within specified axes tem developed to work with the IMAP4 absolute error / bsəlu t erə/ noun email protocol to provide extra features the value or magnitude of an error, ignorsuch as management of an address book. ing its sign Full form application configuration acabsolute expression / bsəlu t k cess protocol (NOTE: It was originally spreʃ(ə)n/ noun (in assembly language) termed IMSP (Interactive Mail Support the value of an expression that is not afProtocol).) fected by program relocation ACC / e si si / noun the most important absolute function / bsəlu t internal CPU storage register, containing f ŋkʃən/ noun full form of ABS the data word that is to be processed ć absolute instruction / bsəlu t n Store the two bytes of data in registers A str kʃən/ noun an instruction that comand B and execute the add instruction – AB roll absolute loader ABS absolute maximum rating absolute address absolute positioning absolute priority absolute program absolute addressing absolute time absolute value absolute assembler absorb absolute cell reference absorptance absolute code absorption abstract data type absolute coordinates A-bus ac absolute device AC ACAP absolute error absolute expression ACC absolute function absolute instruction Computing.fm Page 3 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM 3 the answer will be in the ACC. Full form accumulator accelerated accelerated graphics port port /ək pɔ t/ noun full graphics seləretd r fks form of AGP acceleration time /ək selə reʃ(ə)n tam/ noun 1. the time taken for a disk drive to spin a disk at the correct speed, from rest ć Allow for acceleration time in the access time. 2. the total time between an access instruction’s issue to a peripheral and the transfer of the data accelerator board /ək selə retə bɔ d/, accelerator card /ək selə retə kɑ d/ noun a circuit board that carries a faster or more advanced version of the same processor that runs your computer. Adding an accelerator board to your computer makes it run faster. accelerator key /ək selə retə ki / noun a key that, when pressed together with another, carries out a function that would otherwise have to be selected from a menu using a mouse ć Instead of selecting the File menu then the Save option, use the accelerator keys Alt and S to do the same thing and save the file. accept /ək sept/ verb to establish a session or connection with another computing device acceptable use policy /ək septəb(ə)l ju z pɒlsi/ noun a set of rules that describe what a user can write or do on the Internet without offending other users. Abbr AUP acceptance sampling /ək septəns sɑ mplŋ/ noun the testing of a small random part of a batch to see if the whole batch is up to standard acceptance test /ək septəns test/ noun a test to check that a piece of equipment will perform as required or will reach required standards acceptance testing /ək septəns testŋ/ noun the performing of an acceptance test access / kses/ noun 1. the fact of being able to reach or use something ć to have access to the computer room 2. the fact of being allowed to use a computer and read or alter files stored in it. This is usually controlled by a security device such as a password. ˽ to deny access to refuse access to a circuit or system for reasons of workload or security í verb to call up data which is stored in a computer ć acceleration time accelerator board accelerator key accept acceptable use policy acceptance sampling acceptance test acceptance testing access accession number She accessed the employee’s file stored on the computer. access arm / kses ɑ m/ noun a mechanical device in a disk drive used to position the read/write head over the correct track on a disk ć The access arm moves to the parking region during transport. access authority / kses ɔ θɒrəti/ noun permission to carry out a particular operation on data access-barred / kses bɑ d/ adjective prevented from accessing particular data access category / kses k tə (ə)ri/ noun a category that defines which files or data a user can access and which he or she cannot access channel control / kses tʃ n(ə)l kən trəυl/ noun (in a TokenRing network) the set of protocols that manage the data transfer between a station and a medium access control access charge / kses tʃɑ d / noun a cost due when logging onto a system or viewing special pages on a bulletin board access code / kses kəυd/ noun a series of characters or symbols that must be entered to identify a user before access to a computer is permitted access control / kses kən trəυl/ noun a security device such as a password that only allows selected users to use a computer system or read files access control byte / kses kən trəυl bat/ noun (in a Token-Ring network) a byte following a start marker in the token that indicates if the station can access the network access controller / kses kən trəυlə/ noun (in CD-i) an electronic device that transfers image data to the video controller access control list / kses kən trəυl lst/ noun full form of ACL access counter / kses kaυntə/ noun ‘ counter access head / kses hed/ noun the part of a disk drive that moves to the correct part of the disk’s surface and reads information stored on the disk access hole / kses həυl/ noun an opening in both sides of a floppy disk’s casing allowing the read-write head to be positioned over the disk’s surface accession number /ək seʃ(ə)n n mbə/ noun a number in a record that access arm access authority access-barred access category access channel control access charge access code access control access control byte access controller access control list access counter access head access hole accession number Computing.fm Page 4 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM access level 4 cording changes to an access path in case shows in which order each record was enof malfunction tered access level / kses lev(ə)l/ noun a access period / kses pəriəd/ noun a period of time during which a user can predefined access category (NOTE: The access data lowest access level might allow the user to only view data, the highest access levaccess permission / kses pə el allows a user to do anything.) mʃ(ə)n/ noun a description of all the acaccess line / kses lan/ noun a percess rights for a particular user manently connected communications line access point / kses pɔnt/ noun a between a terminal and a computer test point on a circuit board or in software, access log / kses lɒ / noun a file on allowing an engineer to check signals or a website server computer that contains a data record of every visitor to the website, access privilege / kses prvld / showing when a person visited and which noun the status granted to a user that alpages he or she viewed ć The access log is lows him or her to see, read or alter files invaluable – we produce graphs of the access provider / kses prə vadə/ pages that are most popular using an acnoun same as ISP cess log analyser program. access rights / kses rats/ plural access mechanism / kses noun the rights of a particular user to acmekənz(ə)m/ noun a mechanical device cess a particular file or data object that moves an access arm over the surface access time / kses tam/ noun 1. the of a disk total time that a storage device takes beaccess method / kses meθəd/ tween the moment the data is requested noun 1. a means used for the internal and the return of the data ć The access transfer of data between memory and distime of this dynamic RAM chip is around play or peripheral devices. Differences in 200nS – we have faster versions if your the methods used are often the cause of system clock is running faster. 2. the length compatibility problems. 2. a set of rules of time required to find a file or program, that allows a device to send data onto a neteither in main memory or a secondary work. Token passing and CSMA/CD are memory source two methods commonly used in a local access unit / kses ju nt/ noun (in a area network. Token-Ring network) a wiring concentraaccess method routines / kses tor meθəd ru ti nz/ plural noun software accidental / ks dent(ə)l/ adjective routines that move data between main which happens by accident ć Always keep storage and an output device backup copies in case of accidental damaccess name / kses nem/ noun a age to the master file. unique name that identifies an object in a accordion fold /ə kɔ diən fəυld/, acdatabase cordion fanfold noun method of folding access number / kses n mbə/ continuous paper, one sheet in one direcnoun the telephone number that a compution, the next sheet in the opposite directer dials up in order to be connected to an tion, allowing the paper to be fed into a Internet service provider or other network printer continuously with no action on the provider part of the user. Also called fanfold accessor / ksesə/ noun a person who account /ə kaυnt/ noun (in a network accesses data or online system) a record of a user’s accessory /ək sesəri/ noun an extra, name, password and rights to access a netadd-on device, e.g. a mouse or printer, that work or online system ć If you are a new is attached to or used with a computer ć user, you will have to ask the supervisor to The printer comes with several accessocreate an account for you. í verb to keep ries including a soundproof hood. (NOTE: track of how much time and resources The plural is accessories.) each user of a network or online system access path / kses pɑ θ/ noun a deuses scription of the location of a stored file accounting package noun a piece of within the directory structure of a disk software that automates a business’s acaccess path journalling / kses counting functions ć We now type in each pɑ θ d nəlŋ/ noun the process of retransaction into the new accounting packaccess level access period access permission access line access point access log access privilege access provider access rights access mechanism access time access method access unit access method routines accidental access name accordion fold access number accessor account accessory access path accounting package access path journalling Computing.fm Page 5 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM 5 age rather than write it into a ledger. Also called accounts package account name /ə kaυnt nem/ noun the unique name of a user on a network or online system ć John Smith’s account name is JSMITH. accounts package /ə kaυnts p kd / noun same as accounting account name accounts package package accumulate /ə kju mjυlet/ verb to accumulate gather several things together over a period of time ć We have gradually accumulated a large databank of names and addresses. (NOTE: accumulates – accumulating – accumulated) accumulator /ə kju mjυletə/, accuaccumulator mulator register noun full form of ACC accumulator address /ə kju mjυletə ə dres/ noun an address accumulator address accessed by an instruction held in the ACC accumulator shift instruction /ə accumulator shift instruction kju mjυletə ʃft n str kʃən/ noun a command to shift the contents of an ACC left or right by one bit accuracy / kjυrəsi/ noun 1. the extent to which something is correct or true 2. the extent to which a person avoids errors 3. the total number of bits used to define a number in a computer (NOTE: The more accuracy bits allocated the greater the accuracy of the definition.) accuracy accuracy control character control character kjυrəsi kən trəυl k rktə/ noun a code that indicates whether data is accurate or whether the data should be disregarded by a particular device ACD / e si di / noun a specialised telephone system that can handle lots of incoming calls and direct them to a particular operator according to programmed instructions in a database. Full form / ACD automatic call distribution ACDI abbr asynchronous communicaACDI tions device interface ACF abbr advanced communications function ACH / e si etʃ/ noun an automated network that links banks together and enables them to handle payments made from one bank to another through electronic points of sale and withdrawals from cashpoints. Full form automated clearing ACF ACH house achromatic colour / ekrəυm tk achromatic colour k lə/ noun a grey colour within the range between black and white displayed by a graphics adapter acoustic delay line ACIA / e si a e/ noun a circuit that allows a computer to transmit and receive serial data using asynchronous access. Full form asynchronous communications ACIA interface adapter ACK / e si ke/ noun a signal that is ACK sent from a receiver to indicate that a transmitted message has been received and that it is ready for the next one ć The printer generates an ACK signal when it has received data. Full form acknowledge Ackerman’s function / kəmənz f ŋkʃən/ noun a recursive function used to test the ability of a compiler to cope with recursion acknowledge /ək nɒld / noun full form of ACK í verb 1. to tell a sender that a message or letter has been received 2. to send a signal from a receiver to show that a transmitted message has been received Ackerman’s function acknowledge (NOTE: acknowledges – acknowledging – acknowledged) acknowledge character /ək nɒld k rktə/ noun a special code sent by a reacknowledge character ceiver to indicate to the transmitter that the message has been correctly received acknowledged mail /ək nɒld d mel/ noun a function that signals to the sender when an electronic mail message has been read by the recipient ACL / e si el/ noun a security system that has a list of user names and passwords that is checked by the operating system to find out if a particular user is allowed to access or use a resource or feature of the shared computer or network. Full form acacknowledged mail ACL cess control list acoustic /ə ku stk/ adjective referring acoustic to sound acoustic coupler /ə ku stk k plə/ acoustic coupler noun a device that connects to a telephone handset, converting binary computer data into sound signals to allow it to be transmitted down a telephone line COMMENT: The acoustic coupler also converts back from sound signals to digital signals when receiving messages. It is basically the same as a modem but uses a handset on which a loudspeaker is placed to send the signals rather than direct connection to the phone line. It is portable and clips over both ends of a normal telephone handset. It can be used even in a public phone booth. The acoustic coupler has generally been replaced by a direct cable link from the computer’s modem to the standard telephone socket. acoustic delay line /ə ku stk d le lan/ noun an outdated data storage methacoustic delay line Computing.fm Page 6 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM acoustic feedback 6 od that delays data in the form of sound ActionMedia / kʃən mi diə/ a trade pulses as they travel across a medium name for a digital video system developed by Intel that uses its i750 video processor acoustic feedback /ə ku stk chip to allow a computer to record, play fi db k/ noun ‘ feedback back and manipulate digital video acoustic hood /ə ku stk hυd/ noun a action message / kʃən mesd / soundproof cover put over a line printer to noun a message displayed to inform the cut down its noise user that an action or input is required acoustic memory /ə ku stk action-object / kʃən əb d ekt/ noun mem(ə)ri/ noun same as acoustic store (in a SAA CUA front end ) an object to acoustic panel /ə ku stk p n(ə)l/ which a user specifies an action should be noun a soundproof panel placed behind a applied device to reduce noise activate / kt vet/ verb 1. to start a acoustic store /ə ku stk stɔ / noun process or to make a device start working an outdated form of regenerative memory ć Pressing CR activates the printer. 2. (in that uses an acoustic delay line. Also an authoring tool or programming lancalled acoustic memory guage) to make a button or menu option or ACPI / e si pi a/ noun a software sysfield on a screen layout available to a user tem that allows the operating system to ć If the button or field is not activated, it is configure compatible hardware automatinormally displayed greyed out and does cally. Full form advanced configuration not respond if a user selects it. (NOTE: acActionMedia acoustic feedback acoustic hood action message acoustic memory action-object acoustic panel activate acoustic store ACPI and power interface acquisition / kw zʃ(ə)n/ noun the acquisition accepting, capturing or collecting of information Acrobat ‘ Adobe Acrobat ACS / e si es/ noun a computer linked Acrobat ACS to a network that controls several dial-up modems and allows remote users to connect to the server using a modem link and gain access to the network. Full form asynchronous communication server action / kʃən/ noun (in a SAA CUA front end ) a user event, e.g. pressing a speaction cial key, that moves the cursor to the action bar at the top of the screen action bar / kʃən bɑ / noun a top line of the screen that displays the menu names action bar pull-down / kʃən bɑ pυl/ noun (in a SAA CUA front end ) a feature whereby the full menu is displayed below the menu name when a user moves the cursor to a particular menu name on the action bar action code / kʃən kəυd/ noun (in a SAA CUA front end ) a single letter associated with a particular menu option to speed up selection. When the letter action code is pressed, the menu option is selected. action cycle / kʃən sak(ə)l/ noun the series of steps required to carry out a process or operation on data, e.g. reading, processing, output and storage action list / kʃən lst/ noun (in a SAA CUA front end ) a list of choices action bar action bar pull-down action code action cycle action list tivates – activating – activated) active / ktv/ adjective busy, working active or being used application / ktv pl keʃ(ə)n/ noun (in a multitasking operating system) an application currently being used by a user active area / ktv eəriə/ noun 1. (in a spreadsheet program) the area that contains data bounded by the top left hand corner and the bottom right hand cell 2. (in a graphical window) an area that will start or select a function if the user moves the pointer into it with a mouse active cell / ktv sel/ noun the spreadsheet cell that is currently selected with a cursor or pointer active code page / ktv kəυd ped / noun a code page currently in use by the system active database / ktv detəbes/ noun a database file currently being accessed by a database management program active device / ktv d vas/ noun an electronic component that requires electrical power to operate and provides gain or a logical function Active Document / ktv dɒkjυmənt/ noun a standard Windows application that is accessed from within a web browser and controlled by special commands in the webpage active file / ktv fal/ noun a file that is currently being worked on active active application active area active cell active code page active database active device Active Document active file Computing.fm Page 7 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM 7 active gateway / ktv etwe/ noun (in a network) a gateway that exchanges routing information active high / ktv ha/ noun an electronic signal that is valid when it is high or logical one or at five volts active hub / ktv h b/ noun a hub that selectively directs packets of data according to their address or content active line / ktv lan/ noun a line in a communications link or port that is being used to transfer data or carry control signals active link / ktv lŋk/ noun a link currently being used to transfer information active low / ktv ləυ/ noun an electronic signal that is valid when it is low or logical zero or at zero volts active menu / ktv menju / noun a menu selection currently displayed below a menu bar active node / ktv nəυd/ noun a node on a network connected to or available to connect to another node active pixel region / ktv pks(ə)l ri d ən/ noun an area of a computer screen that can display graphic image information active printer / ktv prntə/ noun a printer that is currently connected to the computer’s printer port active program / ktv prəυ r m/ noun (in a multitasking system) a program that is currently in control of the processor active record / ktv rekɔ d/ noun a record that is being updated or accessed active region / ktv ri d (ə)n/ noun an area on a screen that will start an action or has been defined as a hotspot Active Server Page / ktv s və ped / noun a webpage that is created only when accessed by a visitor, allowing the website to display up-to-date information or information from a database ć The database search results page is implemented as an Active Server Page. Abbr active gateway active high active hub active line active link active low active menu active node active pixel region active printer active program active record active region Active Server Page ASP active star / ktv stɑ / noun a network consisting of a central point with nodes branching out, in which a central processor controls and routes all messages between devices active state / ktv stet/ noun an electronic state in which an action occurs active star active state actual data transfer rate active storage / ktv stɔ rd / noun a main storage, fast access RAM whose locations can be directly and immediately addressed by the CPU active streaming format / ktv stri mŋ fɔ m t/ noun full form of ASF active video / ktv vdiəυ s n(ə)l/, active video signal noun a part of a video signal that contains picture information ActiveVRML / ktv vi ɑ em el/ active storage active streaming format active video ActiveVRML noun ‘ VRML active window / ktv wndəυ/ noun active window 1. an area of the display screen where the operator is currently working 2. (in a GUI or SAA CUA front end ) the window that is currently the focus of cursor movements and screen displays. ı window ActiveX / ktv eks/ a trade name for a programming language and program definition used to create small applications designed to enhance the functionality of a webpage. ı Java, VBScript ActiveX COMMENT: ActiveX applications, called applets, are often used to add database or multimedia effects to a website that cannot be supported with basic HTML commands. When a user visits the web page that uses the ActiveX applet, the program is automatically downloaded by the user’s browser and run on the user’s computer. activities / k tvtiz/ plural noun jobs or tasks which are being performed on a computer activity level / k tvəti lev(ə)l/ noun the maximum number of jobs that can run in a multitasking system activity light / k tvti lat/ noun small light or LED on the front of a disk drive or computer that indicates when the disk drive is reading or writing data to disk activity loading / k tvti ləυdŋ/ noun a method of organising disk contents so that the most often accessed files or programs can be loaded quickly activity ratio / k tvti reʃiəυ/ noun the number of files currently in use compared to the total stored activity trail / k tvti trel/ noun a record of activities carried out actual address / ktʃuəl ə dres/ noun same as absolute address actual code / ktʃuəl kəυd/ noun same as absolute code actual data transfer rate / ktʃuəl detə tr nsf ret/ noun the average number of data bits transferred in a period of time activities activity level activity light activity loading activity ratio activity trail actual address actual code actual data transfer rate Computing.fm Page 8 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM actual instruction 8 actual instruction / ktʃuəl n adaptive packet assembly /ə str kʃən/ noun the resulting instruction d ptv p kt ə sembli/ noun a method executed after the modification of an origused by the MNP error correcting protocol inal instruction to adjust the size of data packets according to the quality of the telephone line. The actuator / ktʃυetə/ noun a mechanibetter the line, the bigger the packet size. cal device that can be controlled by an external signal, e.g. the read/write head in a adaptive routing /ə d ptv ru tŋ/ disk drive noun the ability of a system to change its communications routes in response to varACU / e si ju / noun a device that alious events or situations such as line faillows a computer to call stations or dial telure (NOTE: The messages are normally ephone numbers automatically. Full form actual instruction adaptive packet assembly actuator adaptive routing ACU automatic calling unit ad abbr Andorra (NOTE: used in email and website addresses) A/D abbr analog to digital ADA / e di e/ noun a high-level proad A/D ADA gramming language that is used mainly in military, industrial and scientific fields of computing adapt /ə d pt/ verb to change, adjust or modify something so that it fits ć Can this computer be adapted to take 5.25 inch disks? adaptation / d p teʃ(ə)n/ noun the ability of a device to adjust its sensitivity range according to various situations adapter /ə d ptə/, adaptornoun a device that allows two or more incompatible devices to be connected together adapter card /ə d ptə kɑ d/ noun a card that plugs into an expansion bus in a PC and adds a new function to the computer or allows it to communicate with another device (NOTE: A sound card is a type of adapt adaptation adapter adapter card adapter card that plugs into an expansion connector and allows sound to be played back or recorded.) adapter plug /ə d ptə pl / noun a sent along the most cost-effective path unless there is a problem with that route, in which case they are automatically rerouted.) adaptive system /ə d ptv sstəm/ noun a system that is able to alter its readaptive system sponses and processes according to inputs or situations adaptor /ə d ptə/ noun another spelling of adapter ADB abbr Apple Desktop Bus ADC / e di si / noun an electronic device that converts an analog input signal to a digital form, which can be processed by a computer. Full form analog to digital adaptor ADB™ ADC converter add / d/ verb 1. to put figures together to add make a total 2. to put things together to form a larger group ć The software house has added a new management package to its range of products. addend / dend/ noun the number added to the augend in an addition adder / də/ noun a device or routine that provides the sum of two or more inputs, either digital or analog addend adder adapter plug plug that allows plugs with different numbers or shapes of pins to be fitted into the same socket adaptive channel allocation /ə d ptv tʃ n(ə)l lə keʃ(ə)n/ noun provision of communications channels according to demand rather than a fixed allocation adaptive compression /ə d ptv kəm preʃ(ə)n/ noun a data compression system that continuously monitors the data it is compressing and adjusts its own algorithm to provide the most efficient compression adaptive channel allocation adaptive compression adaptive differential pulse code modulation /ə d ptv dfə renʃ(ə)l adaptive differential pulse code modulation p ls kəυd mɒdju leʃ(ə)n/ noun full form of ADPCM COMMENT: A parallel adder takes one clock cycle to add two words, a serial adder takes a time equal to the number of bits in a word to add. adder-subtractor / də səb tr ktə/ adder-subtractor noun a device that can either add or subtract add file / d fal/ noun a file in which new records are stored prior to updating the main database add-in / d n/ noun, adjective something that is added to something else í adjective that is added to something else addition /ə dʃ(ə)n/ noun an arithmetic operation that produces the sum of an addend and augend additional /ə dʃ(ə)nəl/ adjective which is added or extra ć Can we link three additional workstations to the network? add file add-in addition additional Computing.fm Page 9 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM 9 addition record /ə dʃ(ə)n rekɔ d/ addressing method address base /ə dres bes/ noun the addition record address base noun a record with changes used to update a master record or file addition time /ə dʃ(ə)n tam/ noun the time an adder takes to carry out an addition operation addition without carry /ə dʃ(ə)n wð aυt k ri/ noun an addition operation without any carry bits or words additive colour / dətv k lə/ noun a colour produced by mixing two or three colours from red, green and blue add-on / d ɒn/ adjective added to a computer system to improve its performance ć The add-on hard disk will boost the computer’s storage capabilities. Opposite built-in í noun a piece of software or hardware that is added to a computer system to improve its performance add on board / d ɒn bɔ d/ noun same as expansion board add register / d red stə/ noun a register that is an adder address /ə dres/ noun 1. a number allowing a central processing unit to reference a physical location in a storage medium in a computer system ć Each separate memory word has its own unique address. 2. a unique number that identifies a device on a network ć This is the address at which the data starts. í verb to put the location data onto an address bus to identify which word in memory or storage device is to be accessed ć A larger address word increases the amount of memory a computer can address. addressability /ə dresə blti/ noun the control available over pixels on screen addressable /ə dresəb(ə)l/ adjective which can be addressed ć With the new operating system, all of the 5MB of installed RAM is addressable. addressable cursor /ə dresəb(ə)l k sə/ noun a cursor which can be programmed to be placed in a certain position addressable point /ə dresəb(ə)l pɔnt/ noun a point or pixel in a graphics system that can be directly addressed addressable terminal /ə dresəb(ə)l t mn(ə)l/ noun a terminal that will only accept data if it has the correct address and identification number in the message header address access time /ə dres kses tam/ noun the total time which a storage device takes between the moment the data is requested and the return of the data part of an address that defines the origin to which the logical address is added address book /ə dres bυk/ noun 1. (in a network) a list of node addresses 2. (in electronic mail ) a list of the network addresses of other users to which electronic mail can be sent address bus /ə dres b s/ noun a physical connection that carries the address data in parallel form from the central processing unit to external devices address code /ə dres kəυd/ noun a special code that identifies the part of a document that is an address address computation /ə dres kɒmpjυ teʃ(ə)n/ noun an operation on address data in an instruction address decoder /ə dres di kəυdə/ noun a logical circuit that will produce a signal when a certain address or range is placed on the address bus address field /ə dres fi ld/ noun 1. (in a network) the part of a packet that contains the address of the destination node 2. (in programming) the part of a computer instruction that contains the location of the operand address format /ə dres fɔ m t/ noun the set of rules defining the way the operands, data and addresses are arranged in an instruction address harvester /ə dres hɑ vstə/ noun a computer program that collects email addresses from the Internet address highway /ə dres hawe/ noun the set of physical connections that carry the address data in a parallel form between the central processing unit and memory or external devices addressing /ə dresŋ/ noun the process of accessing a location in memory addressing capacity /ə dresŋ kə p sti/ noun the largest location that a certain program or CPU can directly address, without special features, e.g. virtual memory or memory banks addressing level /ə dresŋ lev(ə)l/ noun zero-level: operand is the address part of the instruction; first-level: operand stored at the address of the instruction; second-level: operand stored at the address given in the instruction addressing method /ə dresŋ meθəd/ noun the manner in which a section of memory is located addition time addition without carry additive colour add-on add on board add register address addressability addressable addressable cursor addressable point addressable terminal address access time address book address bus address code address computation address decoder address field address format address harvester address highway addressing addressing capacity addressing level addressing method Computing.fm Page 10 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM addressing mode 10 adjacent domains /ə d es(ə)nt dəυ addressing mode /ə dresŋ məυd/ menz/ plural noun two domains linked noun a way in which a location is adby two adjacent nodes dressed, e.g. sequential, indexed or direct adjacent nodes /ə d es(ə)nt nəυdz/ address mapping /ə dres m pŋ/ plural noun two nodes connected by a path noun the translation of a virtual address to that does not connect any other node an absolute real address adjunct register / d ŋkt red stə/ address mark /ə dres mɑ k/ noun a noun a 32-bit register in which the top 16 special code on a disk that indicates the bits are used for control information and start of sector location data only the bottom 16 bits are available for address mask /ə dres mɑ sk/ noun a use by a program pattern of binary data bits that is used to adjustment /ə d stmənt/ noun the block out parts of an address data word. It making of a slight change made to someis normally used to separate the network thing so that it works better, or a change and subnet parts of an address within a made ć The brightness needs adjustment. long Internet or IP address. ć The address AdLib / d lb/ noun a type of sound card mask ‘111000’ will block off the last three for a PC with basic sound playback and bits of any address data. MIDI functions address modification /ə dres administrator /əd mnstretə/ noun a mɒdf keʃ(ə)n/ noun the changing of person who is responsible for looking after the address field, so that it can refer to a a network, including installing, configurdifferent location ing and maintaining it address register /ə dres red stə/ Adobe Acrobat /ə dəυbi krəb t/ a noun register in a computer that is able to trade name for a piece of software that store all the bits that make up an address converts documents and formatted pages ,which can then be processed as a single into a file format that can be viewed on alunit most any computer platform or using a address resolution /ə dres web browser on the Internet (NOTE: For rezəlu ʃ(ə)n/ noun the converting pf an example, if you publish a newsletter, you Internet address into the correct physical could lay out the pages using a desktop network address that corresponds to the publish system, print the pages for a padistant computer or resource per version and convert the files to Acrobat format allowing you to distribute the address resolution protocol /ə same formatted pages on CD-ROM or dres rezə lu ʃ(ə)n prəυtəkɒl/ noun over the Internet.) full form of ARP Adobe Systems /ə dəυbi sstəmz/ a address space /ə dres spes/ noun the software company that developed products total number of possible locations that can including Acrobat, ATM, and PostScript be directly addressed by the program or Adobe Type Manager /ə dəυbi tap CPU m nd ə/ a trade name for a standard for address strobe /ə dres strəυb/ noun a describing scalable fonts, used with Apple signal in the form of a pulse that indicates System 7 and Microsoft Windows to prothat a valid address is on the address bus vide fonts that can be scaled to almost any address track /ə dres tr k/ noun point size, and printed on almost any printtrack on a magnetic disk containing the ader. Abbr ATM dresses of files or other data stored on othADP / e di pi / noun data processing er tracks done by a computer. Full form automatic address translation /ə dres tr ns data processing leʃ(ə)n/ noun an address produced by ADPCM / e di pi si em/ noun a calculating an expression CCITT standard that defines a method of address word /ə dres w d/ noun a converting a voice or analog signal into a computer word that contains the address compressed digital signal. Full form data. In a small micro it is usually made up adaptive differential pulse code modof two data words. ulation add time / d tam/ noun a period of ADSL / e di es el/ noun high-speed time taken either by a CPU or adder to pertransmission standard that uses the same form one addition operation copper telephone wires as a normal teleaddressing mode address mapping adjacent domains adjacent nodes adjunct register address mark address mask adjustment AdLib address modification administrator address register Adobe Acrobat address resolution address resolution protocol address space Adobe Systems Adobe Type Manager address strobe address track ADP address translation ADPCM address word add time ADSL Computing.fm Page 11 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM 11 phone service, but is much faster than a standard modem or a digital system such as ISDN. Full form Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (NOTE: As well as the speed, ADSL provides a user with an ‘always on’ connection to the Internet – there is no need to dial an access number and no delay. Typically, companies provide ADSL for a fixed monthly rental; data is usually transferred from the Internet to the user’s computer at 2Mbps but transferred from the user’s computer to the Internet at a slower rate of 256Kbps.) advanced configuration and power interface /əd vɑ nst kən f jə advanced reʃ(ə)n ən paυə ntəfes/ noun full form of ACPI Advanced Micro Devices /əd vɑ nst makrəυ d vasz/ full form of Advanced Micro Devices AMD advanced peer-to-peer networking /əd vɑ nst pə tə pə netw kŋ/ advanced peer-to-peer networking noun full form of APPN advanced power management /əd advanced power management vɑ nst paυə m nd mənt/ noun full form of APM advanced program to program communications /əd vɑ nst advanced program to program communications prəυ r m tə prəυ r m kə mju n keʃ(ə)nz/ noun full form of APPC Advanced Research Projects Agency Network /əd vɑ nst ri s tʃ Advanced Research Projects Agency Network prɒd ekts ed (ə)nsi netw k/ noun full form of ARPANET advanced run-length limited /əd vɑ nst r n leŋθ lmtd/ noun a method of storing data onto a hard disk that is faster and more efficient than RLL. Abbr advanced run-length limited ARLL advanced technology attachment advanced technology attachment /əd vɑ nst tek nɒləd i noun full form of ATA ə t tʃmənt/ advanced technology attachment packet interface /əd vɑ nst tek advanced technology attachment packet interface nɒləd i ə t tʃmənt p kt ntəfes/ noun a type of standard interface that is used for CD-ROMs. Abbr ATAPI. Also called ATA packet interface Advanced Television Systems Committee /əd vɑ nst telv (ə)n Advanced Television Systems Committee sstəmz kə mti/ noun full form of ATSC version /əd vɑ nst v ʃ(ə)n/ noun a program with more complex features for use by an experienced user advanced advanced version aggregate bandwidth advanced wave modulation /əd advanced wave modulation vɑ nst wev mɒdjυleʃ(ə)n/ noun full form of AWM advisory lock /əd vaz(ə)ri lɒk/ noun (in a multitasking system) a lock placed on a region of a file by one process to prevent any other process accessing the same data advisory system /əd vaz(ə)ri sstəm/ noun an expert system that provides advice to a user aerial perspective / eəriəl pə spektv/ noun a view of a three-dimensional landscape as if the viewer is above the scene AFAIK abbr as far as I know (NOTE: used advisory lock advisory system aerial perspective AFAIK in emails and text messages) marketing /ə fliət mɑ ktŋ/ noun a type of marketing that uses a central website to advertise and sell products and services from other sites affirmative /ə f mətv/ adjective meaning ‘yes’ ˽ the answer was in the affirmative the answer was ‘yes’ affirmative acknowledgement /ə f mətv ək nɒld mənt/ noun an ACK from the receiver that it has accepted the message and is ready for the next one AFIPS abbr American Federation of Information Processing Societies AFP / e ef pi / noun a protocol used to communicate between workstations and servers in a network of Apple Macintosh computers. Full form Appletalk Filing affiliate affiliate marketing affirmative affirmative acknowledgement AFIPS AFP Protocol afterglow / ɑ ftə ləυ/ noun afterglow ‘ persist- ence after-image / ɑ ftə md / noun a copy of a block of data that has been modified AGC / e d i si / noun an electronic circuit that adjusts the level of an incoming signal so that it is suitable for the next part of the circuit. Full form automatic gain after-image AGC control agent / ed ənt/ noun 1. a program or piece of software that runs on a workstation in a network and sends performance and statistical information about the workstation to a central network management console 2. a series of commands or actions that are carried out automatically on a particular file or data aggregate / r ət/ noun a collection of data objects aggregate bandwidth / r ət b ndwdθ/ noun the total bandwidth of a agent aggregate aggregate bandwidth Computing.fm Page 12 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM aggregate function 12 about something ć The alert box warned channel carrying a multiplexed data stream me that I was about to delete all my files. alert condition /ə l t kən dʃ(ə)n/ aggregate function / r ət noun a status of a particular object or def ŋkʃən/ noun a mathematical database vice that triggers an alarm function performed on a selected field in every record in a selected database algebra / ld brə/ noun the use of letters in certain mathematical operations to aggregate line speed / r ət lan represent unknown numbers or a range of spi d/ noun the maximum speed at which possible numbers data can be transmitted through a particualgebraic language / ld brek lar channel l ŋ wd / noun a context-free language aggregate operator / r ət ALGOL / l ɒl/ noun a high-level proɒpəretə/ noun a command in a database gramming language using algorithmic management program that starts an aggremethods for mathematical and technical gate function applications. Full form algorithmic lanAGP / e d i pi / noun a dedicated bus guage between a graphics controller and main algorithm / l ərð(ə)m/ noun a set of memory that allows data to be transferred rules used to define or perform a specific very quickly without using the main proctask or to solve a specific problem essor. Full form accelerated graphics aggregate function alert condition algebra aggregate line speed algebraic language aggregate operator ALGOL AGP algorithm port (NOTE: It is used with the Intel Pentium II processor to provide very highspeed three-dimensional graphics and video processing. This port does not replace a PCI bus but works with it.) AI / e a/ noun the design and developAI ment of computer programs that attempt to imitate human intelligence and decisionmaking functions, providing basic reasoning and other human characteristics. Full form artificial intelligence. ı IKBS aiming symbol / emŋ smb(ə)l/, aiming field noun a symbol displayed on screen which defines the area in which a light-pen can be detected airbrush / eə br ʃ/ noun (in graphics software) a painting tool that creates a diffuse pattern of dots, like an mechanical airbrush ć We used the airbrush to create the cloud effects in this image. air gap / eə p/ noun a narrow gap between a recording or playback head and the magnetic medium AIX / e a eks/ a trade name for a version of UNIX produced by IBM to run on its range of PCs, minicomputers and mainframes. Full form advanced interactive aiming symbol airbrush air gap AIX executive A law / ə lɔ / noun a method of encoding A law digital audio data so that an 8-bit data word can contain a 13-bit audio sample alert /ə l t/ noun a warning message sent from software to warn a person or application that an error or problem has occurred alert box /ə l t bɒks/ noun a warning panel displayed on screen to warn a user alert alert box ‘…image processing algorithms are step by step procedures for performing image processing operations’ [Byte] ‘…the steps are: acquiring a digitized image, developing an algorithm to process it, processing the image, modifying the algorithm until you are satisfied with the result’ [Byte] algorithmic / l ə rðmk/ adjective algorithmic expressed using algorithms algorithmic language / l ərðmk algorithmic language l ŋ wd / noun full form of ALGOL alias / eliəs/ noun a representative name alias given to a file, port, device or spreadsheet cell or range of cells ć The operating system uses the alias COM1 to represent the serial port address 3FCh. aliasing / eliəsŋ/ noun jagged edges that appear along diagonal or curved lines displayed on a computer screen caused by the size of each pixel alias name / eliəs nem/ noun another name that is used on a network instead of the user name alien / eliən/ adjective not fitting the usual system alien disk / eliən dsk/ noun a disk formatted on another system or containing data in a format that cannot be read or understood ć When you have an alien disk select the multi-disk option to allow you to turn the disk drive into an alien disk reader. alien disk reader / eliən dsk ri də/ noun an add-on device that allows a computer to access data on disks from other computers or systems align /ə lan/ verb 1. to make sure that the characters to be printed are spaced and levelled correctly, either vertically or horialiasing alias name alien alien disk alien disk reader align Computing.fm Page 13 Friday, December 19, 2003 7:16 PM 13 zontally 2. to arrange numbers into a column with all figured lines up against the right hand side (right-aligned) or the lefthand side (left-aligned) 3. to ensure that a read/write head is correctly positioned over the recording medium aligner /ə lanə/ noun a device used to make sure that the paper is straight in a printer aligning edge /ə lanŋ ed / noun an edge of an optical character recognition system used to position a document alignment /ə lanmənt/ noun the correct spacing and levelling of printed characters ˽ in alignment correctly aligned alignment pin /ə lanmənt pn/ noun a peg that fits in a hole to ensure that two devices are correctly aligned allocate / lə ket/ verb to divide a period of time or a piece of work in various ways and share it out between users ć The operating system allocated most of main memory to the spreadsheet program. aligner aligning edge alignment alignment pin allocate (NOTE: allocates – allocating – allocated) allocation / lə keʃ(ə)n/ noun the diallocation viding of something such as memory, disk space, printer use, operating system time, or a program or device in various ways allocation routine / lə keʃ(ə)n ru ti n/ noun a short program that divides the memory resources of a system between the software and peripherals that use it allocation unit / lə keʃ(ə)n ju nt/ noun a sector or set of sectors on a hard disk that is used to store a file or part of a file all points addressable mode / ɔ l pɔnts ə dresəb(ə)l məυd/ noun a graphics mode in which each pixel can be individually addressed and its colour and attributes defined. Also called APA mode alpha / lfə/ noun 1. same as alpha test ć The new software is still in an alpha product stage. 2. an item of data that defines the properties of a pixel or part of an image ALPHA / lfə/ noun a 64-bit RISC processor chip developed by Digital Equipment Corporation alpha beta technique / lfə bi tə tek ni k/ noun a free structure technique used in artificial intelligence for solving game and strategy problems allocation routine allocation unit all points addressable mode alpha ALPHA alpha beta technique alphabetic alphabetic character set character set lfəbetk k rktə set/ noun the set of characters, both capitals and small letters, that make up the alphabet / alphanumeric operand alphabetic string / lfəbetk strŋ/ alphabetic string noun a string that only contains alphabetic characters alphabetise / lfəbetaz/, alphabetize verb to put items into alphabetical order ć Enter the bibliographical information and alphabetise it. (NOTE: alphabetises – alphabetising – alphabetised) alpha blending / lfə blendŋ/ noun control over the transparency of a graphical object, normally used to display complex graphical objects such as glass and water alpha channel / lfə tʃ n(ə)l/ noun (in 32-bit graphics systems) the top eight bits that define the properties of a pixel (NOTE: The lower 24 bits define the pixel’s colour.) alphageometric / lfəd i əυ metrk/ adjective referring to a set of codes that instruct a teletext terminal to display various graphics patterns or characters alphameric / lfə merk/ adjective US same as alphanumeric alphamosaic / lfəməυ zek/ adjective (character set) used in teletext to provide alphanumeric and graphics characters alphanumeric / lfənjυ merk/ adjective using the letters of the alphabet, the Arabic numerals and punctuation marks (NOTE: The US term is alphameric.) alphanumeric array / lfənjυmerk ə re/ noun an array whose elements are letters and numbers alphabetise alpha blending alpha channel alphageometric alphameric alphamosaic alphanumeric alphanumeric array alphanumeric alphanumeric characters characters lfənjυmerk k rktəz/ plural noun Roman letters and Arabic numerals and other signs such as punctuation marks. Also called alphanumerics alphanumeric data / lfənjυmerk detə/ noun data that represents the letters of the alphabet and the Arabic numerals / alphanumeric data alphanumeric alphanumeric display display lfənjυmerk d sple/ noun a display device able to show characters as well as numbers alphanumeric key / lfənjυmerk ki / noun a keyboard key which produces a letter, symbol or figure / alphanumeric key alphanumeric alphanumeric keyboard keyboard lfənjυmerk ki bɔ d/ noun a keyboard containing character keys as well as numerical keys / alphanumeric alphanumeric operand / operand lfənjυmerk ɒpər nd/ noun an oper-
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