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Trang chủ Nghiên cứu về hoạt động tranh luận của sinh viên bằng kép năm 2...

Tài liệu Nghiên cứu về hoạt động tranh luận của sinh viên bằng kép năm 2


Mô tả:

Debate is a notable activity applied in different fields, especially in teaching and learning English as a second language. Henceforth, this research scrutinized into the debate activity of 59 double-degree sophomores in FELTE, ULIS. After a long process of data analysis and synthesis with the assistance of qualitative and quantitative methods (via observation, questionnaire and interview), it has been unveiled that there were a large number of not only plus points but also drawbacks when implementing debate on these kinds of participants. Students claimed that their language skills, idea brainstorming skill, argumentation skill, critical thinking skills, several language elements, soft skills, vocabulary, background knowledge, polite manner and bias reduction were significantly improved. On the other hand, external factors such as the lack of technological devices, heavy workload along with internal factors, namely the students’ lack of confidence, limited background knowledge, time management skill, bias towards subject matter, weak non-verbal languages or weak language proficiency, led to numerous challenges for the students involved

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